- Write a program that retrieves from the
sample database in MS SQL Server the number of rows in theCategories
Write a program that retrieves the name and description of all categories in the
DB. -
Write a program that retrieves from the
database all product categories and the names of the products in each category. Can you do this with a single SQL query (with table join)? -
Write a method that adds a new product in the products table in the
database. Use a parameterized SQL command. -
Write a program that retrieves the images for all categories in the
database and stores them as JPG files in the file system. -
Create an Excel file with 2 columns:
:Write a program that reads your MS Excel file through the OLE DB data provider and displays the name and score row by row.
Implement appending new rows to the Excel file.
Write a program that reads a string from the console and finds all products that contain this string. Ensure you handle correctly characters like
', %, ", \ and _
. -
Download and install
database,MySQL Connector/Net
(.NET Data Provider for MySQL) +MySQL Workbench
GUI administration tool . Create a MySQL database to storeBooks
(title, author, publish date and ISBN). Write methods for listing all books, finding a book by name and adding a book. -
Re-implement the previous task with SQLite embedded DB (see http://sqlite.phxsoftware.com).