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167 lines (132 loc) · 5.63 KB

File metadata and controls

167 lines (132 loc) · 5.63 KB

✅ Todo Comments

todo-comments is a lua plugin for Neovim 0.5 to highlight and search for todo comments like TODO, HACK, BUG in your code base.


✨ Features

  • highlight your todo comments in different styles
  • optionally only highlights todos in comments using TreeSitter
  • configurable signs
  • open todos in a quickfix list
  • open todos in Trouble
  • search todos with Telescope

⚡️ Requirements

📦 Installation

Install the plugin with your preferred package manager:

-- Lua
use {
  requires = "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim",
  config = function()
    require("todo-comments").setup {
      -- your configuration comes here
      -- or leave it empty to use the default settings
      -- refer to the configuration section below
" Vim Script
Plug 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim'
Plug 'folke/todo-comments.nvim'

lua << EOF
  require("todo-comments").setup {
    -- your configuration comes here
    -- or leave it empty to use the default settings
    -- refer to the configuration section below

⚙️ Configuration

Todo comes with the following defaults:

  signs = true, -- show icons in the signs column
  sign_priority = 8, -- sign priority
  -- keywords recognized as todo comments
  keywords = {
    FIX = {
      icon = "", -- icon used for the sign, and in search results
      color = "error", -- can be a hex color, or a named color (see below)
      alt = { "FIXME", "BUG", "FIXIT", "ISSUE" }, -- a set of other keywords that all map to this FIX keywords
      -- signs = false, -- configure signs for some keywords individually
    TODO = { icon = "", color = "info" },
    HACK = { icon = "", color = "warning" },
    WARN = { icon = "", color = "warning", alt = { "WARNING", "XXX" } },
    PERF = { icon = "", alt = { "OPTIM", "PERFORMANCE", "OPTIMIZE" } },
    NOTE = { icon = "", color = "hint", alt = { "INFO" } },
  merge_keywords = true, -- when true, custom keywords will be merged with the defaults
  -- highlighting of the line containing the todo comment
  -- * before: highlights before the keyword (typically comment characters)
  -- * keyword: highlights of the keyword
  -- * after: highlights after the keyword (todo text)
  highlight = {
    before = "", -- "fg" or "bg" or empty
    keyword = "wide", -- "fg", "bg", "wide" or empty. (wide is the same as bg, but will also highlight surrounding characters)
    after = "fg", -- "fg" or "bg" or empty
    pattern = [[.*<(KEYWORDS)\s*:]], -- pattern or table of patterns, used for highlightng (vim regex)
    comments_only = true, -- uses treesitter to match keywords in comments only
    max_line_len = 400, -- ignore lines longer than this
    exclude = {}, -- list of file types to exclude highlighting
  -- list of named colors where we try to extract the guifg from the
  -- list of hilight groups or use the hex color if hl not found as a fallback
  colors = {
    error = { "LspDiagnosticsDefaultError", "ErrorMsg", "#DC2626" },
    warning = { "LspDiagnosticsDefaultWarning", "WarningMsg", "#FBBF24" },
    info = { "LspDiagnosticsDefaultInformation", "#2563EB" },
    hint = { "LspDiagnosticsDefaultHint", "#10B981" },
    default = { "Identifier", "#7C3AED" },
  search = {
    command = "rg",
    args = {
    -- regex that will be used to match keywords.
    -- don't replace the (KEYWORDS) placeholder
    pattern = [[\b(KEYWORDS):]], -- ripgrep regex
    -- pattern = [[\b(KEYWORDS)\b]], -- match without the extra colon. You'll likely get false positives

🚀 Usage

Todo matches on any text that starts with one of your defined keywords (or alt) followed by a colon:

  • TODO: do something
  • FIX: this should be fixed
  • HACK: weird code warning

Todos are highlighted in all regular files.

Each of the commands below can have an options argument to specify the directory to search for comments, like:

:TodoTrouble cwd=~/projects/foobar

🔎 :TodoQuickFix

This uses the quickfix list to show all todos in your project.


🔎 :TodoLocList

This uses the location list to show all todos in your project.


🚦 :TodoTrouble

List all project todos in trouble

See screenshot at the top

🔭 :TodoTelescope

Search through all project todos with Telescope
