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API Changelog

This changelog is intended to list all updates to the public API methods.

For info about how API versioning works, including examples, please view the XLS-22d spec. For details about the implementation of API versioning, view the implementation PR. API versioning ensures existing integrations and users continue to receive existing behavior, while those that request a higher API version will experience new behavior.

The API version controls the API behavior you see. This includes what properties you see in responses, what parameters you're permitted to send in requests, and so on. You specify the API version in each of your requests. When a breaking change is introduced to the rippled API, a new version is released. To avoid breaking your code, you should set (or increase) your version when you're ready to upgrade.

For a log of breaking changes, see the API Version [number] headings. In general, breaking changes are associated with a particular API Version number. For non-breaking changes, scroll to the XRP Ledger version [x.y.z] headings. Non-breaking changes are associated with a particular XRP Ledger (rippled) release.

API Version 1

This version is supported by all rippled versions. At time of writing, it is the default API version, used when no api_version is specified. When a new API version is introduced, the command line interface will default to the latest API version. The command line is intended for ad-hoc usage by humans, not programs or automated scripts. The command line is not meant for use in production code.


V1 account_info response

In the response to the account_info command, there is account_data - which is supposed to be an AccountRoot object - and signer_lists is returned in this object. However, the docs say that signer_lists should be at the root level of the reponse.

It makes sense for signer_lists to be at the root level because signer lists are not part of the AccountRoot object. (First reported in xrpl-dev-portal#938.)

In api_version: 2, the signer_lists field will be moved to the root level of the account_info response. (XRPLF#3770)

server_info - network_id

The network_id field was added in the server_info response in version 1.5.0 (2019), but it was not returned in reporting mode.

XRP Ledger version 1.12.0

Version 1.12.0 was released on Sep 6, 2023.

Additions in 1.12

Additions are intended to be non-breaking (because they are purely additive).

  • server_info: Added ports, an array which advertises the RPC and WebSocket ports. This information is also included in the /crawl endpoint (which calls server_info internally). grpc and peer ports are also included. (XRPLF#4427)
    • ports contains objects, each containing a port for the listening port (a number string), and a protocol array listing the supported protocols on that port.
    • This allows crawlers to build a more detailed topology without needing to port-scan nodes.
    • (For peers and other non-admin clients, the info about admin ports is excluded.)
  • Clawback: The following additions are gated by the Clawback amendment (featureClawback). (XRPLF#4553)
    • Adds an AccountRoot flag called lsfAllowTrustLineClawback (XRPLF#4617)
      • Adds the corresponding asfAllowTrustLineClawback AccountSet Flag as well.
      • Clawback is disabled by default, so if an issuer desires the ability to claw back funds, they must use an AccountSet transaction to set the AllowTrustLineClawback flag. They must do this before creating any trust lines, offers, escrows, payment channels, or checks.
    • Adds the Clawback transaction type, containing these fields:
      • Account: The issuer of the asset being clawed back. Must also be the sender of the transaction.
      • Amount: The amount being clawed back, with the Amount.issuer being the token holder's address.
  • Adds AMM (#4294, #4626) feature:
    • Adds amm_info API to retrieve AMM information for a given tokens pair.
    • Adds AMMCreate transaction type to create AMM instance.
    • Adds AMMDeposit transaction type to deposit funds into AMM instance.
    • Adds AMMWithdraw transaction type to withdraw funds from AMM instance.
    • Adds AMMVote transaction type to vote for the trading fee of AMM instance.
    • Adds AMMBid transaction type to bid for the Auction Slot of AMM instance.
    • Adds AMMDelete transaction type to delete AMM instance.
    • Adds sfAMMID to AccountRoot to indicate that the account is AMM's account. AMMID is used to fetch ltAMM.
    • Adds lsfAMMNode TrustLine flag to indicate that one side of the TrustLine is AMM account.
    • Adds tfLPToken, tfSingleAsset, tfTwoAsset, tfOneAssetLPToken, tfLimitLPToken, tfTwoAssetIfEmpty, tfWithdrawAll, tfOneAssetWithdrawAll which allow a trader to specify different fields combination for AMMDeposit and AMMWithdraw transactions.
    • Adds new transaction result codes:
      • tecUNFUNDED_AMM: insufficient balance to fund AMM. The account does not have funds for liquidity provision.
      • tecAMM_BALANCE: AMM has invalid balance. Calculated balances greater than the current pool balances.
      • tecAMM_FAILED: AMM transaction failed. Fails due to a processing failure.
      • tecAMM_INVALID_TOKENS: AMM invalid LP tokens. Invalid input values, format, or calculated values.
      • tecAMM_EMPTY: AMM is in empty state. Transaction expects AMM in non-empty state (LP tokens > 0).
      • tecAMM_NOT_EMPTY: AMM is not in empty state. Transaction expects AMM in empty state (LP tokens == 0).
      • tecAMM_ACCOUNT: AMM account. Clawback of AMM account.
      • tecINCOMPLETE: Some work was completed, but more submissions required to finish. AMMDelete partially deletes the trustlines.

