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Minified React error #[object Object] #12434

PhilNorfleet opened this issue Mar 22, 2018 · 18 comments

Minified React error #[object Object] #12434

PhilNorfleet opened this issue Mar 22, 2018 · 18 comments


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PhilNorfleet commented Mar 22, 2018

Building locally produces no errors, whereas our production build serves the following:

app-public.js:formatted:23111 Error: Minified React error #[object Object]; visit[object Object] for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.
at n (app-public.js:formatted:21146)
at a (app-public.js:formatted:23584)
at s (app-public.js:formatted:23649)
at commitDeletion (app-public.js:formatted:23754)
at t (app-public.js:formatted:22850)
at E (app-public.js:formatted:23249)
at b (app-public.js:formatted:23228)
at h (app-public.js:formatted:23158)
at m (app-public.js:formatted:23135)
at Object.updateContainer (app-public.js:formatted:24015)
at app-public.js:formatted:24572
at Object.unbatchedUpdates (app-public.js:formatted:23901)
at Qt (app-public.js:formatted:24571)
at Object.render (app-public.js:formatted:26071)
at Object.<anonymous> (app-public.js:formatted:56736)
at Object.<anonymous> (app-public.js:formatted:56741)

I am unsure how to debug this, as there does not seem to be precedent for receiving an error code that is an object. Any ideas on how to proceed?

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gaearon commented Mar 22, 2018

Looks odd. Can you figure out a minimal reproducing case?

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Having the same issue. Hard to debug or figure out what the error is because it only happens on the production build. In development build it works fine. Also the link it says to go to[object Object] is just the generic error decoder link and doesn't offer any useful info.

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gaearon commented Apr 19, 2018

The fact that the link itself looks so weird is the bug. It doesn't offer more info because something in React itself is broken if you see this.

If you can point me to a way to reproduce (even with a production website) that would be very helpful.

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gaearon commented Apr 19, 2018

One possible reason this could happen is if you're using a broken version of Uglify that breaks the React bundle. Here is an example of such issue: #12555 (comment). Try downgrading (or upgrading) Uglify.

I'm going to close because we didn't get more details so far. If you can reproduce this I can take another look.

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savybrandt-zz commented May 4, 2018

I'm having the same issue @gaearon .

I am using react-rails

The expected behavior in my application is to render a wheel graph and graph key component. Clicking on a section of the graph "focuses" that section and updates the forst key in the key component.
screen shot 2018-05-04 at 3 36 10 pm

What happens instead is after clicking on the section I receive the error "Error: Minified React error #[object Object]" and my key component ends up with 3 elements instead of 2. I console logged my keys all the way through the onClick listener to rendering the key component again and the "keys" prop only ever show an array of 2 items. It's like the component is adding the new props instead of replacing them.
screen shot 2018-05-03 at 4 15 11 pm

This issue only occurs for me in production and not on my local. I tried tracking the error down best I could in the minified src and this is what I got.
screen shot 2018-05-04 at 3 32 37 pm

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gaearon commented May 5, 2018


Thanks for extra info, this helps. Can I ask you to take a screenshot like this for every call stack frame? I'm sorry if this is annoying.

i.e. click on Call Stack in the debugger and screenshot where that argument (e) is being passed from. That would be very helpful.

@gaearon gaearon reopened this May 5, 2018
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gaearon commented May 5, 2018

Also we'd need to know which version of React you're using

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Here's the full Call Stack. I'm using react-rails version (2.4.4)

screen shot 2018-05-06 at 9 53 18 am

screen shot 2018-05-06 at 9 53 59 am

screen shot 2018-05-06 at 9 54 37 am

screen shot 2018-05-06 at 9 56 24 am

screen shot 2018-05-06 at 9 56 54 am

screen shot 2018-05-06 at 9 57 19 am

screen shot 2018-05-06 at 9 58 01 am

screen shot 2018-05-06 at 9 58 21 am

screen shot 2018-05-06 at 9 59 16 am

screen shot 2018-05-06 at 9 59 27 am

screen shot 2018-05-06 at 9 59 52 am

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gaearon commented May 6, 2018

What version of React itself does you version of react-rails come with?
You can tell by doing console.log(React.version)

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gaearon commented May 6, 2018

The second frame is the most interesting:

The i(e) call seems to assume i() is a different function than it really is.

