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Standup Notes 2020 11 24

Erik Moeller edited this page Nov 25, 2020 · 1 revision

Participants (alphabetical): Conor, Erik, Kevin, Kushal, Mickael, Nina, Ro

Topics and Call-outs

SecureDrop Client - Qt compat issue

(Mickael) PR for Qt debug docs is ready for review, links Qt system libraries with debug symbols. I'm not sure, however, what useful information we can gain from these logs. It would be good for someone else to weigh in on whether this adds useful info for debugging, and to attempt to reproduce these instructions. The PR is:

(Kushal) I'll take a look!

(Mickael) Re:, right now there is a discrepancy between the pyqt wheels fetched by pip and the system pyqt packages. One suggestion in that PR is to bundle a pyqt wheel as part of the Debian package. There are many implications (build process, code integrity, etc.) to that, wondering if folks have strong thoughts.

(Kushal) Another option to consider is pyside2 -- the official Python bindings for Qt. Micah is considering that for OnionShare. Major work is on the import statements.

(Mickael) What's the difference really?

(Kushal) Very different implementations; pyside2 is the officially supported version. Pyqt was always done by a separate company called Riverbank Computing. When Nokia bought Qt, they said we should release our own bindings.

(Erik) We have to ship Qt itself with deb package if we bundle PyQt?

(Kushal) Yes, that's why it goes to 100MB+. We could store it in our own mirror. Even with pyside2 we might end up doing the same thing.

(Erik) Let's discuss more with Allie; sounds like we may want to focus first on seeing if we can fix seen/unseen issues without major migration.

(Mickael) We should think about build & code integrity story as we make any changes here.

Transition to Kanban period

  • We're still in the sprint until EOD tomorrow. After that, we'll transition to a Kanban model through December.

  • We've populated the "Nominated for Kanban period" column with some high priority cards, but you're also welcome to advance other cards from the backlogs.

  • This is a temporary change to allow for some sustained attention to technical debt & known improvement opportunities.

  • Please use self-assignment judiciously to avoid stepping on each other's toes.

    • +1 =)Yuuuppp

OSSEC issue on Focal

  • All findings are in comment

  • (Mickael) Have you confirmed that messages are received by mon?

  • (Kushal) Not yet.

  • (Mickael) You can look at /var/log/ossec/alerts.log to confirm. Have you looked at upstream OSSEC to see how they handle the service files?

  • (Kushal) Last I looked I didn't find anything. One of the services related to OSSEC should run in app. ossec-agent or something?

  • (Mickael) Do we need a conditional in the test?

  • (Kushal) We can keep the same test I think.

  • (Conor) Sounds reasonable.

  • (Kushal) General note: Please write code comments explaining implementation specifics when writing tests.



  • 0.5.2 release


Blockers or Asks:

  • none



  • 0.5.2 testing & support
  • UxR outreach (2 interviews lined up for next week, more in the works)
  • Accounting/payroll fun


  • Cont'd UxR outreach
  • Back to git workshop prep & other technical work as time allows

Blockers or Asks: None





  • 0.5.2 release
  • Tor UA detection update, based on Harris' findings


  • Reviewing Mickael's Tor update PR. Failing CI, updater GUI tests are having issues. Maybe we can use a different Qt plugin for the tests.
  • Reviewing John's PR QA loader script.

Blockers or Asks: None




  • sprint tasks Blockers or Asks:
  • None




  • Opened PR for CI issue; Kev will push commit to my PR
  • Look again at PyQt issue for seen/unseen

Blockers or Asks: None



  • Meetings and comms
  • Ansible/molecule/testinfra learning
  • DST process meeting debrief + next steps


Blockers or Asks:

  • no blockers
  • ask: if anyone sees any low-urgency
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