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Sprint Planning Meeting 2019 04 03

Erik Moeller edited this page Apr 4, 2019 · 1 revision

Sprint Planning Meeting, SecureDrop, April 4, 2019

Sprint timeframe: Beginning of Day (PDT) 2019-04-03 Beginning of Day (PDT) 2019-04-17

0) Board review


  • (Erik) We can do a bit better on PR coordination (identifying reviewers, finishing other people's PR, not letting CI flakes block us); will try to help where I can
  • (Erik) CI is reaaaally brittle still, and we need to continue to focus on it - this could get worse, not better with functests in place (more flakiness) (add pytest and flake module?)
  • (Conor) Backporting PRs requires more communication, we've lost a few days on review due to slow backports
  • (Conor) Excellent coordination on hardware testing surrounding kernels
  • (Allie) should hardware setup be part of sprint planning? should we record how long certain tasks take and try to get better about estimating them for onboarders?
  • (nina) how can we learn from teammates difficulty in hardware setup, to improve our documentation and process for customers? :D +1 on this - it's good to capture any problems as issues so we don't lose track of them
  • (nina) to the +1; how to capture "Service Design" issues between setup-realities and documentation? -> Potential action: "setup issues" label in GH (done)

What we said we'd do:

  • Fix critical client regressions and increase test coverage
  • Continue applying client visual design
  • Break up TBB branch into individual PRs and land in develop
  1. Review important dates and time commitments
2019-04-01 to 2019-04-05: Jen and Kushal in Valencia for IFF
2019-04-07              : PTO: Erik
2019-04-08 to 2019-04-12: Kev at on-site (UK)
2019-04-08 to 2019-04-09: Remote support window (John/Mickael)
2019-04-09 to 2019-04-10: Jen and Conor at management training
2019-04-12              : PTO: Erik
2019-04-16              : Feature/String Freeze: SecureDrop 0.12.2 (EOD PDT)
2019-04-16              : Kushal in SF?

After sprint period:

2019-04-23              : Point release: SecureDrop 0.12.2
2019-04-30              : Xenial EOL date - instances not upgraded will no longer get security updates of any kind,  will be removed from directory; source interface will be disabled on those instances.

Time check:

2) Agree on must-achieve sprint goals
  • Complete key deliverables for point release: e1000e kernel, disabling source interface on Trusty instances, reverting NoScript instructions
  • Consensus on architecture and behavior for queue, so we can start implementing it next sprint
  • Finalize TBB merge
3) Task estimation

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