- Familiarize yourself with:
- Microsoft Visual Studio
- Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) Library Documentation
- Find information about
- Find information about
- Create, compile and run a "Hello C#" console application.
- Modify the application to print your name.
- Write a program to print the numbers 1, 101 and 1001.
- Install at home:
- Microsoft Visual Studio (or Visual Studio Express)
- Create console application that prints your first and last name.
- Create a console application that prints the current date and time.
- Create a console application that calculates and prints the square of the number 12345.
- Write a program that prints the first 10 members of the sequence: 2, -3, 4, -5, 6, -7, ...
- Provide a short list with information about the most popular programming languages. How do they differ from C#?
- Describe the difference between C# and .NET Framework.
- *Write a program to read your age from the console and print how old you will be after 10 years.