When I look at actual React code published on npm (for example, React 16.3.1 production CommonJS bundle), this piece of code looks like:

function df(a, b, c, d, e) {
  function f(a) { // <-------------- definition of f()
    var c = a.ref;
    if (null !== c)
      if ("function" === typeof c)
        try {
        } catch (t) {
          b(a, t);
      else c.current = null;
  function h(a) {
    "function" === typeof Je && Je(a);
    switch (a.tag) {
      case 2:
        var c = a.stateNode;
        if ("function" === typeof c.componentWillUnmount)
          try {
            (c.props = a.memoizedProps),
              (c.state = a.memoizedState),
          } catch (t) {
            b(a, t);
      case 5:
        f(a); // <-------------------- call that crashes for you
      case 7:
      case 4:
        p && v(a);

So in the original code, we're calling a function defined right above. But in your bundle, we're calling a completely different function (that prints an invariant).

I'd appreciate if you could paste a larger chunk of your bundle around the second call frame I mentioned above. Maybe it could help illuminate what happened to the actual function we wanted to call.

Overall, my guess is this is a bug in Uglify (or whatever React Rails is using for minification). But we'll need a reproducing project to confirm it. At the very least we need to know which versions of Webpack and Uglify you're using.

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Here are a couple blocks above and the rest of the block that contains the function call in frame 2.

