A cnn-based model for playlist cleaning and reranking integrated with the structure of super-resolution neural network.
This is one of my three projects during the internship at KKBOX. Note that although there is a Python file related to seq2seq model, this project had not supported the seq2seq model after an early experiment which shows that its performance is much worse than the cnn-based model.
- python3
- TensorFlow >= 1.2
- numpy
- tqdm
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# to install TensorFlow, you can refer to https://www.tensorflow.org/install/
This file contains raw playlists.
[date_of_created_playlist] [song_id1] [song_id2] ....
This file contains rereanked playlists corresponding to data/raw/x.txt line by line.
[date_of_created_playlist] [song_id1] [song_id2] ....
$ ./prepare_data.sh
$ python3 main.py --nn cnn --mode train
$ python3 main.py --nn cnn --mode valid
$ ./create_default_test_data.sh
$ python3 main.py --nn cnn --mode test