local Narrow, parent = torch.class('nn.Narrow', 'nn.Module') function Narrow:__init(dimension,offset,length) parent.__init(self) self.dimension=dimension self.index=offset self.length=length or 1 if not dimension or not offset then error('nn.Narrow(dimension, offset, length)') end end function Narrow:updateOutput(input) local dim = self.dimension < 0 and input:dim() + self.dimension + 1 or self.dimension local length = self.length if length < 0 then length = input:size(dim) - self.index + self.length + 2 end local output=input:narrow(dim,self.index,length) self.output = self.output:typeAs(output) self.output:resizeAs(output):copy(output) return self.output end function Narrow:updateGradInput(input, gradOutput) local dim = self.dimension < 0 and input:dim() + self.dimension + 1 or self.dimension local length = self.length if length < 0 then length = input:size(dim) - self.index + self.length + 2 end self.gradInput = self.gradInput:typeAs(input) self.gradInput:resizeAs(input):zero() self.gradInput:narrow(dim,self.index,length):copy(gradOutput) return self.gradInput end