- Directory Structure
- Convention
- Saas Introduction
- Gii:Optimize the new field added to database table re-generating model file problem, optimize the multiple language label.
- BaseModel & XxxBase:Optimize the new field added to database table re-generating model file problem, optimize the multiple language label.
- BaseController:Build-in store, optimize the same code
- System Component
- RBAC Role-based access control:Each user contain to one role or multiple role, and different roles contain different permissions
- Log Componet:View the log in the backend
- Message Componet:Mass messaging & Online feedback
- I18n & Auto translation:Multiple language & automatically translation
- Common Code
- Acceptance test:Optimize system without full testing
- Schedule Task
- Websocket
- Funboot Demo: test 123456
- FunMall Mall System Demo: Docs&Templates
- FunPay Personal Pay System Demo:
- FunCms Cms System Demo: Templates
- FunBBS BBS System Demo: Docs
- FunChat Chat Room Demo: Docs
- i18n Internationalization:optimize different translation place in backend/frontend/api
- Security
- PHP Code Style
- Code Quality
- High Concurrency & Performance(SnowFlake/Redis/Mongodb/ElasticSearch)
- Phpstorm Plugins
- Yii 2: Yii 2.x latest
- Adminlte 3.x: Adminlte 3.x Docs
- PhpSpreadsheet: xls for import and output
- File System: File system
- OAuth 2.0: OAuth 2.0 Server
- IP Info: Get ip info
- Uuid: Distributed ID
- SnowFlake: Distributed ID
- Easy Wechat: Easy Wechat for wechat
- php-simple-html-dom-parser: Simple Html Dom parse
- Workerman: Websocket based on Workerman, provide a chat room with history message
- Pinyin: Chinese pinyin
- Treegrid: Yii Tree grid
- yii2-scheduling: Schedule Task
- Swagger: Api Swagger
- Qrcode: Docs
- IconPicker: fontawesome icon picker
- Toastr:
- Sweetalert2:
- Kartik Widgets: Kartik Components
- jsTree: