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@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ redirects:
v1.0/articles/out_exec: plugins/output/exec.md
v1.0/articles/out_mongo_replset: plugins/output/mongo_replset.md
v1.0/articles/out_relabel: plugins/output/relabel.md
+ v1.0/articles/out_opensearch: plugins/output/opensearch.md
# Plugin/Filter
v1.0/articles/filter_geoip: plugins/filter/geoip.md
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* [s3](output/s3.md)
* [kafka](output/kafka.md)
* [elasticsearch](output/elasticsearch.md)
+ * [opensearch](output/opensearch.md)
* [mongo](output/mongo.md)
* [mongo\_replset](output/mongo_replset.md)
* [rewrite\_tag\_filter](output/rewrite_tag_filter.md)
diff --git a/output/opensearch.md b/output/opensearch.md
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+# opensearch
+The `out_opensearch` Output plugin writes records into OpenSearch. By default, it creates records using [bulk api](https://opensearch.org/docs/latest/opensearch/rest-api/document-apis/bulk/) which performs multiple indexing operations in a single API call. This reduces overhead and can greatly increase indexing speed. This means that when you first import records using the plugin, records are not immediately pushed to OpenSearch.
+Records will be sent to OpenSearch when the `chunk_keys` condition has been met. To change the output frequency, please specify the `time` in `chunk_keys` and specify `timekey` value in the configuration.
+This document does not describe all the parameters. For details, refer to the **Further Reading** section.
+## Installation
+Since `out_opensearch` has been included in the alternative distribution of `calyptia-fluentd` since v1.3.4, `calyptia-fluentd` users do not need to install it manually.
+If you have installed Fluentd without `calyptia-fluentd`, please install this plugin using `fluent-gem` or `td-agent-gem` (for td-agent users):
+$ fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-opensearch
+$ td-agent-gem install fluent-plugin-opensearch
+## Example Configuration
+Here is a simple working configuration for OpenSearch instance that is running on localhost:
+ @type opensearch
+ host localhost
+ port 9200
+ logstash_format true
+For more details on each option, read the section on [Parameters](opensearch.md#parameters).
+## Plugin Helpers
+* [`event_emitter`](../plugin-helper-overview/api-plugin-helper-event_emitter.md)
+* [`compat_parameters`](../plugin-helper-overview/api-plugin-helper-compat_parameters.md)
+## Parameters
+### `@type` \(required\)
+This option must be always `opensearch`.
+### `host` \(optional\)
+The hostname of your OpenSearch node \(default: `localhost`\).
+### `port` \(optional\)
+The port number of your OpenSearch node \(default: `9200`\).
+### `hosts` \(optional\)
+If you want to connect to more than one OpenSearch nodes, specify this option in the following format:
+hosts host1:port1,host2:port2,host3:port3
+# or
+hosts https://customhost.com:443/path,https://username:password@host-failover.com:443
+If you use this option, the `host` and `port` options are ignored.
+### `user`, `password` \(optional\)
+The login credentials to connect to the OpenSearch node \(default: `nil`\):
+user fluent
+password mysecret
+### `scheme` \(optional\)
+Specify `https` if your OpenSearch endpoint supports SSL \(default: `http`\).
+### `path` \(optional\)
+The REST API endpoint of OpenSearch to post write requests \(default: `nil`\).
+### `index_name` \(optional\)
+The index name to write events to \(default: `fluentd`\).
+This option supports the placeholder syntax of Fluentd plugin API. For example, if you want to partition the index by tags, you can specify it like this:
+index_name fluentd.${tag}
+Here is a more practical example which partitions the OpenSearch index by tags and timestamps:
+index_name fluentd.${tag}.%Y%m%d
+Time placeholder needs to set up tag and time in `chunk_keys`. Also, it needs to specify timekey for time slice of chunk:
+ timekey 1h # chunks per hours ("3600" also available)
+For more information about buffer options checkout the [Buffer Section Configuration](../configuration/buffer-section.md).
+### `logstash_format` \(optional\)
+If `true`, Fluentd uses the conventional index name format `logstash-%Y.%m.%d` \(default: `false`\). This option supersedes the `index_name` option.
+#### `@log_level` option
+The `@log_level` option allows the user to set different levels of logging for each plugin.
+Supported log levels: `fatal`, `error`, `warn`, `info`, `debug`, `trace`.
+Please see the [logging article](../deployment/logging.md) for further details.
+### `logstash_prefix` \(optional\)
+The logstash prefix index name to write events when `logstash_format` is `true` \(default: `logstash`\).
+## Miscellaneous
+You can use `%{}` style placeholders to escape for URL encoding needed characters.
+Valid configuration:
+user %{demo+}
+password %{@secret}
+Valid configuration:
+hosts https://%{j+hn}:%{passw@rd}@host1:443/elastic/,http://host2
+Invalid configuration:
+user demo+
+password @secret
+## Common Output / Buffer parameters
+For common output / buffer parameters, please check the following articles:
+* [Output Plugin Overview](./)
+* [Buffer Section Configuration](../configuration/buffer-section.md)
+## Troubleshooting
+Please refer to the [OpenSearch's troubleshooting](https://github.com/fluent/fluent-plugin-opensearch#troubleshooting) section.
+## Further Reading
+* [`fluent-plugin-opensearch`](https://github.com/fluent/fluent-plugin-opensearch)
+If this article is incorrect or outdated, or omits critical information, please [let us know](https://github.com/fluent/fluentd-docs-gitbook/issues?state=open). [Fluentd](http://www.fluentd.org/) is an open-source project under [Cloud Native Computing Foundation \(CNCF\)](https://cncf.io/). All components are available under the Apache 2 License.