Table of contents
- No write permission in linux
- Warning: Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes
- No change in the frontend after modify the css file
- Class 'COM' not found
- com() has been disabled for security reasons
- Access website return 500, index.php cannot require root directory and other file
- curl url started with https:// error
linux run with www account, no write permission in runtime directory, modify runtime directory permission
chmod 777 -R runtime
Funboot database use utf8mb4 by default, modify the table to utf8 or change varchar(255) to varchar(190) instead while using the field for indexs.
The css file will be published in assets directory. Delete all files in /web/assets/ and /web/backend/assets/ after edit.
Only shown in Windows, check the php_com_dotnet.dll file existing in php ext directory.
Add the code below in php.ini, then restart php-fpm
- Start > Run > services.msc > Confirm COM+ Event System service running
Comment the disable_classes in php.ini, then restart php-fpm
; disable_classes = COM
While index.php is in /www/funboot/web directory, config /www/funboot/web/.user.ini is current directory by default. so index.php cannot require other php file in the root directory.
Edit .user.ini file, change /www/funboot/web to /www/funboot
# chattr -i .user.ini
# vi .user.ini
# chattr +i .user.ini
download CA file of to c:\ directory
Enabel ca in php.ini
; A default value for the CURLOPT_CAINFO option. This is required to be an
; absolute path.
curl.cainfo =c:\cacert.pem
Restart php-fpm or admin panel.