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Getting Started with BigTest in Stripes

Infrastructure Setup

Setting up BigTest directory infrastructure and accompanying files is made easy via stripes-cli.

For New Apps

For quickly getting started, the directory structure, necessary files, and dependencies are automatically included in Stripes CLI's stripes app create command.

For Existing Apps

BigTest specific files in the Stripes ecosystem are located in test/bigtest. These files can be quickly copied into an existing project by using the stripes app bigtest command from Stripes CLI. This command will also automatically add the recommended dependencies via yarn add. If you wish to add the dependencies yourself, you may provide a --no-install flag to the command.

Running with Mirage

Mirage is used to mock the network layer and provide auto-generated fixture data based on models and factories. In testing, this is especially useful for rendering data with specific conditions. In development, this can be used to develop features locally without needing an external server, or having to stand-up your own local server instance.

To start the app with Mirage enabled, provide the --mirage flag to stripes serve. When starting with Mirage enabled, the fake user the login endpoint provides does not come with any default permissions. Until those permissions are explicitly defined, you'll also need to start with the --hasAllPerms flag.

$ stripes serve --hasAllPerms --mirage

Once the app has been started with Mirage enabled, all endpoints will be captured by Mirage. Errors will be logged to the console when there are unhandled endpoints. Once you have some endpoints defined, Mirage will log their responses to the console for debugging. You can also interact directly with the Mirage server by using window.mirage.

BigTest Mirage

BigTest's Mirage is a fork of the original Ember CLI Mirage decoupled from the Ember framework. The following section will go over some basics and link out to the original documentation since it is still the best place to learn about the Mirage API. However, keep in mind a few subtle differences between ember-cli-mirage and @bigtest/mirage.

First, any imports will be from @bigtest/mirage instead of ember-cli-mirage:

// according to documentation
import { Model } from 'ember-cli-mirage';

// corrected using bigtest
import { Model } from '@bigtest/mirage';

Second, the directory structure referenced in the documentation refers to a mirage directory. But with BigTest, network files are located in the bigtest/network directory:

// documented
// mirage/config.js

// corrected
// test/bigtest/network/config.js

Last, Ember CLI Mirage was meant to work in tandem with Ember CLI. Therefore there are many references in the documentation using the ember g command to generate files. There is no analogous command using the Stripes CLI. You can safely ignore these commands and simply create the file yourself. For example:

$ ember g mirage-model author

Instead of running this command, you'll create a new file at test/bigtest/network/models/author.js.

Defining Data

The Mirage quickstart guide is the best place to quickly learn how to define routes, models, and factories. In Stripes, the server's urlPrefix property is preset to correspond to the Okapi URL found in the platform's configuration file. There are also some default routes defined by stripes-core located here. You may override these routes in your own config file, such as redefining the login route to provide the correct permissions so you no longer need the --hasAllPerms flag for stripes serve --mirage.

The Mirage configuration in both ui-eholdings and ui-inventory have good examples of how routes, models, factories, and serializers all look in a Stripes module. Starting ui-eholdings with Mirage enabled should allow you to navigate around and be able to perform actions in the app without the need of a backend server. If you open the developer console, you'll see that Mirage is logging responses for the various mocked endpoints.


If you're following the Mirage quickstart guide, you'll have likely added some data using the default scenario in bigtest/network/scenarios/default.js. This default scenario is used when the application is started with Mirage enabled. It is not used during testing unless you explicitly tell Mirage to use a specific scenario.

Scenarios are especially helpful when developing or testing features that require the server to respond with errors or very specific pieces of data. You might even define separate scenarios for admins and users to be able to start the app quickly with the proper permissions.

The --mirage flag for stripes serve can accept a string indicating which scenario you'd like to start. For example, running stripes serve --mirage missing-module would load the scenario located at network/scenarios/missing-module.js where we might define a scenario in which a required backend module is missing; allowing you to easily develop features or messaging around such a situation.

In testing, the setupStripesCore helper (explained more in the following section) accepts a scenarios option to automatically load specific scenarios for a suite of tests. You may also import the scenarios directly and pass them the this.server instance found on Mocha's context.

Writing Tests

BigTest tests in Stripes are written using Mocha, Chai, and of course BigTest. The application setup helper will also set up the Mirage server so we can define mock data for our tests.


BigTest tests in Stripes are written in the Arrange-Act-Assert pattern:

  • Arrange all necessary preconditions.
  • Act on the application under test.
  • Assert that the expected results have occurred.

