Automatically configures lazygit with a theme generated based on your Neovim colorscheme and integrate edit with the current neovim instance.
-- lazy.nvim
---@type snacks.Config
opts = {
lazygit = {
-- your lazygit configuration comes here
-- or leave it empty to use the default settings
-- refer to the configuration section below
---@class snacks.lazygit.Config: snacks.terminal.Opts
---@field args? string[]
---@field theme? snacks.lazygit.Theme
-- automatically configure lazygit to use the current colorscheme
-- and integrate edit with the current neovim instance
configure = true,
-- extra configuration for lazygit that will be merged with the default
-- snacks does NOT have a full yaml parser, so if you need `"test"` to appear with the quotes
-- you need to double quote it: `"\"test\""`
config = {
os = { editPreset = "nvim-remote" },
gui = {
-- set to an empty string "" to disable icons
nerdFontsVersion = "3",
theme_path = vim.fs.normalize(vim.fn.stdpath("cache") .. "/lazygit-theme.yml"),
-- Theme for lazygit
theme = {
[241] = { fg = "Special" },
activeBorderColor = { fg = "MatchParen", bold = true },
cherryPickedCommitBgColor = { fg = "Identifier" },
cherryPickedCommitFgColor = { fg = "Function" },
defaultFgColor = { fg = "Normal" },
inactiveBorderColor = { fg = "FloatBorder" },
optionsTextColor = { fg = "Function" },
searchingActiveBorderColor = { fg = "MatchParen", bold = true },
selectedLineBgColor = { bg = "Visual" }, -- set to `default` to have no background colour
unstagedChangesColor = { fg = "DiagnosticError" },
win = {
style = "lazygit",
Check the styles docs for more information on how to customize these styles
---@alias snacks.lazygit.Color {fg?:string, bg?:string, bold?:boolean}
---@class snacks.lazygit.Theme: table<number, snacks.lazygit.Color>
---@field activeBorderColor snacks.lazygit.Color
---@field cherryPickedCommitBgColor snacks.lazygit.Color
---@field cherryPickedCommitFgColor snacks.lazygit.Color
---@field defaultFgColor snacks.lazygit.Color
---@field inactiveBorderColor snacks.lazygit.Color
---@field optionsTextColor snacks.lazygit.Color
---@field searchingActiveBorderColor snacks.lazygit.Color
---@field selectedLineBgColor snacks.lazygit.Color
---@field unstagedChangesColor snacks.lazygit.Color
---@type fun(opts?: snacks.lazygit.Config):
Opens lazygit with the log view
---@param opts? snacks.lazygit.Config
Opens lazygit with the log of the current file
---@param opts? snacks.lazygit.Config
Opens lazygit, properly configured to use the current colorscheme and integrate with the current neovim instance
---@param opts? snacks.lazygit.Config