After a long time I decided to share my Personal Weather Station.
It is based on my PMS library (
Before uploading code, change configuration:
// Don't touch this ;-)
// #define FU_PROFILE
#include "Settings.h"
// Debug (D4)
#define DBG Serial1
// Webservice
static const char* WS_UA = "AQMS/2.0";
static const char* WS_TOKEN = "YOUR TOKEN";
static const char* WS_URL = "YOUR SERVER SCRIPT";
// Wireless credentials
static const char* WL_SSID = "YOUR SSID";
static const char* WL_PASS = "YOUR PASSWORD";
static const uint8_t WL_CHANNEL = 0;
// OTA credentials
static const char* BE_USERNAME = "admin";
static const char* BE_PASSWORD = "admin";
// PMS configuration (INTERVAL & DELAY can't be equal!!!)
static const uint32_t PMS_READ_INTERVAL = 150000;
static const uint32_t PMS_READ_DELAY = 30000;
// Takes N samples and counts the average
static const uint8_t PMS_READ_SAMPLES = 2;
#endif // FU_PROFILE
Board settings
Board identification
If you have any problems, use flashInfo() function to identify board or CheckFlashConfig.ino (it's the same). This is very imporant for OTA update.
I don't have necessary components for Fritzing, sorry...
Component | WeMos | Note |
Debug output | D4 | |
Battery monitor | A1 | 100k resistor in series (max. 4.2V). |
PMS7003 | TX => RX RX => TX VCC => 5V GND => GND |
Disconnect before programming via a usb port! |
SHT31-D | SDA => D1 SCL => D2 VCC => 3.3V GND => GND |
For temperature and humidity (built-in heater). |
BME280 | SDA => D1 SCL => D2 VCC => 3.3V GND => GND |
For pressure and temperature (temperature and humidity as backup). |
Alternative sensors
I testet many sensors... The following list shows my ranking.
Rank | Sensor | Note |
1 | SHT31-D | Temperature, Humidity (built-in heater, Filter Caps are also available). |
2 | BMP280 | Temperature, Pressure. |
3 | BMP180 | Temperature, Pressure. |
4 | BME280 | Temperature, Humidity, Pressure. |
5 | DHT22 (AM2302) | Temperature, Humidity. |
Don't use BME280 for measuring temperature... I get readings overstated more than 2°C.
DHT22 is also a bad choice for measuring humidity.
Best combo for me is SHT31-D with BMP280, but BMP280 stopped working properly before publishing this project and I use BME280 now.
- Radiation shield TFA 98.1114.02
- Wemos D1 ESP-WROOM-02
- Plantower PMS7003
- SHT31-D
- BME280
- Pollution
- Temperature and humidity
- Pressure
- Battery voltage
- OTA update over Wi-Fi
- Sending data to the server
- Mobility (Lithium-ion battery)
- Battery monitor
- File logging
Up to 8 hours with listed conditions:
- Default configuration
- Li-Ion ~1500mAh
- Temperature ~3°C
In surface mounted S-BOX 116B IP65 (old hardware).
Merged with my previous meteorological station in the radiation shield.
Mounted on the balcony and powered through a thin cable connected to a PC USB.
USB socket in WeMos was removed (accidentally ;-).
Couple pictures from inside.
Table structure
CREATE TABLE `weather_pms` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`pm1` smallint(6) DEFAULT NULL,
`pm25` smallint(6) DEFAULT NULL,
`pm10` smallint(6) DEFAULT NULL,
`rv` smallint(6) DEFAULT NULL,
`v` float(4,2) DEFAULT NULL,
`temperature` float(4,2) DEFAULT NULL,
`humidity` float(4,2) DEFAULT NULL,
`pressure` float(6,2) DEFAULT NULL,
`bm280_temp` float(4,2) DEFAULT NULL,
`bm280_hum` float(4,2) DEFAULT NULL,
Sample data
id dt pm1 pm25 pm10 rv v temperature humidity pressure bm280_temp bm280_hum
------ ------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ----------- -------- -------- ---------- -----------
146810 2018-12-17 22:00:57 22 40 52 1024 4.20 -0.79 95.15 1008.28 -0.26 81.28
146809 2018-12-17 21:57:57 26 44 66 1024 4.20 -0.72 94.94 1008.31 -0.17 80.95
146808 2018-12-17 21:54:57 22 36 40 1024 4.20 -0.76 94.93 1008.31 -0.28 81.25
146807 2018-12-17 21:51:57 18 34 43 1024 4.20 -0.79 95.20 1008.26 -0.17 81.19
146806 2018-12-17 21:48:57 16 34 50 1024 4.20 -0.92 95.49 1008.25 -0.35 81.66
146805 2018-12-17 21:45:57 22 40 52 1024 4.20 -0.93 95.45 1008.27 -0.41 81.77
I have PHP script on my VPS server where I receive POST data. These data are then sent (after some calculations) to:
- SQL Database
What calculations do I mean? For example:
- Reduced pressure
- Heat Index
- Dev Point
I also reject the results below a certain voltage.
For simplicity, I share only a basic ws.php script. Rest is in your gesture.
ini_set('display_errors', 0);
// define('FU_PROFILE', true);
if (defined('FU_PROFILE')) {
require_once 'config.php';
} else {
define('WS_TOKEN', 'YOUR TOKEN');
define('DB_HOST', 'YOUR DB HOST');
define('DB_USER', 'YOUR DB USER');
define('DB_PASS', 'YOUR DB PASS');
define('DB_NAME', 'YOUR DB NAME');
class DB
private static $db = null;
private function __construct()
public static function getConnection()
if (self::$db == null) {
$dsn = sprintf('mysql:dbname=%s;host=%s', DB_NAME, DB_HOST);
$options = array(
self::$db = new PDO($dsn, DB_USER, DB_PASS, $options);
return self::$db;
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_TOKEN']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_TOKEN'] == WS_TOKEN) {
// Allowed fields
$whiteList = [
'pm1', 'pm25', 'pm10',
'rv', 'v',
'temperature', 'humidity', 'pressure', 'bm280_temp', 'bm280_hum'
// Clear array
$whiteList = array_fill_keys($whiteList, NULL);
// Prepare array
$storeData = [];
$storeData = array_merge($storeData, $whiteList, array_intersect_key($_POST, $whiteList));
try {
$db = DB::getConnection();
$stm = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO weather_pms SET dt = NOW(), ' . implode(',', array_map(function ($key) {
return $key . ' = :' . $key;
}, array_keys($storeData))));
} catch(PDOException $e) {
exit('DB error');
- Add a GPS module for use in the field (
UTC time from GPS is an extra bonus for work in offline mode.