- v1.1 STW
- v1.3 Mark STW && Sweep Parallels
- v1.5 Tri-colour marking (Mark Sweep && STW)
- v1.8 hybrid write barrier
phase 1 : mark
phase 2 : sweep
When GC Start, execute STW(Stop the world) 0. Stop the world 1. Find process , check all reachable objects and mark them 2. Sweep unmark objects 3. Start the world Encounter Problem 1.Scan all heap for marking 2.Sweep will generate heap fragments So Tri-colour marking Comming...
phase 1 : The program create all objects marked white
phase 2 : Scan all reachable objects marked gray (When GC Start)
phase 3 : Mark objects of gray (
step 1. like quote object marked gray
step 2. mark self with black
step 3. monitor memory updating && goto step 1
step 4. when gray objects disappear, sweep white objects
step 5. finally , make black to white (current gc finished,next begin)
)Solve Problem 1.Sweep && User mode logic will make currency. Encounter Problem 1.User logic will update quote object. 2.How to solve Process generating new object ? 3.How to make mark and User mode logic currency ? So Write Barrier Comming...
1.Write operator before && after compared.
2.It is first perceived by other components of the system.
(means gc processing:
monitor memory update && remark object(stop the world)
3.When process generate new object,mark gray
When Black Object quoted White Object
1.Write Barrier trigger
2.Send Signal to GC
3.GC rescan objects && mark gray
So, when GC start, whatever objects with created or quoted
once updating, mark gray.