in: London, United Kingdom
on: 21 – 23 May 2013
TIME: 10:00 till 17:00 on 21st and 22nd of May 2013
10:00 till 16:00 on 23rd of May 2013
Google London
Belgrave House
76 Buckingham Palace Rd
London, Greater London SW1W 9TQ
Mr. Alex Russell’s e-mail: [email protected]
Mr. Alex Russell’s local phone number: 074 0231 6755
Please register before 16th of May 2013.
Opening, welcome and roll call 1. Opening of the meeting (Mr. Neumann) 1. Introduction of attendees 1. Host facilities, local logistics
Adoption of the agenda (2013/023-Rev2)
Approval of minutes from March 2013 (2013/018)
Discussion of ES harmony (technical contributions are available and can be found on the ES wiki) 1. Object.freeze: Do nothing instead of throwing a TypeError. (Doug) 1. WeakSets, design follow up from September (Rick)
1. WeakRefs, review Mark Miller's security solution: (Rick)
Defer to ES 7
1. Notification Proxies (carry-over of point 4.3.1 from previous agenda) (Tom)
1. Roadmap (Mark)
1. Communicating Event Loop Concurrency (Mark)
1. Promises (Mark)
1. Relationships (Mark)
1. StringTemplates - the meaning of omitting the name of the handler (Mark)
1. Module Naming
1. Unique Symbols vs Private Symbols vs Weak Maps vs Relations (Andreas)
1. Revisit the `@-names` discussion/resolution from the November meeting
A significant body of work has emerged that I feel makes a strong case towards making an exception to the cut-off deadline. I'd like to urge everyone to take a moment to review [this](
1. Endianness of Typed arrays
1. Module update/Module Naming
1. Proxy issues
1. Spec update
1. Object Observe implementation report (Rafael)
1. `__proto__`
1. Generator Update
Edition 5.1 Issues
General implementation experience
Second edition of ECMA-402 1. Status report
Test 262 Progression 1. Status report
Status Reports 1. Report from Geneva
- Brief report from the IPR meeting
- Approval of the TC39 RF TG operating procedures (2013/019)
- Approval of the Non-Ecma-member contributions to the planned TC39 RF TG Work (2013/024) 1. Json
Date and place of the next meeting(s)
Scheduled 2013 meetings:
- July 23 – 25, 2013 (Microsoft - Redmond)
- September 17 – 19, 2013 (Bocoup - Boston)
- November 19 – 21, 2013 (PayPal - San Jose)