    function Dn(e, t, n, r, o) {
        function a(e, t, n) {
            var i = t.expirationTime;
            t.child = null === e ? Ao(t, null, n, i) : $o(t, e.child, n, i)
        function s(e, t) {
            var n = t.ref;
            null === n || e && e.ref === n || (t.effectTag |= 128)
        function l(e, t, n, i) {
            if (s(e, t),
                return i && on(t, !1),
                d(e, t);
            n = t.stateNode,
            zr.current = t;
            var r = n.render();
            return t.effectTag |= 1,
            a(e, t, r),
            t.memoizedState = n.state,
            t.memoizedProps = n.props,
            i && on(t, !0),
        function c(e) {
            var t = e.stateNode;
            t.pendingContext ? tn(e, t.pendingContext, t.pendingContext !== t.context) : t.context && tn(e, t.context, !1),
            g(e, t.containerInfo)
        function d(e, t) {
            if (null !== e && t.child !== e.child ? i("153") : void 0,
            null !== t.child) {
                e = t.child;
                var n = sn(e, e.pendingProps, e.expirationTime);
                for (t.child = n,
                n.return = t; null !== e.sibling; )
                    e = e.sibling,
                    n = n.sibling = sn(e, e.pendingProps, e.expirationTime),
                    n.return = t;
                n.sibling = null
            return t.child
        function u(e, t) {
            switch (t.tag) {
            case 3:
            case 2:
            case 4:
                g(t, t.stateNode.containerInfo)
            return null
        var h = e.shouldSetTextContent
          , p = e.useSyncScheduling
          , f = e.shouldDeprioritizeSubtree
          , m = t.pushHostContext
          , g = t.pushHostContainer
          , v = n.enterHydrationState
          , y = n.resetHydrationState
          , b = n.tryToClaimNextHydratableInstance;
        e = Cn(r, o, function(e, t) {
            e.memoizedProps = t
        }, function(e, t) {
            e.memoizedState = t
        var _ = e.adoptClassInstance
          , w = e.constructClassInstance
          , x = e.mountClassInstance
          , k = e.updateClassInstance;
        return {
            beginWork: function(e, t, n) {
                if (0 === t.expirationTime || t.expirationTime > n)
                    return u(e, t);
                switch (t.tag) {
                case 0:
                    null !== e ? i("155") : void 0;
                    var r = t.type
                      , o = t.pendingProps
                      , C = Kt(t);
                    return C = Zt(t, C),
                    r = r(o, C),
                    t.effectTag |= 1,
                    "object" == typeof r && null !== r && "function" == typeof r.render ? (t.tag = 2,
                    o = rn(t),
                    _(t, r),
                    x(t, n),
                    t = l(e, t, !0, o)) : (t.tag = 1,
                    a(e, t, r),
                    t.memoizedProps = o,
                    t = t.child),
                case 1:
                    e: {
                        if (o = t.type,
                        n = t.pendingProps,
                        r = t.memoizedProps,
                            null === n && (n = r);
                        else if (null === n || r === n) {
                            t = d(e, t);
                            break e
                        r = Kt(t),
                        r = Zt(t, r),
                        o = o(n, r),
                        t.effectTag |= 1,
                        a(e, t, o),
                        t.memoizedProps = n,
                        t = t.child
                    return t;
                case 2:
                    return o = rn(t),
                    r = void 0,
                    null === e ? t.stateNode ? i("153") : (w(t, t.pendingProps),
                    x(t, n),
                    r = !0) : r = k(e, t, n),
                    l(e, t, r, o);
                case 3:
                    return c(t),
                    o = t.updateQueue,
                    null !== o ? (r = t.memoizedState,
                    o = xn(e, t, o, null, null, n),
                    r === o ? (y(),
                    t = d(e, t)) : (r = o.element,
                    C = t.stateNode,
                    (null === e || null === e.child) && C.hydrate && v(t) ? (t.effectTag |= 2,
                    t.child = Ao(t, null, r, n)) : (y(),
                    a(e, t, r)),
                    t.memoizedState = o,
                    t = t.child)) : (y(),
                    t = d(e, t)),
                case 5:
                    null === e && b(t),
                    o = t.type;
                    var S = t.memoizedProps;
                    return r = t.pendingProps,
                    null === r && (r = S,
                    null === r ? i("154") : void 0),
                    C = null !== e ? e.memoizedProps : null,
                    mo.current || null !== r && S !== r ? (S = r.children,
                    h(o, r) ? S = null : C && h(o, C) && (t.effectTag |= 16),
                    s(e, t),
                    2147483647 !== n && !p && f(o, r) ? (t.expirationTime = 2147483647,
                    t = null) : (a(e, t, S),
                    t.memoizedProps = r,
                    t = t.child)) : t = d(e, t),
                case 6:
