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import { Datepicker } from '@folio/stripes/components';
<Datepicker />
//or pass as component within a form...
<Field component={Datepicker} />


Name type description default required
autoFocus bool If this prop is true, component will automatically focus on mount
backendDateStandard string parses to/from ISO 8601 standard, with Arabic (0-9) digits, by default before committing value. "ISO 8601" false
disabled bool if true, field will be disabled for focus or entry. false false
hideCalendarButton bool if true, calendar button will be hidden. false false
id string id for date field - used in the "id" attribute of the text input false
inputValidator func Function that receives the value (value prop or user input), the provided format prop and the backend format to determine if the value is passed on through advanced stages of the value lifecycle (formatting for output). Returns a boolean. defaultInputValidator
label string visible field label false
locale string Overrides the locale provided by context. "en" false
onChange func Event handler to handle updates to the datefield text. false
outputBackendValue bool If False - Outputs the value as it is displayed in the input. true
outputFormatter func Function to format the date value for submission to the backend. defaultOutputFormatter
parser func Function to format the date from the value prop to the value ui's presentation within the input. defaultParser
placement string Determines the position of the date picker overlay. See available options in the Popper documentation. bottom false
modifiers object Passes modifiers for the internal Popper-component which handles the positioning of the date picker overlay. false
readOnly bool if true, field will be readonly. 'Calendar' and 'clear' buttons will be omitted. false false
screenReaderMessage string Additional message to be read by screenreaders when textfield is focused in addition to the label and format - which are always read. false
timeZone string Overrides the time zone provided by context. "UTC" false
useFocus bool if set to false, component relies solely on clicking the calendar icon to toggle appearance of calendar. true false
useInput bool tells the Datepicker that it is being used under react-final-form, so it can modify its behaviour accodingly. This is necessary when used with react-final-form or the Datepicker will not work. false false
usePortal bool if true, the Datepicker will render itself to a React-Portal (the #OverlayContainer div) this avoids haveing the Datepicker cutoff by overflow. false false
value string date to be displayed in the textfield. In forms, this is supplied by the initialValues prop supplied to the form "" false

Controlled Datepicker example

state = {
  day1: 11/03/1980

handleDateChange = (e) => {
  const newDate =;
    day1: newDate,


Redux-form/Final Form usage

<Field component={Datepicker} name="date" label="date" />

Value manipulation into/out of the field...

To adjust the value from the redux store before passing it to the component, use the <Field>'s format prop:

const formatField = value => (value ? moment.utc(value) : '');
<Field component={Datepicker} name="date" label="date" format={formatField} />

To adjust the set value, prior to storing it in the redux-store, use parse

const parseField = value => (value ? moment.utc(value) : '');
<Field component={Datepicker} name="date" label="date" parse={parseField} />

You can read more about value lifecycles in redux-form here:

Working with Dates

Using a value that does not include any time or timezone information, such as 12/01, the date is assumed by moment() to be in the local timezone. When the local timezone is east of UTC, such as +03:00, and converted to UTC for internationalization formatting, the offset will be subtracted from the date. So 12/01 will appear as 11/30 in timezones east of UTC.

When comparing or manipulating dates, it is safest to operate in UTC mode and leave display formatting to internationalization helpers. If using moment, this can be done via moment.utc().

Datepicker value flow.

The value flow happens in 3 stages

  1. value prop - the value prop is a date string. ex `1992-04-29
  2. presentation formatting - the value prop is localized via the function from the parser prop and displayed in the text input. This function is provided with the following parameters:
  • value - the value prop.
  • timeZone - the timezone prop.
  • uiFormat - the localized format or dateFormat prop.
  • outputFormat - the ISO-string literal format derived from the backendDateStandard prop
  1. Input validity. The value is checked to be sure it's a parsible 'valid' date using the inputValidator prop. It is provided the parameters value, format, backendStandard - the backendStandard is an alpha-numeric formatting string, similar to "YYYY-MM-DD"...
  2. output formatting - when the input is changed by the user, its value is formatted again to work with the backend using the outputFormatter function. This function is provided with a parameter object holding the following values:
  • backendDateStandard - the prop of the same name.
  • value - the value prop.
  • uiFormat - the localized format or dateFormat prop for displaying in the textfield.
  • outputFormat - the ISO-string literal format derived from the backendDateStandard prop.
  • timeZone - the timezone prop.


Keyboard Navigation

  • Up arrow - Move cursor up in the calendar (backwards 1 week)
  • Down arrow - Move cursor down in the calendar (forwards 1 week)
  • Left arrow - Move cursor left 1 day in the calendar (backwards 1 day)
  • Right arrow - Move cursor right 1 day in the calendar (forwards 1 day)
  • Enter - Select date at cursor
  • Esc - Close calendar

Fully controlled version.

By default, <Datepicker> will only emit empty strings or fully formed date strings formatted to the specifics of the backendDateStandard. If the application requires a fully controlled set-up, where incomplete and possibly invalid values can pass through form state and be validated by the consuming app itself, we export a set of bundle of props that can be applied via datePickerAppValidationProps like so...

import { datepickerAppValidationProps, Datepicker } from '@folio/stripes/components';

  {...datePickerAppValidationProps }

datePickerAppValidationProps supplies modified versions of the outputFormatter, parser and inputValidator props that conform to the use-case of app-level validation.

We also export <AppValidatedDatepicker> - a component which applies the props of datePickerAppValidationProps to a wrapped <Datepicker> instance. Similar to above:


Custom Circumstances with RFF

If the provided defaults and base behaviors don't quite cover your requirements, you may need write an additional function in order to wrap the datepicker and modify props from <Field>. Simply supplying a function that accepts the input, and meta props that components usually receive from RFF. In this example, we want validation errors to to show only if there are no warnings. Note the passing of a useInput prop to Datepicker. This is typically and internal prop for Datepicker to know when it's being used within a <Field> and act accordingly - otherwise, you may see date output coming through in the incorrect format.

  {({ input, meta }) => {
    return (
        error={!meta?.data?.warning && meta.touched && meta.error}
        label={<FormattedMessage id="ui-agreements.agreements.startDate" />}
        useInput  /* supremely important */
        warning={meta.touched && input.value && meta?.data?.warning}