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Istanbul BFT Test Specification

yutelin edited this page Aug 23, 2017 · 10 revisions

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Istanbul BFT Test Specification

Availability/Stress Testing

# of validators 4 7


Test cases are numbered with the format of TA-B-CC-DD where:

Symbol Description
T Numbering initial, defaults to T.
A Group. F: Functional tests. P: Performance tests.
B Attribute sub-group. U: Unit tests. S: Situational tests.
C Sequence.
D Sub-sequence.

General consensus tests

Number Item Description Expectation
TFS-01-01 Blockchain initialization Run geth init with proper gensis.json Should run without fails.
TFS-01-02 Run geth Run geth after geth init. Should run without fails.
TFS-01-03 Peer connection Run geth with static validators should be able to connect to peers admin.peers should return expected peers.
TFS-01-04 Consensus progress Validator network should be able to generate blocks Watch 100 blocks and each block should be created in 3 seconds.
TFS-01-05 Round robin proposer selection Validator network should pick proposers in round robin fashion Watch 100 blocks and make sure each validator generates at least 20 blocks in a 4 validator network.

Dynamic validators addition/removal testing

Number Item Description Expectation
TFS-02-01 Add validators Randomly add several validators Validator network should grow.
TFS-02-02 New validators consensus participation Add a new validator in validator network Watch few block and see if the newly added validator has been picked as proposer at least once.
TFS-02-03 Remove validators Randomly remove few validators Validator network should shrink.
TFS-02-04 Reduce validator network size below 2F+1 Reduce validator network size but keep it more than 2F+1. Blocks should still be created continuously.
TFS-02-05 Reduce validator network size below 2F+1 Reduce validator network size to less than 2F+1. Blocks should stop being created.

Recoverability testing

Number Item Description Expectation
TFS-03-01 Add validator to more than 2F+1 Add validators in a network with < 2F+1 validators to > 2F+1. Blocks should start being created.

Non-Byzantine faulty behavior testing

Number Item Description Expectation
TFS-04-01 Stop F validators In a 3F+1 network, stop F validators. Blocks should keep generating.

Byzantine faulty behavior testing

Number Item Description Expectation
TFS-05-01 F faulty validators In a 3F+1 network, setup F faulty validators and 2F+1 normal validators. Blocks should keep generating.

Block synchronization testing

Number Item Description Expectation
TFS-06-01 Node connection Run a 3F+1 validator network and start a new node The node should be able to connect to the validators.
TFS-06-02 Node synchronization Run a 3F+1 validator network, start a new node, and stop validator mining. The node and validators should have the same block height.

Gossip network testing

Number Item Description Expectation
TFS-07-01 Consensus on gossip network Run a weakly connected 3F+1 validator network, each validator connects to only one other validator. Block should keep generating.

Load Testing

# of validators 4 7
Block gas limit 21000*1000 21000*2000 21000*3000
Transactions per second 200 400 800
Time (seconds) 150 300 600

Send a large number of transactions

Number Item Description Expectation
TPS-01-01 Load testing with 4 nodes Run 4 validators for 150 seconds with 21000*1000 block gas limit and sending 200 transaction per second. Watch 100 blocks and measure if average block time (3s) and size (?tx).
TPS-01-02 Load testing with 7 nodes Run 7 validators for 300 seconds with 21000*2000 block gas limit and sending 400 transaction per second. Watch 100 blocks and measure if average block time (?s) and size (?tx).
TPS-01-03 Load testing with 10 nodes Run 10 validators for 600 seconds with 21000*3000 block gas limit and sending 800 transaction per second. Watch 100 blocks and measure if average block time (?s) and size (?tx).


1. Create a new blockchain with 3f+1 validators.
2. Send transactions (Use `eth_sendTransaction`).
3. See if the block creation works.

Performance Testing

# of validators 4 7
Block gas limit 21000*1000 21000*2000 21000*3000