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Ghislain B edited this page Mar 11, 2016 · 27 revisions

#Angular Validation (Directive/Service)

Forms Validation with Angular made easy (same as Laravel)!

Form validation after user stop typing (default 1sec). Angular-Validation is an angular directive/service with locales (languages) with a very simple approach of defining your validation="" directly within your element to validate (input, textarea, etc) and...that's it!!! The directive/service will take care of the rest!

The base concept is not new, it comes from the easy form input validation approach of Laravel Framework as well as PHP Gump Validation. They are both PHP frameworks and use a very simple approach, so why not re-use the same concept over Angular as well? Well it's now made available with a few more extras.

For a smoother user experience, I also added validation on inactivity (timer/debounce). So validation will not bother the user while he is still typing... though as soon as the user pauses for a certain amount of time, then validation comes into play. It's worth knowing that this inactivity timer is only available while typing, if user focuses away from his input (onBlur) it will then validate instantly.

Supporting AngularJS 1.3.x-1.5.x branch (current code should work with 1.2.x just the same, but is no more verified)

Now support Service using the same functionalities as the Directive. Huge rewrite to have a better code separation and also adding support to Service functionalities. Specifically the validation-rules was separated to add rules without affecting the core while validation-common is for shared functions (shared by Directive/Service).

Validation summary was also recently added to easily show all validation errors that are still active on the form and you can also use 2 ways of dealing with the Submit button.

Live Demo


##Like the project? If you start using Angular-Validation, please click on the Star and add it as a favorite. The more star ratings there is, the more chances it could be found by other users inside the popular trend section. That is the only support I ask you... thanks ;)

Tested with Protractor

Angular-validation now has a full set of End-to-End tests with Protractor, there is over 1800+ assertions, it starts by testing the original live demo page and then goes on with a complete test suite of All Validators in both the Angular-Validation Directive and Service.

Why use angular-validation?

Angular-validation was develop with simplicity and DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) concept in mind. You can transform this:

<input type="text" name="username" ng-model="user.username" ng-minlength="3" ng-maxlength="8" required />
<div ng-show="form.$submitted || form.user.$touched">
  <span ng-show="userForm.username.$error.minlength" class="help-block">Username is too short.</p>
  <span ng-show="userForm.username.$error.maxlength" class="help-block">Username is too long.</p>
<input type="text" name="firstname" ng-model="user.firstname" ng-minlength="3" ng-maxlength="50" required />
<div ng-show="form.$submitted || form.user.$touched">
  <span ng-show="userForm.firstname.$error.minlength" class="help-block">Firstname is too short.</p>
  <span ng-show="userForm.firstname.$error.maxlength" class="help-block">Firstname is too long.</p>
<input type="text" name="lastname" ng-model="user.lastname" ng-minlength="2" ng-maxlength="50" required />
<div ng-show="form.$submitted || form.user.$touched">
  <span ng-show="userForm.lastname.$error.minlength" class="help-block">Lastname is too short.</p>
  <span ng-show="userForm.lastname.$error.maxlength" class="help-block">Lastname is too long.</p>

into the following (errors will automatically be displayed in your chosen locale translation):

<input type="text" name="username" ng-model="user.username" validation="min_len:3|max_len:8|required"  />
<input type="text" name="firstname" ng-model="user.firstname" validation="alpha_dash|min_len:3|max_len:50|required"  />
<input type="text" name="lastname" ng-model="user.lastname" validation="alpha_dash|min_len:2|max_len:50|required"  />

The Angular-Validation will create, by itself, the necessary error message. Now imagine your form having 10 inputs, using the documented Angular way will end up being 30 lines of code, while on the other hand Angular-Validation will stay with 10 lines of code, no more... so what are you waiting for? Use Angular-Validation!!! Don't forget to add it to your favorite, click on the Star on top :)

##Where to start? So you want to use it, where do we start with all this? The best is to read the Wiki - Step by Step

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