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select[multiple] alternative which allows filtering for long lists of options via a text field. The behavior of filtering is similar to a type-ahead or suggestion list. The value is returned as an array. Selected values are displayed as value 'chips' - they can be removed by clicking their "X" button -or- simply be toggled off in the options list. The control is fully navigable via keyboard, without use of any modifier keys.

Basic Usage

import { MultiSelection } from '@folio/stripes/components';

const optionList = [
  { value: 'test0', label: 'Option 0' },
  { value: 'test1', label: 'Option 1' },
  { value: 'test2', label: 'Option 2' },
  // ...

/* ... later in JSX */
    label="my multiselect"

Common Props

Name type description default required
actions array of objects array of non-selectable actions that would be present in the list - for example, an 'add tag' functionality where a user can add their entered filter word to the list of available values. See the actions section below []
asyncFiltering bool if true, it's up to the surrounding app to apply a filter handler and pass its resulting list through to the dataOptions prop. false
backspaceDeletes bool if true, the user can press the backspace key when the option filter is empty to remove the last selected item in the value list true
dataOptions array of objects An array that represents possible objects. Default props are set up to treat objects with the shape of {value<any>, label:<string>}.
emptyMessage string feedback message for user when options list is empty (they've entered an option filter with no results,) 'No matching items found!'
filter func a custom function used to filter candidate values for search filters. It must accept two arguments: a string containing the partial value typed by the user, and an array of candidate values. If asyncFiltering is not being used, it should return an object with the shape of { renderedItems: <array> }, where the array is a list of the candidate values that match the partial value. The returned object can also include additional properties that can be used for conditional rendering of actions. The default filter (the filterOptions function in MultiSelection.js) works by left-anchored regular-expression matching on the items' label field
formatter func Render function that accepts an object with keys for the option and the current filter string. The function is called to display values in the options dropdown and in the selected values list if valueFormatter prop is missing. A default formatter is provided. DefaultOptionFormatter
id string Sets the id attribute for the control. Other interior id's are generated using this string as a prefix.
inputRef object/func Reference to input element
itemToString <string>func Function used to return a single string representation of its value. For example, option objects with a shape of {label:<string>, value:<object>} would use item => (item ? item.label : '') for their toString function. This is used to generate strings so that values can accurately be announced for screen readers. item => (item ? item.label : '')
label string Used as the form label for the field. Appropriate label/field relationship for accessibility is automatically set up by the component.
maxHeight number The maximum height of the options menu in pixels. This does not include the heigh of any validation messages that may also appear with the menu. 168
onAdd func Event handler specifically called when an item is added to the selection. The added item is passed to the handler.
onBlur func Blur event handler for when the user blurs the filter field
onChange func Change event handler for when internal state changes. selectedItems is passed as parameter to function.
onRemove func Event handler specifically called when an item is removed from the selection. The removed item is passed to the handler.
placeholder string Rendered as a placeholder for the control when no value is present.
showLoading bool Should render loading indicator on the field
usePortal bool If true, option list will render to the div[#OverlayContainer] element in the FOLIO UI.
value array Array of selected objects.
valueFormatter func Render function that accepts an object with keys for the option. The function is called to display values in the selected values list. If the prop is missing, formatter will be used instead.
ariaLabelledBy string Used for applying an accessible label if no label prop is provided

Validation props

These are props that could be applicable if setting up your own validation system. These would probably best be handled within onChange and onBlur event handlers.

Name type description default required
dirty bool Apply a specific style when the value has changed. false
error string Text to display as inline validation feedback for the user. A truthy value here will also apply validation styling to the control.
isValid bool Whether or not field is valid. When true, specific styles are applied.
validationEnabled bool Controls whether or not validation styles are rendered. false
warning string Text to display as inline validation feedback for the user. A truthy value here will also apply validation styling to the control.

Shape of dataOptions

The shape of the items in your dataOptions array may require you to pass additional props. The default props are set up to handle dataOptions with label and value keys. If your options do not have label and value keys, here are some other props to be sure you're setting:

  • itemToString - string for accessible announcement of the item's status. "<item> has been removed"
  • filter - function to use when filtering the options list. Should return an object with renderedItems holding the resulting array as a key.
  • formatter - function for rendering the options in the dropdown and selected items list.


// if the data options are an array of strings instead of objects

dataOptions = [ 'one', 'two', 'three' ];
toString = (option) => option;
formatter = ({option}) => <div>{option}</div>;

filterItems = (filterOptions = (filterText, list) => {
  const filterRegExp = new RegExp(`^${filterText}`, 'i');
  const renderedItems = filterText ? list.filter(item => !== -1) : list;
  return { renderedItems };


Formatting with <OptionSegment>

We provide an <OptionSegent> component for use in formatters to enable nice features like the bolding of filter values in results - so a filter of 'in' will display resulting options like 'input', 'industry','innovation'.

import { OptionSegment } from '@folio/stripes/components';

formatter= ({option, searchTerm}) => <OptionSegment searchTerm={searchTerm} >{option}</OptionSegment>;

// of code...


Some use cases may require an item in the options list to perform a function rather than simply set/toggle a value. An example of this would be for a tagging system to add the string that a user has entered as a search term as a new tag.

addTag = ({ renderedItems, exactMatch, filterText }) => {
    ... logic to push new option with 'filterText' as its `label` key.

renderAddTag = ({ filterValue, exactMatch }) => {
    if (exactMatch) {
      return null;
    } else {
      return <div>Add tag for &quot;{`${filterValue}`}&quot;</div>;

addAction = { onSelect: this.addTag, render: this.renderAddTag }

actions = [this.addAction];

/* later in JSX */

Async Filtering

Sometimes if a list of potential options is very large, it may be handled by the server. The asyncFiltering prop can be used along with your own filter function that controls the dataOptions prop. In this scenario, if dataOptions is left undefined or null, the dropdown list will render a loading spinner.


Usage as a part of the field for redux-form

In that case make sure to provide onBlur callback like below as built-in one for redux-form may reset values on blur event

    onBlur={e => { e.preventDefault(); }}

Usage with an external label

In some cases, it can be necessary to render a <MultiSelect> without a label-prop – e.g. when used in a search pane. However, you still need to provide some context for screen reader users.

For this purpose, you can apply a custom aria-labelledby-prop which references the ID of another element that contains the label or description of the <MultiSelect>.

  <Headline id="my-custom-aria-labelledby">
    Multiselect with an external label