diff --git a/test/test_log.rb b/test/test_log.rb
index 3e8e4c1c35..a344b532e3 100644
--- a/test/test_log.rb
+++ b/test/test_log.rb
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
require 'timecop'
require 'logger'
require 'securerandom'
+require 'pathname'
class LogTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def tmp_dir
@@ -641,6 +642,28 @@ def test_log_rotates_specified_size_with_logdevio
assert_true !File.exist?(path1)
+ def test_reopen
+ path = Pathname(@tmp_dir) + "fluent.log"
+ logdev = Fluent::LogDeviceIO.new(path.to_s)
+ logger = ServerEngine::DaemonLogger.new(logdev)
+ log = Fluent::Log.new(logger, path: path)
+ message = "This is test message."
+ log.info message
+ log.reopen!
+ log.info message
+ assert { path.read.lines.select{ |line| line.include?(message) }.size == 2 }
+ # Assert reopening the same file.
+ # Especially, on Windows, the filepath is fixed for each process with rotate,
+ # so we need to care about this.
+ assert { path.parent.entries.size == 3 } # [".", "..", "fluent.log"]
+ ensure
+ logdev&.close
+ end
class PluginLoggerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
diff --git a/test/test_logger_initializer.rb b/test/test_logger_initializer.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a476841010..0000000000
--- a/test/test_logger_initializer.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-require_relative 'helper'
-require 'fluent/supervisor'
-require 'fileutils'
-require 'pathname'
-class LoggerInitializerTest < ::Test::Unit::TestCase
- def setup
- @stored_global_logger = $log
- Dir.mktmpdir do |tmp_dir|
- @tmp_dir = Pathname(tmp_dir)
- yield
- end
- end
- def teardown
- $log = @stored_global_logger
- end
- test 'when path is given' do
- path = @tmp_dir + 'log' + 'fluent_with_path.log'
- logger = Fluent::Supervisor::LoggerInitializer.new(path.to_s, Fluent::Log::LEVEL_DEBUG, nil, nil, {})
- mock.proxy(File).chmod(0o777, path.parent.to_s).never
- assert_nothing_raised do
- logger.init(:supervisor, 0)
- end
- $log.out.close
- assert { path.parent.exist? }
- end
- test 'apply_options with log_dir_perm' do
- omit "NTFS doesn't support UNIX like permissions" if Fluent.windows?
- path = @tmp_dir + 'log' + 'fluent_with_path.log'
- logger = Fluent::Supervisor::LoggerInitializer.new(path.to_s, Fluent::Log::LEVEL_DEBUG, nil, nil, {})
- mock.proxy(File).chmod(0o777, path.parent.to_s).once
- assert_nothing_raised do
- logger.init(:supervisor, 0)
- end
- logger.apply_options(log_dir_perm: 0o777)
- $log.out.close
- assert { path.parent.exist? }
- assert_equal 0o777, (File.stat(path.parent).mode & 0xFFF)
- end
- test 'rotate' do
- path = @tmp_dir + 'log' + 'fluent.log'
- logger = Fluent::Supervisor::LoggerInitializer.new(path.to_s, Fluent::Log::LEVEL_DEBUG, nil, nil, {}, log_rotate_age: 5, log_rotate_size: 500)
- logger.init(:supervisor, 0)
- begin
- 10.times.each do
- $log.info "This is test message. This is test message. This is test message."
- end
- ensure
- $log.out.close
- end
- assert { path.parent.entries.size > 3 } # [".", "..", "logfile.log", ...]
- end
- test 'rotate to max age' do
- path = @tmp_dir + 'log' + 'fluent.log'
- logger = Fluent::Supervisor::LoggerInitializer.new(path.to_s, Fluent::Log::LEVEL_DEBUG, nil, nil, {}, log_rotate_age: 5, log_rotate_size: 500)
- logger.init(:supervisor, 0)
- begin
- 100.times.each do
- $log.info "This is test message. This is test message. This is test message."
- end
- ensure
- $log.out.close
- end
- assert { path.parent.entries.size == 7 } # [".", "..", "logfile.log", ...]
- end
- test 'files for each process with rotate on Windows' do
- omit "Only for Windows." unless Fluent.windows?
