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File metadata and controls

40 lines (35 loc) · 2.88 KB


This is the current roadmap of items under consideration.


  • add global catch all events to svidget at page level (i.e. svidget.on("eventtrigger"))
  • move populate code from WidgetReference to Root.Page (deferred, possibly 1.1)
  • add declarative event wiring for paramchange and paramset at widget level (from svidget:params element), actions and events too
  • if param/action/event is orphaned (removed from parent), then throw error when trying to access or invoke a member on it
  • widget/svidget.onconnect event
  • widget.onstart event (from both page and widget; update: at page level this is just onwidgetload)
  • move writable properties to bottom of class


  • actionparam.arbitrary - the actionparam receives all remaining args (think params in .net), actionparam's after it are ignored (called rest params in ES6)
  • data-allowresize: if widget requests a resize (probably just do resize for now)
  • data-allowmove: if widget requests a move (not sure if we need as this is an attribute of the page, the widget may not need to know its location)
  • widget x/y/width/height properties
  • add toJSON calls along with existing toTransport calls
  • loader on top of widget in case it takes a long time to load
  • string/date type/subtype
  • type array with subtype as number,string,etc to enforce all elements are that type
  • ability to pass functions as params
  • condensify various common properties like enabled, description (into common Prototype class); cleaning up repetitve code
  • for action.invoke() should return an object like task or promise (instead of true/false); same behavior for action and actionproxy
  • ability to map parameter to a global scope variable (i.e. _data)
  • ability to use true object literal, property name without quotes in conversion.toObject { foo: 'bar' } (consider moving JSON stuff to its own class)
  • standalone/connected should be togglable from the parent so as to turn on/off communication
  • implement param() per the (SVG params spec)[]
  • test and handle downgrading case when browser doesn't support SVG (no SVG support, non-HTML5)
  • number/range type/subtype, typedata="0-100" or "0-100,-100--50,1000-1005"
  • group attribute for param, action, events to group common items together (useful for inspector tool)
  • remove old useless code in (i.e. waitForWidgets, handleReceiveWidgetLoaded, checkUnfinishedWidgetReferences, etc)
  • come up with something much better than the pagepopulate event to tell widget developer whether widget is standalone or not


  • think about coercion rules, should number/integer coerce to 0 if null/undefined? should this be handled at conversion level or value() call?
  • data-fallback attribute
  • theming/skinning: widget.css property, allow advanced css injection, automatically emits/updates a <style> tag (widget authors will supply css reference docs for class names for their widget)