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Standup Notes 2018 10 19

Erik Moeller edited this page Oct 22, 2018 · 1 revision


Yesterday: Implemented intake survey for UX research participants and started outreach associated with it. Took a first stab at recommendations for MIME type handlers in the workstation SVS (see ). Hiring (more job board postings, candidate coordination, etc.) and assorted follow-up.

Today: Another user test, trying out Nina's new designs for "decrypting" status messaging, as well as revs to the USB flow. Great feedback from the user, 90% positive. Planning out next UX work with Nina; considering an inventory of error messages. More UX outreach, more hiring-related work and non-SD work.

Blockers: None but comments on #168 above welcome, will be important to decide on first relatively soon as we start building out the "open file" functionality





  • sdk changes are pretty much blocking me buuuut i'm blocking myself


Yesterday: Verified PR #3885 and continued testing.

Today: Set up NUCs, working on 0.9.1->0.10.0-rc3 upgrade test plan, support tasks as necessary

Blockers: None


Yesterday: Messing around with Google cloud images and build process for Nested Virt in CI

Today: ditto ^^^

Blockers: none



Updated builder image (and added builder image update check to release checklist) Reviewed and merged securedrop-workstation #169 and #170 Addressed review comments on securedrop-debian-packaging #2 Built and uploaded 0.10.0-rc3 debs to apt-test 4.4.161 securedrop kernels now work, updated the ticket and milestone for #3838


Learn about PyQT Review securedrop-workstation #170 Investigate updating logic workstation


Yesterday: UX meeting in AM. Researched and fussed with some new prototyping tools ( and Principle—both negative). Made final updates for this AM's session to existing prototype. Work on session script; work on recruiting webpage images & back/forth with Erik on that a bit. More research into other/additional prototyping tools that can import Sketch files and will support animation w/o requiring much more work outside Sketch.

Today: SYNTHESIS!!! Finally, allteh synthesis for reporting on the past 2 weeks of testing. Small amount of time looking at new Invision Studio tool (that supports animation, woo!). It is the current contender to up our prototyping game. User session in AM, followed by good discussion on future research plannings with Erik. Sleepy.

Blockers: We've run out of research participants, but I'm also looking forward to 2 days to learn Studio and get proper time-based messaging into the existing prototype!

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