See ansible/
for general info about running ansible commands.
NOTE: The use of single quotes is very intentional to ensure that no shell interpolation happens client side
Visit https://faucet.<network>
curl -I https://faucet.<network>
If the site is in maintance mode
ansible -i $hostfile -b -m file -a 'state=link src=/etc/nginx/sites-available/faucet.conf dest=/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/50-faucet.conf' faucet
ansible -i $hostfile -b -m systemd -a 'name=nginx state=reloaded' faucet
If there is a 502 gateway issue, ensure the lotus-fountain
is running
ansible -i $hostfile -b -m shell -a 'systemctl status lotus-fountain' faucet
ansible -i $hostfile -b -m systemd -a 'name=lotus-fountain state=started' faucet
If the lotus-fountain
service fails to come online you can check the logs /var/log/lotus-fountain.log
, as well
as try to run the service manually to see what error output it produces (journalctl -u lotus-fountain.service
isn't picking up stderr for some reason).
sudo su su -c bash -- fc
grep ExecStart < /etc/systemd/system/lotus-fountain.service | sed 's/.*ExecStart=//'
Check to see how many messages are in the mpool for the fountain address
ansible -i $hostfile -b -m shell -a 'lotus mpool stat | grep $(lotus wallet default)' faucet
If curr
is greater than 0
this is okay, just means that there is a queue of messages.
Messages can be mined into blocks at around 512 messages per block in a tipset
If past
is greater than 0
this means there are messages in the mpool with a lower nonce than
the actor. Notify the development team and see if it's of interest.
If future
is greater than 0
, this means there is a nonce gap that needs to be fixed.
Check that the lotus-noncefix
timer is enabled and working
ansible -i $hostfile -b -m shell -a 'systemctl status lotus-noncefix.timer' faucet
If the timer is active (waiting)
, the issue should resolve itself. Standby for the next trigger to occur
and check the mpool stats again.
If the timer is inactive (dead)
ansible -i $hostfile -b -m systemd -a 'name=lotus-noncefix.timer state=started' faucet
You can manually start the lotus-noncefix
as well
ansible -i $hostfile -b -m systemd -a 'name=lotus-noncefix.service state=started' faucet
Verify that the future value is now 0
ansible -i $hostfile -b -m shell -a 'lotus mpool stat | grep $(lotus wallet default)' faucet
If curr
is zero or a low number try the faucet yourself
ansible -i $hostfile -b -m shell -a 'lotus wallet new' scratch0
Go to the faucet and do send funds
(do not use curl for this step so we can verify that the website itself is working)
Verify that the funds show up in the wallet
ansible -i $hostfile -b -m shell -a 'lotus wallet list | xargs -L1 lotus wallet balance' scratch0
While waiting, monitor the mpool
ansible -i $hostfile -b -m shell -a 'lotus mpool pending | jq "select( .Message.From == \"$(lotus wallet default)\")"' faucet
If after ~5 minutes nothing shows up put the faucet into maintenance mode to investigate further and post a message to #fil-lotus
ansible -i $hostfile -b -m file -a 'state=absent path=/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/50-faucet.conf' faucet
ansible -i $hostfile -b -m systemd -a 'name=nginx state=reloaded' faucet
To gain access to the facuet while in maintance mode
ssh -L 7777: ubuntu@faucet.<network> -N
Continue to investigate http://localhost:7777
Once done put the faucet back online
ansible -i $hostfile -b -m file -a 'state=link src=/etc/nginx/sites-available/faucet.conf dest=/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/50-faucet.conf' faucet
ansible -i $hostfile -b -m systemd -a 'name=nginx state=reloaded' faucet
Clean up the wallet
ansible -i $hostfile -b -m shell -a 'lotus wallet delete <wallet>` scratch0