                    return null === e && b(t),
                    e = t.pendingProps,
                    null === e && (e = t.memoizedProps),
                    t.memoizedProps = e,
                case 8:
                    t.tag = 7;
                case 7:
                    return o = t.pendingProps,
                    mo.current ? null === o && (o = e && e.memoizedProps,
                    null === o ? i("154") : void 0) : null !== o && t.memoizedProps !== o || (o = t.memoizedProps),
                    r = o.children,
                    t.stateNode = null === e ? Ao(t, t.stateNode, r, n) : $o(t, t.stateNode, r, n),
                    t.memoizedProps = o,
                case 9:
                    return null;
                case 4:
                    e: {
                        if (g(t, t.stateNode.containerInfo),
                        o = t.pendingProps,
                            null === o && (o = e && e.memoizedProps,
                            null == o ? i("154") : void 0);
                        else if (null === o || t.memoizedProps === o) {
                            t = d(e, t);
                            break e
                        null === e ? t.child = $o(t, null, o, n) : a(e, t, o),
                        t.memoizedProps = o,
                        t = t.child
                    return t;
                case 10:
                    e: {
                        if (n = t.pendingProps,
                            null === n && (n = t.memoizedProps);
                        else if (null === n || t.memoizedProps === n) {
                            t = d(e, t);
                            break e
                        a(e, t, n),
                        t.memoizedProps = n,
                        t = t.child
                    return t;
            beginFailedWork: function(e, t, n) {
                switch (t.tag) {
                case 2:
                case 3:
                return t.effectTag |= 64,
                null === e ? t.child = null : t.child !== e.child && (t.child = e.child),
                0 === t.expirationTime || t.expirationTime > n ? u(e, t) : (t.firstEffect = null,
                t.lastEffect = null,
                t.child = null === e ? Ao(t, null, null, n) : $o(t, e.child, null, n),
                2 === t.tag && (e = t.stateNode,
                t.memoizedProps = e.props,
                t.memoizedState = e.state),
    function En(e, t, n) {
        function r(e) {
            e.effectTag |= 4
        var o = e.createInstance
          , a = e.createTextInstance
          , s = e.appendInitialChild
          , l = e.finalizeInitialChildren
          , c = e.prepareUpdate
          , d = e.persistence
          , u = t.getRootHostContainer
          , h = t.popHostContext
          , p = t.getHostContext
          , f = t.popHostContainer
          , m = n.prepareToHydrateHostInstance
          , g = n.prepareToHydrateHostTextInstance
          , v = n.popHydrationState
          , y = void 0
          , b = void 0
          , _ = void 0;
        return e.mutation ? (y = function() {}
        b = function(e, t, n) {
            (t.updateQueue = n) && r(t)
        _ = function(e, t, n, i) {
            n !== i && r(t)
        ) : i(d ? "235" : "236"),
            completeWork: function(e, t, n) {
                var d = t.pendingProps;
                switch (null === d ? d = t.memoizedProps : 2147483647 === t.expirationTime && 2147483647 !== n || (t.pendingProps = null),
                t.tag) {
                case 1:
                    return null;
                case 2:
                    return en(t),
                case 3:
                    return f(t),
                    Gt(mo, t),
                    Gt(fo, t),
                    d = t.stateNode,
                    d.pendingContext && (d.context = d.pendingContext,
                    d.pendingContext = null),
                    null !== e && null !== e.child || (v(t),
                    t.effectTag &= -3),
                case 5:
                    n = u();
                    var w = t.type;
                    if (null !== e && null != t.stateNode) {
                        var x = e.memoizedProps
                          , k = t.stateNode
                          , C = p();
                        k = c(k, w, x, d, n, C),
                        b(e, t, k, w, x, d, n),
                        e.ref !== t.ref && (t.effectTag |= 128)
                    } else {
                        if (!d)
                            return null === t.stateNode ? i("166") : void 0,
                        if (e = p(),
                            m(t, n, e) && r(t);
                        else {
                            e = o(w, d, n, e, t);
                            e: for (x = t.child; null !== x; ) {
                                if (5 === x.tag || 6 === x.tag)
                                    s(e, x.stateNode);
                                else if (4 !== x.tag && null !== x.child) {
                                    x.child.return = x,
                                    x = x.child;
                                if (x === t)
                                for (; null === x.sibling; ) {
                                    if (null === x.return || x.return === t)
                                        break e;
                                    x = x.return
