Guava is a super lightweight and high performance web framework for Python written in C. It is totally different with other traditional Python web frameworks.
Keep in mind, this project is not to revent the wheel.
If you don't like the features Guava supplied, you can use the underlying structures like router, session, request, response, builtin web server to construct your own web framework with the benifits of high performance which guava gives you.
You can check out the detailed explaination of guava in my blog. Link
- Active development
I will release the stable version ASAP.
Anyways, you can evaluate it, hack it in advance. Don't forget to star it if you think guava can help you in the future. :)
If you want to contribute, please see the contribution section.
- High performance
- Prefer convention over configuration
- Lightweight, only do what one web framework should do
- Scalability
- Asynchorous, build on top of libuv
- Builtin HTTP webserver
- Builtin routers: Router, StaticRouter, MVCRouter, RESTFulRouter
- Session Management: InMemory, Local FileSystem, Remote(SSO)
- Everything is extensible
I did a quick performance testing, all codes are stored in benchmark folder.
If anything is not correct, please kindly to correct me.
Testing Environment
EC2: t2.micro 1CPU 0.613GIB EBS
OS: Ubuntu14.04
Benchmark program: wrk
- Helloworld Performance
Command: wrk -t12 -c400 -d30s
This runs a benchmark for 30 seconds, using 12 threads, and keeping 400 HTTP connections open.
Already disabled al
Framework | Requests/s | Notes |
Flask | 595.73 | Actually failed to run the full testing |
CherryPy | 1627.68 | |
Tornado | 3373.22 | |
NodeJS Raw | 4977.63 | |
Go Raw | 20230.32 | |
guava | 18799.11 |
The reason why this time of testing guava didn't win Go is due to some known but unfixed bugs in guava, I will fix that soon and rerun the testing.
After I finished basic features, I will focus on the optimization part, continously to improve the performance.
To be honest, there're lots of places in guava could be optimized.
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| WebServer | <<-- Reversed Proxy Rule -->> | Guava HTTP Server |
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The performance of the Guava builtin web server is good enough for serving as the standalone web server. But till now I haven't spend so much time on the security part, so maybe it's not the best time to choose this kind of deployment.
Guava has four builtin routers trying to simplify your life. For detailed documentation, please refer to the doc directory in this repo.
Each router has one mount point. All routers will composite the tree like structures. The concept of mount point is for you easily group you sub applications.
StaticRouter is dedicated for serving static resources, for example: css, javascript files or images.
static_router = guava.router.StaticRouter(mount_point="/static",
This could be set as the default router, if your application is such a typical one.
mvc_router = guava.router.MVCRouter(mount_point="/")
For exmaple:
URL | Package | Class | Module | Action | Args | GET | POST |
/ | controllers | IndexController | index | index | () | {} | {} |
/post | controllers | IndexController | post | index | () | {} | {} |
/post/new | controllers | IndexController | post | new | () | {} | {} |
/post/view/10 | controllers | IndexController | post | view | ('10',) | {} | {} |
/post/move/10/20 | controllers | IndexController | post | move | ('10', '20',) | {} | {} |
/post/edit/10?type=draft | controllers | IndexController | post | edit | ('10', ) | {'type': 'draft'} | {} |
This router is especially useful if you want to supply the RESTFul apis.
Method | URL | Class | Action |
GET | /users | UsersController | get_all |
GET | /users/10 | UsersController | get_one |
DELETE | /users/10 | UsersController | delete_one |
POST | /users/ | UsersController | create_one |
PUT | /users/10 | UsersController | update_one |
I havn't find the best way to handler subresource like this kind of urls /users/10/friends/
, after I get a better idea,
I will integrate with this feature soon.
If above routers can not match all of your requirements, you can use CustomRouter to build or overwrite complex routes
custom_router = guava.router.Router({
"/about": guava.handler.Handler(package='.',
class MySpecialRouter(guava.router.Router):
def __init__(self):
def route(self, req):
if req.path == '/me' and req.GET['name'] == 'rock':
return guava.handler.Handler(package='.',
return None
All your controllers should inherit from guava.controller.Controller
Guava already builtin two kinds of Session store solutions, one is in memory store, the other is file based store. If you want to support SSO and try to store session in MC, Redis or databases, you need to create a new class inherited from the builtin session store.
This is specially useful for debugging purpose. Each time you restarted the guava web server, all data in this kind of session store will be dropped.
session_store = guava.session.SessionStore(type=guava.session.Mem)
session_store = guava.session.SessionStore(type=guava.session.File)
If you want to implement the SSO, you need the central based session storage solution by using Redis, memcache, database or other brokers to store the session data.
class RedisSessionStore(guava.session.SessionStore):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs)):
super(MySessionStore, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def set(self, sid, value):
def get(self, sid):
def delete(self, sid):
def clear(self, sid):
You need to implement the four placeholder functions to build your own session store solution.
Project | Description |
libuv | Cross-platform asychronous I/O library |
http-parser | http request/response parser for c |
git submodule update --init
sudo python install
Run tests: python -m unittest discover
sudo pip install -e git+
sudo pip install guava
Launch a web server at current directory
python -c 'import guava; guava.server.start_static_server()'
It's the same as
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
Please see my blog.
Thanks for transfer the ownership of the name "guava" in PyPI.
To me, all kinds of contributions are welcome.
- Contribute to the core codes
- Testcases
- Examples
- Documentation
- Website or the Logo for the Guava project
- Even request for new features!