Format correctly the following source code:
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Wintellect.PowerCollections; class Event:IComparable { public DateTime date; public String title; public String location; public Event( DateTime date , String title , String location ) { this.date = date; this.title = title; this.location = location; } public int CompareTo(object obj) { Event other = obj as Event; int byDate = this.date. CompareTo (other.date); int byTitle = this.title.CompareTo (other.title); int byLocation = this.location.CompareTo(other.location); if (byDate == 0) { if( byTitle==0 ) return byLocation; else { return byTitle; } } else return byDate; } public override string ToString ( ) { StringBuilder toString=new StringBuilder (); toString.Append( date .ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss") ); toString.Append(" | "+title); if (location != null && location != "") toString.Append(" | " + location); return toString.ToString(); } } class Program { static StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); static class Messages { public static void EventAdded() { output.Append("Event added\n"); } public static void EventDeleted(int x) { if ( x == 0 ) NoEventsFound(); else output.AppendFormat("{0} events deleted\n",x); } public static void NoEventsFound() { output.Append( "No events found\n" ); } public static void PrintEvent ( Event eventToPrint ) { if( eventToPrint!=null ) { output.Append( eventToPrint+"\n"); } } } class EventHolder { MultiDictionary<string, Event> byTitle = new MultiDictionary<string, Event>(true); OrderedBag<Event> byDate = new OrderedBag< Event>(); public void AddEvent(DateTime date, string title, string location) { Event newEvent = new Event(date, title, location); byTitle.Add( title.ToLower(), newEvent ); byDate.Add(newEvent); Messages.EventAdded(); } public void DeleteEvents(string titleToDelete) { string title = titleToDelete .ToLower(); int removed = 0; foreach ( var eventToRemove in byTitle [ title ] ) { removed ++; byDate.Remove ( eventToRemove ); } byTitle.Remove (title); Messages.EventDeleted( removed ); } public void ListEvents(DateTime date, int count) { OrderedBag<Event>.View eventsToShow = byDate.RangeFrom(new Event( date, "", ""), true); int showed = 0; foreach (var eventToShow in eventsToShow) { if (showed == count) break; Messages.PrintEvent(eventToShow); showed++; } if (showed == 0) Messages.NoEventsFound(); } } static EventHolder events = new EventHolder(); static void Main(string[] args) { while (ExecuteNextCommand()) { } Console.WriteLine(output); } private static bool ExecuteNextCommand() { string command = Console.ReadLine(); if(command[0]=='A'){AddEvent(command);return true;} if(command[0]=='D'){DeleteEvents(command);return true;} if(command[0]=='L'){ListEvents(command);return true;} if(command[0]=='E'){return false;} return false; } private static void ListEvents(string command) { int pipeIndex = command.IndexOf('|') ; DateTime date = GetDate( command, "ListEvents"); string countString = command.Substring( pipeIndex + 1 ); int count = int.Parse(countString); events.ListEvents(date, count); } private static void DeleteEvents( string command ) { string title = command.Substring ( "DeleteEvents".Length + 1 ); events.DeleteEvents(title); } private static void AddEvent(string command) { DateTime date; string title; string location; GetParameters(command, "AddEvent", out date, out title, out location); events.AddEvent (date, title, location); } private static void GetParameters(string commandForExecution, string commandType, out DateTime dateAndTime, out string eventTitle, out string eventLocation) { dateAndTime = GetDate(commandForExecution, commandType); int firstPipeIndex = commandForExecution.IndexOf('|'); int lastPipeIndex = commandForExecution.LastIndexOf('|'); if ( firstPipeIndex == lastPipeIndex ){ eventTitle = commandForExecution.Substring(firstPipeIndex + 1).Trim(); eventLocation = ""; } else { eventTitle = commandForExecution.Substring( firstPipeIndex + 1, lastPipeIndex - firstPipeIndex - 1) .Trim(); eventLocation = commandForExecution.Substring(lastPipeIndex + 1).Trim(); } } private static DateTime GetDate( string command, string commandType ) { DateTime date = DateTime.Parse(command .Substring(commandType.Length + 1, 20)); return date; } }
Format correctly the following source code:
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