                                x.sibling.return = x.return,
                                x = x.sibling
                            l(e, w, d, n) && r(t),
                            t.stateNode = e
                        null !== t.ref && (t.effectTag |= 128)
                    return null;
                case 6:
                    if (e && null != t.stateNode)
                        _(e, t, e.memoizedProps, d);
                    else {
                        if ("string" != typeof d)
                            return null === t.stateNode ? i("166") : void 0,
                        e = u(),
                        n = p(),
                        v(t) ? g(t) && r(t) : t.stateNode = a(d, e, n, t)
                    return null;
                case 7:
                    (d = t.memoizedProps) ? void 0 : i("165"),
                    t.tag = 8,
                    w = [];
                    e: for ((x = t.stateNode) && (x.return = t); null !== x; ) {
                        if (5 === x.tag || 6 === x.tag || 4 === x.tag)
                        else if (9 === x.tag)
                        else if (null !== x.child) {
                            x.child.return = x,
                            x = x.child;
                        for (; null === x.sibling; ) {
                            if (null === x.return || x.return === t)
                                break e;
                            x = x.return
                        x.sibling.return = x.return,
                        x = x.sibling
                    return x = d.handler,
                    d = x(d.props, w),
                    t.child = $o(t, null !== e ? e.child : null, d, n),
                case 8:
                    return t.tag = 7,
                case 9:
                    return null;
                case 10:
                    return null;
                case 4:
                    return f(t),
                case 0:
    function Mn(e, t) {
        function n(e) {
            switch ("function" == typeof vn && vn(e),
            e.tag) {
            case 2:
                var n = e.stateNode;
                if ("function" == typeof n.componentWillUnmount)
                    try {
                        n.props = e.memoizedProps,
                        n.state = e.memoizedState,
                    } catch (i) {
                        t(e, i)
            case 5:
            case 7:
            case 4:
                l && a(e)
        function r(e) {
            for (var t = e; ; )
                if (n(t),
                null === t.child || l && 4 === t.tag) {
                    if (t === e)
                    for (; null === t.sibling; ) {
                        if (null === t.return || t.return === e)
                        t = t.return
                    t.sibling.return = t.return,
                    t = t.sibling
                } else
                    t.child.return = t,
                    t = t.child
        function o(e) {
            return 5 === e.tag || 3 === e.tag || 4 === e.tag
        function a(e) {
            for (var t = e, o = !1, a = void 0, s = void 0; ; ) {
                if (!o) {
                    o = t.return;
                    e: for (; ; ) {
                        switch (null === o ? i("160") : void 0,
                        o.tag) {
                        case 5:
                            a = o.stateNode,
                            s = !1;
                            break e;
                        case 3:
                            a = o.stateNode.containerInfo,
                            s = !0;
                            break e;
                        case 4:
                            a = o.stateNode.containerInfo,
                            s = !0;
                            break e
                        o = o.return
                    o = !0
                if (5 === t.tag || 6 === t.tag)
                    s ? y(a, t.stateNode) : v(a, t.stateNode);
                else if (4 === t.tag ? a = t.stateNode.containerInfo : n(t),
                null !== t.child) {
                    t.child.return = t,
                    t = t.child;
                if (t === e)
                for (; null === t.sibling; ) {
                    if (null === t.return || t.return === e)
                    t = t.return,
                    4 === t.tag && (o = !1)
                t.sibling.return = t.return,
                t = t.sibling
        var s = e.getPublicInstance
          , l = e.mutation;
        e = e.persistence,
        l || i(e ? "235" : "236");
        var c = l.commitMount
          , d = l.commitUpdate
          , u = l.resetTextContent
          , h = l.commitTextUpdate
          , p = l.appendChild
          , f = l.appendChildToContainer
          , m = l.insertBefore
          , g = l.insertInContainerBefore
          , v = l.removeChild
          , y = l.removeChildFromContainer;
        return {
            commitResetTextContent: function(e) {
            commitPlacement: function(e) {
                e: {
                    for (var t = e.return; null !== t; ) {
                        if (o(t)) {
                            var n = t;
                            break e
                        t = t.return
                    n = void 0
                var r = t = void 0;
                switch (n.tag) {
                case 5:
                    t = n.stateNode,