- path = @tmp_dir + 'log' + 'fluent.log'
- logger = Fluent::Supervisor::LoggerInitializer.new(path.to_s, Fluent::Log::LEVEL_DEBUG, nil, nil, {}, log_rotate_age: 5)
- logger.init(:supervisor, 0)
- $log.out.close
- logger = Fluent::Supervisor::LoggerInitializer.new(path.to_s, Fluent::Log::LEVEL_DEBUG, nil, nil, {}, log_rotate_age: 5)
- logger.init(:worker0, 0)
- $log.out.close
- logger = Fluent::Supervisor::LoggerInitializer.new(path.to_s, Fluent::Log::LEVEL_DEBUG, nil, nil, {}, log_rotate_age: 5)
- logger.init(:workers, 1)
- $log.out.close
- assert { path.parent.entries.size == 5 } # [".", "..", "logfile.log", ...]
- end
- test 'reopen!' do
- path = @tmp_dir + 'log' + 'fluent.log'
- logger = Fluent::Supervisor::LoggerInitializer.new(path.to_s, Fluent::Log::LEVEL_DEBUG, nil, nil, {})
- logger.init(:supervisor, 0)
- message = "This is test message."
- $log.info message
- logger.reopen!
- $log.info message
- $log.out.close
- assert { path.read.lines.select{ |line| line.include?(message) }.size == 2 }
- end
- test 'reopen! with rotate reopens the same file' do
- path = @tmp_dir + 'log' + 'fluent.log'
- logger = Fluent::Supervisor::LoggerInitializer.new(path.to_s, Fluent::Log::LEVEL_DEBUG, nil, nil, {}, log_rotate_age: 5)
- logger.init(:supervisor, 0)
- logger.reopen!
- $log.out.close
- assert { path.parent.entries.size == 3 } # [".", "..", "logfile.log", ...]
- end
diff --git a/test/test_supervisor.rb b/test/test_supervisor.rb
index bc97c9c850..64915a7e4a 100644
--- a/test/test_supervisor.rb
+++ b/test/test_supervisor.rb
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
require 'fileutils'
require 'tempfile'
require 'securerandom'
+require 'pathname'
if Fluent.windows?
require 'win32/event'
@@ -680,6 +681,82 @@ def test_log_level_affects
assert_equal Fluent::Log::LEVEL_ERROR, $log.level
+ data(supervisor: true)
+ data(worker: false)
+ def test_log_path(supervisor)
+ log_path = Pathname(@tmp_dir) + "fluentd.log"
+ config_path = Pathname(@tmp_dir) + "fluentd.conf"
+ write_config config_path.to_s, ""
+ s = Fluent::Supervisor.new(config_path: config_path.to_s, log_path: log_path.to_s)
+ assert_rr do
+ mock.proxy(File).chmod(0o777, log_path.parent.to_s).never
+ s.__send__(:setup_global_logger, supervisor: supervisor)
+ end
+ assert { log_path.parent.exist? }
+ ensure
+ $log.out.close
+ end
+ data(supervisor: true)
+ data(worker: false)
+ def test_dir_permission(supervisor)
+ omit "NTFS doesn't support UNIX like permissions" if Fluent.windows?
+ log_path = Pathname(@tmp_dir) + "fluentd.log"
+ config_path = Pathname(@tmp_dir) + "fluentd.conf"
+ conf = <<~EOC
+ dir_permission 0o777
+ write_config config_path.to_s, conf
+ s = Fluent::Supervisor.new(config_path: config_path.to_s, log_path: log_path.to_s)
+ assert_rr do
+ mock.proxy(File).chmod(0o777, log_path.parent.to_s).once
+ s.__send__(:setup_global_logger, supervisor: supervisor)
+ end
+ assert { log_path.parent.exist? }
+ assert { (File.stat(log_path.parent).mode & 0xFFF) == 0o777 }
+ ensure
+ $log.out.close
+ end
+ def test_files_for_each_process_with_rotate_on_windows
+ omit "Only for Windows." unless Fluent.windows?
+ log_path = Pathname(@tmp_dir) + "log" + "fluentd.log"
+ config_path = Pathname(@tmp_dir) + "fluentd.conf"
+ conf = <<~EOC
+ rotate_age 5
+ write_config config_path.to_s, conf
+ s = Fluent::Supervisor.new(config_path: config_path.to_s, log_path: log_path.to_s)
+ s.__send__(:setup_global_logger, supervisor: true)
+ $log.out.close
+ s = Fluent::Supervisor.new(config_path: config_path.to_s, log_path: log_path.to_s)
+ s.__send__(:setup_global_logger, supervisor: false)
+ $log.out.close
+ s = Fluent::Supervisor.new(config_path: config_path.to_s, log_path: log_path.to_s)
+ s.__send__(:setup_global_logger, supervisor: false)
+ $log.out.close
+ assert { log_path.parent.entries.size == 5 } # [".", "..", "logfile.log", ...]
+ ensure
+ end
def test_enable_shared_socket