Here's an example of a test suite from ui-inventory written in this style:

import { beforeEach, describe, it } from '@bigtest/mocha';
import { expect } from 'chai';

// we'll go over these and the previous imports more in a moment
import setupApplication from '../helpers/setup-application';
import InventoryInteractor from '../interactors/inventory';

describe('Instances', () => {
  const inventory = new InventoryInteractor();

  // Arrange - setup application

  beforeEach(async function () {
    // Arrange - setup data
    this.server.createList('instance', 25);
    // Act - visit inventory

  // Assert - expect the inventory app to be visible
  it('shows the list of inventory items', () => {

  // Assert - expect each instance we set up to be rendered
  it('renders each instance', () => {

  // Arrange - previous arrangement will be in effect
  describe('clicking on the first item', () => {
    beforeEach(async () => {      // Act - click an inventory instance
      await inventory.instances(0).click();

    // Assert - expect the instance data to be visible
    it('loads the instance details', () => {

With BigTest, we separate the arrangement and actions into hooks and leave the assertions pure. This results in very fast tests and allows BigTest to worry about the async behavior of actions resulting in expectations, rather than having to manually wait for events to happen. We'll go over and describe the different pieces of each step in a bit more detail in the following sections.

Application Setup

The application setup is part of our arrange step. The setupApplicaton helper created by Stripes CLI hooks into beforeEach to mount the application within the Stripe Core UI and setup the Mirage server for testing. The server can then be accessed from this.server in other hooks to arrange for specific data to be defined in tests. The helper also gives us access to a this.visit(location) helper and updates this.location based on the current location of the application.

Before we can successfully use the setupApplication helper, we need to configure permissions for the fake user that is logged in while testing our application. Let's look at the helper Stripes CLI generated for us:

// test/bigtest/helpers/setup-application.js
import setupStripesCore from '@folio/stripes-core/test/bigtest/helpers/setup-application';
import mirageOptions from '../network';

export default function setupApplication({
} = {}) {

You'll notice that this is just a thin wrapper which passes on local mirage options to setupStripesCore. This helper also accepts a disableAuth option which defaults to true for testing. This option will bypass the login screen and allow our application to be accessible in our tests without having to login every single time.

In order for our tests to work properly without authentication, we'll need to provide permissions for our fake user using the permissions option:

  permissions: [...],
  // ...

If you need to modify permissions for different tests, you can have the application helper accept additional permissions to add to a set of defaults passed along to the stripes-core helper. This might look something like the following:

export default function setupApplication({
  permissions = [],
} = {}) {
    permissions: [

If your application does not deal with multiple permission sets, it may be easier and quicker to provide the stripesConfig option hasAllPerms: true:

export default function setupApplication({
  hasAllPerms = true,
} = {}) {
    stripesConfig: { hasAllPerms },

Once your user's permissions have been defined here, we can start using this helper to arrange our application setup before interacting with it and making assertions.


In our ui-inventory tests from earlier, you may have noticed the use of something called an Interactor. We use interactors to describe and act on our application under test.

import InventoryInteractor from '../interactors/inventory';
// ...
const inventory = new InventoryInteractor();
// ...
// ...
await inventory.instances(0).click();
// ...

You can think of interactors as composable page objects for modern components. The BigTest website has a great introduction to interactors that goes into more detail about them. Interactors used in acceptance tests are located in bigtest/interactors.

Let's look at that InventoryInteractor we were just using:

// test/bigtest/interactors/inventory.js
import {
} from '@bigtest/interactor';

export default @interactor class InventoryInteractor {
  static defaultScope = '[data-test-inventory-instances]';

  instances = collection('[role=listitem] a');
  instance = scoped('[data-test-instance-details]');

This is all we need to be able to assert that the correct number of instance are loaded, click one of them, and assert that we're able to see the instance details view. You can read more about custom interactors from the official guides, and see a list of default interactions and interaction creators.

Interactors are also composable, just like the components we work with. The components in stripes-components are all tested using interactors, and as such you can import them into your own interactors for your Stripes application's tests.

import { interactor, scoped } from '@bigtest/interactor';

// require's `@folio/stripes-components` to be a dev dependency
import TextFieldInteractor from '@folio/stripes-components/lib/TextField/tests/interactor';
import ButtonInteractor from '@folio/stripes-components/lib/Button/tests/interactor';

export default @interactor class MyFormInteractor {
  static defaultScope = '[data-test-myform]';

  name = scoped('[data-test-myform-name-field]', TextFieldInteractor);
  email = scoped('[data-test-myform-email-field]', TextFieldInteractor);
  submit = scoped('[data-test-myform-submit]', ButtonInteractor);

// ...

await new MyFormInteractor()
  .name.fillInput('Name Namerson')
  .email.fillInput('[email protected]')

Note: the import path of interactors from stripes-components will soon be made more accessible for official use in other modules.

Convergent Assertions

BigTest's @bigtest/mocha package thinly wraps Mocha's it in a convergent assertion. Convergent assertions allow us to assert on our application state that may not have finished processing or being fully rendered yet.

