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Sprint Planning Meeting 2019 08 07

Erik Moeller edited this page Aug 7, 2019 · 1 revision

Sprint Planning Meeting, SecureDrop, August 7, 2019

Sprint timeframe: Beginning of Day (PDT) 2019-08-07 to Beginning of Day (PDT) 2019-08-21

0) Mini-retrospective

What we said we would do:

  1. SecureDrop Core: Complete transition of web apps to Python3 via dh-virtualenv packaging

Sprint goal met. dh-virtualenv changes merged into SecureDrop core, one important follow-up issue identified so far ( ).

  1. SecureDrop Core: Implement basic support for v3 onion services alongside v2, configurable via sdconfig

Sprint goal partially met. sdconfig support added, v3 support is still in development.

  1. SecureDrop Workstation: Implement basic network error handling in SecureDrop client

Sprint goal partially met. More realistic network timeouts have landed, support for pausing the queue and showing errors / retry buttons as appropriate is in progress.

Other observations:

  • Delighted to see both the abundance of frontend polishing, and learning about how to work with Qt
  • new assets (both client and core) looking gorgeous
  • v3 authentication onion service took more time due to complexity for Ansible + key generation logic change in Tor v3
  • Discussion with Tor team and getting stable Tor build for SecureDrop from 1.0.0 release (good thing).
  • cleanup script tackled, grateful to John for that
  • QT's integration of CSS & other frontend quirks have proven to not be entirely straightforward, or well documented; good to document for next time (Allie may be abducted by aliens?)
  • With moderate to deep knowledge of a comitted frontend framework, good to pause to consider potential limitations for implementation as a kickoff exercise for UX work
  • New structure to UX meeting(s) given a 1-go (TL;DR, design principles & goals prioritized vs just show/tell); so far so good?

1) Review important dates and time commitments

2019-08-06 to 2019-08-08: Travel/Conference: Kevin at WordCamp for Publishers in Ohio
2019-08-07 to 2019-08-12: Travel/Conference: Jen and Mickael at DEF CON in Las Vegas
2019-08-09              : PTO: Kushal
2019-08-15              : India Holiday: Kushal (will be taking that day on the 12th instead)
2019-08-12 to 2019-08-19: PTO: John
2019-08-19 to 2019-08-30: PTO: Mickael

After sprint period:

2019-08-21 (EOD PDT)    : Feature freeze, string freeze & QA period for SecureDrop 1.0.0 Begins
2019-08-26 to 2019-08-30: PTO: Kevin
2019-09-04              : SecureDrop 1.0.0 Release

Time check:

2) Agree on must-achieve sprint goals

  1. SecureDrop Core: Land implementation of basic support for v3 onion services (including tailsconfig) and documentation for admins.

  2. SecureDrop Core: Get resolution to securedrop-security #7 ready for QA and land resolution of related SD Core Issue.

  3. SecureDrop Workstation: Land minimal integration of existing export code in the SecureDrop Client, including a revision on the UI layer for presenting file actions, names & sizes.

3) Task selection and estimation

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