A pure Java implementation of the now defunct discord-rpc sdk.
This library has the same features as the original DLL versions, but with notable changes:
- Pure java implementation, without the need for JNA or JNI (except for older java versions, where junixsocket uses it)
- Apple Silicon support
- Setting Rich Presence
- Listen for Join, Spectate and Join-Requests
- Specify the Activity type (Watching, Playing, Competing, etc)
- Automatic reconnects when switching user accounts
- 100% pure java
- Supports Java 8-21
- Specifically designed for use in Minecraft mods
First, add our maven repository
maven {
name "FDD Maven"
url "https://maven.firstdark.dev/releases"
Next, add the required dependency:
// For Java 16+
implementation "dev.firstdark.discordrpc:discord-rpc:VERSION"
// For Java older than 16
// implementation "dev.firstdark.discordrpc:discord-rpc:VERSION:legacy"
uses JUnixSockets to handle the discord communication. The Java 16+ jar uses java NIO to communicate with the sockets
DiscordRpc rpc = new DiscordRpc();
DiscordEventHandler handler = new DiscordEventHandler() {
public void ready(User user) {
DiscordRichPresence presence = DiscordRichPresence.builder()
.details("Hello World")
.button(DiscordRichPresence.RPCButton.of("Test", "https://google.com"))
public void disconnected(ErrorCode errorCode, String message) {
System.out.println("Disconnected " + errorCode + " - " + message);
public void errored(ErrorCode errorCode, String message) {
System.out.println("Errored " + errorCode + " - " + message);
public void joinGame(String joinSecret) {
public void spectateGame(String spectateSecret) {
public void joinRequest(DiscordJoinRequest joinRequest) {
rpc.init("1000773209924317265", handler, false);
This library and code is licensed under the MIT license, same as the original discord SDK.
If you need more help, visit our discord