Chrome extension for G5's COPS Annotation Service.
These instructions presume you have a working Node.js environment.
See Appendix for one way to get up and running with Node.
- Clone this repo in your favorite command line interface.
git clone
- Install dependencies.
cd annotation-extension
npm i
- Run Development Server
npm run watch:dev
# or without hot-reload on background scripting
npm run build:dev
- Load Dev Extension in Chrome.
- Navigate to chrome://extensions/.
- Enable Developer Mode.
- Click Load Unpacked and navigate to this repo's
directory. - Use 'Inspect Background Page' to view console for background process.
TODO: joining developer Google group. Registering with Chrome Store and access to Google Payments (for managed Google accounts).
TODO: pull requests, features and feedback, contributers.
We do expect this to have a decent install base for internal teams. This configuration let's you keep the Extension installed and loaded.
- Update current branch.
cd annotation-service
git pull
- Install additional dependencies.
npm i
- Start the Development Server.
npm run watch:dev
Chrome Extension Getting Started
There are lots of ways to install Node.js on a Mac, but this way works well with our G5's user management. These are command line entries.
- Install Homebrew (requires admin privileges).
- Use brew to install NVM (Node Version Manager).
brew install nvm
- Configure NVM using post-install instructions to create
home folder and source nvm commands.
mkdir ~/.nvm
# Edit your bash env using nano or vim
nano ~/.bash_profile
# Paste the following in your profile file
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion"
# Save ^O, then Exit ^X
# Source your profile file
source ~/.bash_profile
- Use NVM to install LTS of Node.js (Must be Node 10 or newer).
nvm install --lts
- Return to Getting Started instructions.