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-Aria train and evaluation kits.
+# Aria Training and Evaluation toolkit (ATEK)
-## How to set up ATEK on AWS
-### 1. Make sure you have the right AWS access and can ssh to the frl surreal research AWS cluster.
-### 2. In the submit node, go to the /work_1a/$USER folder to clone the ATEK repo. Make sure the github ssh access set up properly.
-git clone git@github.com:fairinternal/ATEK.git
+Today, we’re introducing ATEK, an e2e framework for training and evaluating deep learning models on [Aria](https://www.projectaria.com/) data, for both 3D egocentric-specific and general machine perception tasks.
-### 3. Create ATEK conda env (MUST BE in node shell)
-srun -N 1 --gres=gpu:1 --pty bash
-Init mamba, note that mamba is a drop in replacement for the conda which is much faster in the complex cloud environment such
-as the AWS for package management. Conda also works but mamba is a better choice here.
-export PATH=/data/home/$USER/miniconda3/bin:$PATH
+For full documentation, you can navitagete to:
+- [Installation](docs/INSTALL.md)
+- [Quick start](#quick-start)
+- [Machine learning tasks supported by ATEK](docs/ml_tasks.md)
+- [ATEK Data Store](docs/atek_data_store.md)
+- [Core code snippets](docs/core_code_snippets.md)
+- [Technical specifications](docs/technical_specifications.md)
+## Colab notebook
+Data preprocessing, inference and evaluation example
+[![Aria VRS Data Provider](https://colab.research.google.com/assets/colab-badge.svg)](https://colab.research.google.com/github/facebookresearch/ATEK/tree/main/examples/ATEK_CoLab_Notebook.ipynb)
+## Quick start (TODO: add pypi installation)
+1. Install miniconda3
+Follow [instructions](https://docs.anaconda.com/free/miniconda/) to install miniconda3 and re-open a new terminal after install for this to take effect
+2. Install mamba and initialize.
+Mamba is a python venv tooling that is similar to Conda, but supposed to handle dependencies more elegantly.
+export PATH=/home/$USER/miniconda3/bin:$PATH
conda init bash
conda install mamba -n base -c conda-forge
mamba init
-Then create a conda environment with the ATEK environment.yaml
+3. clone ATEK code:
+git clone https://github.com/facebookresearch/ATEK.git
+cd ATEK
+4. Create an ATEK environment and Install ATEK lib:
mamba env create -f env_atek.yml
+mamba activate atek
+python3 -m pip install -e ./
-### 4. Setup the pybind library
-In mamba atek env
+Verify the libs are installed correctly
+mamba list atek
-pip install -e ${ATEK_SRC_DIR}
+Details in [Complete installation guide](docs/INSTALL.md) includes:
+1. Python installation from source code, on local Fedora + Macbook.
+2. Python installation from source code on AWS.
+3. We will also provide 2 types of installation flavor: `[default]` and `[demo]`, where the latter would require more dependencies e.g. SAM2, Omni3D, etc.
+## Download example data
+To download, you should use the dataverse_url_parser.py script in ATEK's lib, with --download-wds-to-local flag. You can select which preprocessing config to download, train/validation split, and number of sequences to download. Here we will use cubercnn configuration as example. Please download input json [here, TODO: get link](link) and specify its path in atek_json_path. Replace output_data_dir with the path you want to put your data.
+python3 tools/dataverse_url_parser.py \
+--config-name cubercnn \
+--input-json-path ${atek_json_path} \
+--output-folder-path ${output_data_dir}/
+--max-num-sequences 2
+To directly stream from data store, you can also use dataverse_url_parser.py script without the --download-wds_to-local flag, which will just create 3 yaml files, streamable_all/train/validation_tars.yaml, each containing the urls of the WDS shard files. These yaml files can be consumed by ATEK lib.
-### 5. Connect to the jupyter
-In Atek env, setup the jupyter
+python3 tools/dataverse_url_parser.py \
+--config-name cubercnn \
+--input-json-path ${atek_json_path} \
+--output-folder-path ${output_data_dir}/
+--max-num-sequences 2
-jupyter lab --no-browser --port 9095 --ServerApp.token=''
+You can visualize the WDS content, using the streamable yaml files.
+# Loading local WDS files
+tar_file_urls = load_yaml_and_extract_tar_list(yaml_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "streamable_yamls", "streamable_validation_tars.yaml"))
+# Batch size is None so that no collation is invoked
+atek_dataloader = create_native_atek_dataloader(urls = tar_file_urls, batch_size=None, repeat_flag=False)
+# Loop over all samples in DataLoader and visualize
+atek_visualizer = NativeAtekSampleVisualizer(viz_prefix = "dataloading_visualizer", conf = viz_conf)
+for atek_sample_dict in atek_dataloader:
+ # First convert it back to ATEK data sample and visualize
+ atek_visualizer.plot_atek_sample_as_dict(atek_sample_dict)
+## Benchmarking, inference, and training examples
+The script expects provide 2 csv files as input, groundtruth and predictions, both in the same predefined ATEK format (see below). The benchmarking script will compute and report a number of detection metrics. See example training and evaluation [jupyter notebook](/examples/demo_3_training_and_eval.ipynb) for more details.
+Currently we support 2 ML tasks in benchmakring.
+1. Static 3D object detection.
+2. 3D surface reconstruction.
+python tools/benchmarking_static_object_detection.py \
+--pred-csv {workdir}/eval_results/prediction_obbs.csv \
+--gt-csv {workdir}/eval_results/gt_obbs.csv \
+--output-file {workdir}/eval_results/atek_metrics.json
+## Data-preprocessing, and visualization examples
+Handling raw sensor data from Project Aria can be challenging due to the need for detailed knowledge of various Aria specifications, such as camera calibration, sensor behavior, and data synchronization.
+ATEK simplifies this process by offering robust processing functionalities for all types of Aria data. This approach replaces complex data processing pipelines with just a few API calls, using simple configuration JSON files, making it more accessible and efficient for developers to get started.
+Refer to the data preprocesing [jupyter notebook](examples/demo_1_data_preprocessing.ipynb) to see the details.
+## Machine learning tasks supported by ATEK
+ATEK now support static 3D object detection and surface reconstruction tasks. Find out more on [Machine learning tasks supported by ATEK](docs/ml_tasks.md) section.
## License
-ATEK is Apache 2.0 licensed, as found in the LICENSE file.
+## Contributors