Parser for Cisco IOS VLAN database files.
This is a module and a utility to get some information from a vlan.dat.
More details about the file structure and the reverse engineering are available here: Wiki: vlan.dat
$ ./ -f vlan.dat
VTP Version : 1
Configuration Revision : 3
Number of existing VLANs : 7
VTP Operating Mode : server
VTP Domain Name :
VTP Password :
VTP Pruning Mode : disabled
VTP V2 Mode : disabled
MD5 digest : 0x17 0xFA 0xF9 0xF6 0x7A 0x7B 0x81 0xB3
0x09 0xDE 0x5A 0x9C 0x5E 0x4B 0x72 0xCE
Configuration last modified by at 1993-03-02 02:55:30
ID Name Type MTU SAID State Ring Parent RemoteSPAN STP Bridge STE BackupCRF ARE BridgeMode Trans1 Trans2
1 default enet 1500 100001 active 0 0 0 none 0 0 disabled 0 none 0 0
10 GastWlan enet 1500 100010 active 0 0 0 none 0 0 disabled 0 none 0 0
13 Voice enet 1500 100013 active 0 0 0 none 0 0 disabled 0 none 0 0
1002 fddi-default fddi 1500 101002 active 0 0 0 none 0 0 disabled 0 none 0 0
1003 token-ring-default trcrf 1500 101003 active 0 0 0 none 0 7 disabled 7 none 0 0
1004 fddinet-default fdnet 1500 101004 active 0 0 0 ieee 0 0 disabled 0 none 0 0
1005 trnet-default trbrf 1500 101005 active 0 0 0 ibm 0 0 disabled 0 none 0 0
Import the module.
>>> import vlandat
Parse the data from file vlan.dat.
>>> vlan_dat = vlandat.VLANdat("vlan.dat")
List all VLANs with ID
>>> [(vlan.vlan, for vlan in vlan_dat.vlans if vlan.type == vlandat.VLANType.enet]
[(1, 'default'), (333, 'affe'), (666, 'entensuppe'), (999, 'banane')]
Show VTP mode.
>>> vlan_dat.vtp_mode
<VTPMode.server: 2>
Get the name of the VTP mode as string.