NetListViewer uses vcpkg to install its 2 dependencies:
- wxWidgets >= 3.0.0
- Boost >= 1.58
Step by step procedure to get them installed:
- Install vcpkg following the vcpkg getting started guide
- From a "cmd.exe" window run:
cd <netlist-viewer-git-repo>
vcpkg install # this will read the dependencies from vcpkg.json and download and build them
vcpkg integrate install # this allows the dependencies to be usable from msbuild
Note that this step will take a while: it will rebuild all wxWidgets and Boost libraries and all their dependencies as well.
- Open the netlist_viewer_vs2022.sln project with VisualStudio 2022 or newer and you should be able to build it. Alternatively the build can be launched from a console window as well:
cd <netlist-viewer-git-repo>
msbuild NetlistViewer\build\win\netlist_viewer_vs2022.vcxproj -t:rebuild -property:Configuration=Release -property:Platform=x64
NOTE: as of Nov 2023, the installation through vcpkg of the "expat" library (one of wxWidgets dependencies) can fail due to libexpat/libexpat#418 if you have a localized version of VisualStudio. Check that URL for the workaround (i.e. installing the English pack in VisualStudio)