Used to organize and execute a set of systems within a SystemRoot.
Classes | |
BaseSystem | Base class for all systems either a query system, a custom system or a system group. |
QuerySystem | A query system returning entities with the specified component type via its Query property. |
QuerySystem<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> | A query system returning entities with the specified component types via its Query property. |
QuerySystem<T1,T2,T3,T4> | A query system returning entities with the specified component types via its Query property. |
QuerySystem<T1,T2,T3> | A query system returning entities with the specified component types via its Query property. |
QuerySystem<T1,T2> | A query system returning entities with the specified component types via its Query property. |
QuerySystem<T1> | A query system returning entities with the specified component type via its Query property. |
QuerySystemBase | A query system returning the components specified in a subclass extending QuerySystem<T1, ... , Tn> . |
SystemExtensions | Contains System extension methods. |
SystemGroup | Contains a list of ChildSystems which are executed by calling Update(UpdateTick). Each group has a CommandBuffer per EntityStore. |
SystemRoot | A SystemRoot setup a system hierarchy required to execute systems with Update(UpdateTick). |
Structs | |
SystemChanged | The event for event handlers added to OnSystemChanged. |
SystemMatch | Information of a matching system returned by GetMatchingSystems(this SystemGroup, Archetype, List<SystemMatch>, bool). |
SystemPerf | Provide performance statistics of system execution via the system property Perf. |
Enums | |
SystemChangedAction | The type of SystemChanged event. See: Remove, Add, Move or Update a system. |