                    r = !1;
                case 3:
                    t = n.stateNode.containerInfo,
                    r = !0;
                case 4:
                    t = n.stateNode.containerInfo,
                    r = !0;
                16 & n.effectTag && (u(t),
                n.effectTag &= -17);
                e: t: for (n = e; ; ) {
                    for (; null === n.sibling; ) {
                        if (null === n.return || o(n.return)) {
                            n = null;
                            break e
                        n = n.return
                    for (n.sibling.return = n.return,
                    n = n.sibling; 5 !== n.tag && 6 !== n.tag; ) {
                        if (2 & n.effectTag)
                            continue t;
                        if (null === n.child || 4 === n.tag)
                            continue t;
                        n.child.return = n,
                        n = n.child
                    if (!(2 & n.effectTag)) {
                        n = n.stateNode;
                        break e
                for (var a = e; ; ) {
                    if (5 === a.tag || 6 === a.tag)
                        n ? r ? g(t, a.stateNode, n) : m(t, a.stateNode, n) : r ? f(t, a.stateNode) : p(t, a.stateNode);
                    else if (4 !== a.tag && null !== a.child) {
                        a.child.return = a,
                        a = a.child;
                    if (a === e)
                    for (; null === a.sibling; ) {
                        if (null === a.return || a.return === e)
                        a = a.return
                    a.sibling.return = a.return,
                    a = a.sibling
            commitDeletion: function(e) {
                e.return = null,
                e.child = null,
                e.alternate && (e.alternate.child = null,
                e.alternate.return = null)
            commitWork: function(e, t) {
                switch (t.tag) {
                case 2:
                case 5:
                    var n = t.stateNode;
                    if (null != n) {
                        var r = t.memoizedProps;
                        e = null !== e ? e.memoizedProps : r;
                        var o = t.type
                          , a = t.updateQueue;
                        t.updateQueue = null,
                        null !== a && d(n, a, o, e, r, t)
                case 6:
                    null === t.stateNode ? i("162") : void 0,
                    n = t.memoizedProps,
                    h(t.stateNode, null !== e ? e.memoizedProps : n, n);
                case 3:
            commitLifeCycles: function(e, t) {
                switch (t.tag) {
                case 2:
                    var n = t.stateNode;
                    if (4 & t.effectTag)
                        if (null === e)
                            n.props = t.memoizedProps,
                            n.state = t.memoizedState,
                        else {
                            var r = e.memoizedProps;
                            e = e.memoizedState,
                            n.props = t.memoizedProps,
                            n.state = t.memoizedState,
                            n.componentDidUpdate(r, e)
                    t = t.updateQueue,
                    null !== t && kn(t, n);
                case 3:
                    n = t.updateQueue,
                    null !== n && kn(n, null !== t.child ? t.child.stateNode : null);
                case 5:
                    n = t.stateNode,
                    null === e && 4 & t.effectTag && c(n, t.type, t.memoizedProps, t);
                case 6:
                case 4:
            commitAttachRef: function(e) {
                var t = e.ref;
                if (null !== t) {
                    var n = e.stateNode;
                    switch (e.tag) {
                    case 5:
            commitDetachRef: function(e) {
                e = e.ref,
                null !== e && e(null)

React version: 16.2.0
I'm not using Webpack, I'm using rails asset pipeline and uglifier.
Uglifier is version (2.5.3).

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gaearon commented May 7, 2018

Can you find a list of Uglify options you're using?

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gaearon commented May 7, 2018

Also, do you know if it uses UMD or CommonJS build of ReactDOM?

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We don't have any custom options set, so it's just the default listed here => I'm not sure about UMD vs. CommonJS. I can try to find out.

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gaearon commented May 7, 2018

Which version of uglifier are you on?

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Uglifier is version (2.5.3).

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savybrandt-zz commented May 8, 2018

@gaearon Heads up, I removed uglifier and pushed to a test environment and it works now. Obviously, I can't push to production like that, but at least I can see that uglifier is indeed the issue.

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It's fixed! 🎉 I replaced config.assets.js_compressor = :uglifier in our production.rb with config.assets.js_compressor = true) for es6 support. Thanks for all your help Dan!

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