Upgrade thespian to patched 4.0.0 from a fork
Upgrade thespian to patched 4.0.0 from a fork
Block logs sent to convention leader
Block logs sent to convention leader
Force push
Block logs sent to convention leader
Block logs sent to convention leader
Switch to Thespian fork
Switch to Thespian fork
Add configurable list of downsampled tasks
Add configurable list of downsampled tasks
Remove sample threshold
Remove sample threshold
Include downsample factor in sample threshold
Include downsample factor in sample threshold
Adjust parallel_bulk thread count
Adjust parallel_bulk thread count
Switch from bulk to parallel_bulk helper in metrics
Switch from bulk to parallel_bulk helper in metrics
Add post-processing sample threshold
Add post-processing sample threshold
Change log level to INFO in SamplePostprocessor
Change log level to INFO in SamplePostprocessor
Configure Slack notifications through env
Configure Slack notifications through env