XRP Ledger version 1.11.0

Version 1.11.0 was released on Jun 20, 2023.

Breaking changes in 1.11

  • Added the ability to mark amendments as obsolete. For the feature admin API, there is a new possible value for the vetoed field. (XRPLF#4291)
    • The value of vetoed can now be true, false, or "Obsolete".
  • Removed the acceptance of seeds or public keys in place of account addresses. (XRPLF#4404)
    • This simplifies the API and encourages better security practices (i.e. seeds should never be sent over the network).
  • For the ledger_data method, when all entries are filtered out, the state field of the response is now an empty list (in other words, an empty array, []). (Previously, it would return null.) While this is technically a breaking change, the new behavior is consistent with the documentation, so this is considered only a bug fix. (XRPLF#4398)
  • If and when the fixNFTokenRemint amendment activates, there will be a new AccountRoot field, FirstNFTSequence. This field is set to the current account sequence when the account issues their first NFT. If an account has not issued any NFTs, then the field is not set. (#4406)
    • There is a new account deletion restriction: an account can only be deleted if FirstNFTSequence + MintedNFTokens + 256 is less than the current ledger sequence.
    • This is potentially a breaking change if clients have logic for determining whether an account can be deleted.
  • NetworkID
    • For sidechains and networks with a network ID greater than 1024, there is a new transaction common field, NetworkID. (XRPLF#4370)
      • This field helps to prevent replay attacks and is now required for chains whose network ID is 1025 or higher.
      • The field must be omitted for Mainnet, so there is no change for Mainnet users.
    • There are three new local error codes:
      • telNETWORK_ID_MAKES_TX_NON_CANONICAL: a NetworkID is present but the chain's network ID is less than 1025. Remove the field from the transaction, and try again.
      • telREQUIRES_NETWORK_ID: a NetworkID is required, but is not present. Add the field to the transaction, and try again.
      • telWRONG_NETWORK: a NetworkID is specified, but it is for a different network. Submit the transaction to a different server which is connected to the correct network.

Additions and bug fixes in 1.11

  • Added nftoken_id, nftoken_ids and offer_id meta fields into NFT tx and account_tx responses. (XRPLF#4447)
  • Added an account_flags object to the account_info method response. (XRPLF#4459)
  • Added NFTokenPages to the account_objects RPC. (XRPLF#4352)
  • Fixed: marker returned from the account_lines command would not work on subsequent commands. (XRPLF#4361)

XRP Ledger version 1.10.0

Version 1.10.0 was released on Mar 14, 2023.

Breaking changes in 1.10

  • If the XRPFees feature is enabled, the fee_ref field will be removed from the ledger subscription stream, because it will no longer have any meaning.

In development

Changes below this point are in development.

API Version 2

At the time of writing, this version is expected to be introduced in rippled version 2.0.

Currently (prior to the release of 2.0), it is available as a "beta" version, meaning it can be enabled with a config setting in rippled.cfg:


Since api_version 2 is in "beta", breaking changes to V2 can currently be made at any time.

Modifications to account_info response in V2

  • signer_lists is returned in the root of the response. Previously, in API version 1, it was nested under account_data. (XRPLF#3770)
  • When using an invalid signer_lists value, the API now returns an "invalidParams" error. (XRPLF#4585)
    • (signer_lists must be a boolean. In API version 1, strings are accepted and may return a normal response - as if signer_lists were true.)

Modifications to account_tx response in V2

  • Using ledger_index_min, ledger_index_max, and ledger_index returns invalidParams because if you use ledger_index_min or ledger_index_max, then it does not make sense to also specify ledger_index. Previously, in API version 1, no error was returned. (XRPLF#4571)
  • Using a ledger_index_min or ledger_index_max beyond the range of ledgers that the server has:
    • returns lgrIdxMalformed in API version 2. (XRPLF#4288)
    • Previously, in API version 1, no error was returned.
In progress
  • Attempting to use a non-boolean value (such as a string) for the binary or forward parameters returns invalidParams (rpcINVALID_PARAMS). Previously, in API version 1, no error was returned. (XRPLF#4620)

Modifications to noripple_check response in V2

In progress
  • Attempting to use a non-boolean value (such as a string) for the transactions parameter returns invalidParams (rpcINVALID_PARAMS). Previously, in API version 1, no error was returned. (XRPLF#4620)

Unit tests for API changes

The following information is useful to developers contributing to this project:

The purpose of unit tests is to catch bugs and prevent regressions. In general, it often makes sense to create a test function when there is a breaking change to the API. For APIs that have changed in a new API version, the tests should be modified so that both the prior version and the new version are properly tested.

To take one example: for account_info version 1, WebSocket and JSON-RPC behavior should be tested. The latest API version, i.e. API version 2, should be tested over WebSocket, JSON-RPC, and command line.