diff --git a/src/main.py b/src/main.py
index 6e574fd..e7eb4d5 100755
--- a/src/main.py
+++ b/src/main.py
@@ -88,6 +88,8 @@ def main():
                   # File Icon - Link - Size - Time
                   droot = (dirname == '.' and filename)
                   path = (dirname == '.' and filename or dirname + '/' + filename)
+                  # Join Parent Directory and File Name with extension
+                  fName = os.path.join(pDirname, filename)
                   f.write("<tr class=\"w-1/4 border-b dark:border-primary-darker hover:bg-primary-100 dark:hover:bg-primary-dark\">" +
                           "<th scope=\"row\" class=\"p-2 lg:px-6 font-medium whitespace-nowrap flex align-middle\">\n" +
                           "<a class=\"flex flex-nowrap items-center my-auto dark:text-light\" href=\"" + filename + "\" target=\"_blank\">" +
@@ -95,22 +97,17 @@ def main():
                           "<td class=\"size\">" + get_file_size(path) + "</td>" + 
                           "<td class=\"time\">" + get_file_modified_time(path) + "</td>")
-                  if droot:
-                    f.write("<td></td></tr>\n")
-                  else:  
+                  if not droot: 
                     # File Preview - filename relative path
                     f.write("<td class=\"flex flex-nowrap items-center justify-center\">" + 
                           "<a class=\"preview m-1 mb-1 py-1 bg-gray-100 rounded-md hover:text-light hover:bg-primary dark:bg-dark dark:hover:bg-dark dark:hover:text-light\" title=\"Preview File\" x-on:click=\"openWithSelfMain('" + filename + "','codemo','960','540')\">" +
-                          "<span class=\"icon-view w-4 h-4 mx-2\"></span></a>")
-                  # Join Parent Directory and File Name with extension
-                  fName = os.path.join(pDirname, filename)
-                  # GitHub Link to Edit 
-                  f.write("<a class=\"edit m-1 mb-1 py-1 bg-gray-100 rounded-md hover:text-light hover:bg-primary dark:bg-dark dark:hover:bg-dark dark:hover:text-light\" href=\"" + uEdit + fName + "\"  target=\"_blank\" title=\"Edit File\">" +
+                          "<span class=\"icon-view w-4 h-4 mx-2\"></span></a>" + 
+                          "<a class=\"edit m-1 mb-1 py-1 bg-gray-100 rounded-md hover:text-light hover:bg-primary dark:bg-dark dark:hover:bg-dark dark:hover:text-light\" href=\"" + uEdit + fName + "\"  target=\"_blank\" title=\"Edit File\">" +
                           "<span class=\"icon-edit w-4 h-4 mx-2\"></span></a>" +
-                          # GitHubBlob URL to Download
                           "<a class=\"download m-1 mb-1 py-1 bg-gray-100 rounded-md hover:text-light hover:bg-primary dark:bg-dark dark:hover:bg-dark dark:hover:text-light\" @click=\"GitZip.zipRepo('" + uBlob + fName + "'); await $nextTick(); $notify('Downloading file...')\" title=\"Download File\">" +
-                          "<span class=\"icon-download w-4 h-4 mx-2\"></span></a></td></tr>\n")
+                          "<span class=\"icon-download w-4 h-4 mx-2\"></span></a></td></tr>\n") 
+                  else: 
+                    f.write("<td></td></tr>\n")