From the ui-inventory example from earlier:

import { describe, beforeEach, it } from '@bigtest/mocha';

// ...

describe('clicking on the first item', () => {
  beforeEach(async () => {
    await inventory.instances(0).click();

  it('loads the instance details', () => {

When we click on the first inventory instance in the list, the interactor does not know what results to expect from the application, so it resolves right after clicking. In the following test, we assert that the instance view is visible after clicking. This does not happen immediately due to event handlers, lifecycle hooks, the render loop, network requests, etc., but the test still passes once all of those things have happened.

This is because the assertion converges on a passing state: it is run again and again every 10ms until it does pass or until it exceeds a timeout defaulting to 2000ms. Interactors are also convergences and will not interact with an element until it exists in the DOM.

Since the it method from @bigtest/mocha is convergent, we keep the assert pure and the side-effects for arrange are kept in our hooks. Otherwise, the side-effects may be performed dozens or even hundreds of times while the assertion converges.

If a convergence fails, it will throw an error after the timeout period has expired. Mocha's it timeouts can be configured per test, or per suite using the .timeout() method:

describe('clicking on the first item', function () {
  // sets the timeout for all tests within this suite

  beforeEach(async function () {
    this.timeout(500); // hook timeout
    await inventory.instances(0).click();

  it('loads the instance details', () => {
  }).timeout(1000); // individual test timeout

Interactor timeouts can also be configured, but interactor timeouts persist per interactor instance.

// each interaction inherits this timeout
const myForm = new FormInteractor().timeout(3000);

// each await below could potentially take almost 3000ms before passing
await'Name Namerson');
await'[email protected]');
// this would timeout after 1000ms instead

// chaining interactor actions makes them share the same timeout
await myForm.timeout(1000)
   // all interactions together will take place within 1000ms
  .name.fillInput('Name Namerson')
  .email.fillInput('[email protected]');

Asserting when a state is NOT expected

A common test to write is a test ensuring an action does not cause unintended side-effects. The test could potentially pass successfully before a side-effect has time to even happen. In these scenarios, you want to converge when the state meets an expectation for a given period of time. In other words, "if this assertion remains true for X amount of time, this test is considered to be passing."

@bigtest/mocha provides an it.always method to do just this. This method will run the assertion throughout the entire timeout period ensuring it never fails. When the assertion does fail, the test fails. If the assertion never fails, it will pass just after the timeout period.

// the default timeout for it.always is 200ms
it.always('does not navigate away for at least 1 second', function () {

Asserting when a state persists

There is currently no built-in way to combine to two different convergent assertions, it and it.always. So if there is a case in which you want to assert that once something does happen it persists, you must split the test and utilize the interactor's .when() method to wait for the desired state.

describe('a page modal', () => {
  // some interactor for a page with a modal
  const page = new PageInteractor();

  beforeEach(async () => {
    await page.toggleModal()

  it('shows a modal', () => {

  describe('after opening', () => {
    beforeEach(async () => {
      // wait for the modal to be visible (open)
      await page.when(() => page.modal.isVisible);

    it.always('stays open', () => {

Running Tests

To run BigTest tests in a Stripes application, you can use the stripes test karma command. This command uses Karma to bundle tests, launch a browser to run them, and report the results of those tests back to the CLI.


Stripes automatically configures Karma to work with BigTest and Stripes applications. You can pass Karma specific CLI flags to Stripes using a karma prefix. For example, to tell Karma to launch Firefox, use stripes test karma --karma.browsers Firefox.

To adjust the Karma configuration before running tests, provide a karma.conf.js file in the root of your project and export a function which takes a Karma configuration object. More info is available in the official documentation on the Karma website.

Browser Support

Stripes preconfigures Karma with both the karma-chrome-launcher and karma-firefox-launcher plugins. To launch other browsers, you can push the launcher plugin to the config.plugins array via akarma.conf.js file in your project's root. A list of available browser launcher plugins can be found on Karma's documentation page for browsers.


Karma, in Stripes, has the Istanbul coverage reporter available via the --coverage flag. Running your tests with stripes test karma --coverage will provide a coverage report for BigTest tests. You can also configure the coverage threshold levels via the karma.conf.js file.

// karma.conf.js
module.exports = (config) => {
  // Turn on coverage report thresholds
  if (config.coverageIstanbulReporter) { = {
      statements: 95,
      branches: 95,
      functions: 95,
      lines: 95

Continuous Integration

By default, Karma watches for changes to files so it can rerun tests. This is not ideal for CI since we want to generate reports for a single run and exit. To accomplish this, we can use the --karma.singleRun flag.

Stripes also configures Karma to use the Mocha reporter by default. To use other reporters such as JUnit, we can provide a list of reporters to the --karma.reporters flag.

Finally, if running in Jenkins in Stripes, you'll need the ChromeDocker browser. Jenkins will call the yarn test command and pass any flags provided to the runTestOptions option in the JenkinsFile in the project root. To run BigTest tests in Jenkins with JUnit and coverage reporting, the value of runTestOptions would be:

'--karma.singleRun --karma.reporters mocha junit  --karma.browsers ChromeDocker --coverage'