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Sprint Planning Meeting 2018 08 22

Erik Moeller edited this page Aug 22, 2018 · 1 revision

Sprint Planning Meeting, SecureDrop, August 22, 2018

Sprint timeframe: Beginning of Day (PDT) 2018-08-22 to Beginning of Day (PDT) 2018-09-05

0) Mini retro

Board review:

What did we get done? What do we want to change?

  • Erik: Reasonable progress but under-estimated impact of hiring-related work on Conor, Mike; we also still tend to underestimate functional testing / CI tasks.
  • Erik: Still stretching ourselves too much, considering team capacity. Hard to avoid given inter-dependencies but let's be very cognizant of where we can defer/sequence changes.
  • Conor: Getting rid of single monolithic vagrant file has implications for coming changes. Maybe do a code review session.

1) Review important dates and time commitments

2018-08-22:               0.9.0: Feature freeze (by EOD)
2018-08-24:               PTO: Erik
2018-08-24 to 2018-08-29: PTO: Harris
2018-08-27 to 2018-08-31: PTO: Kevin
2018-08-24 to 2018-08-28: PTO: Mike (move)
2018-08-30 to 2018-08-31  PTO: Emmanuel (move)
2018-08-28:               PTO: Jen
2018-08-29:               0.9.0: String freeze
2018-09-05:               0.9.0: Release (by EOD)
2018-10-25:               (Tentative) 0.1alpha release of SecureDrop Workstation

Time check:

2) Decide on must-accomplish goals. Proposed:

  • Prepare for successful release of SecureDrop 0.9.0, leveraging recent functional testing work for QA
  • Complete API proxy for SD Workstation

3) Review issues on 0.9.0 milestones that may not make it to 0.9.0

  • OSSEC update: removed from milestone
  • kernel source offer docs: removed from milestone

4) QA process:

Specific areas to test:

  • securedrop-keyring
  • API
    • Includes schema migration
  • Replies visible to journalists
    • Includes schema migration
  • Passlib
    • Includes schema migration
  • Kernel testing

5) Finalize sprint backlog and estimates:

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