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Bagpipes: Scalable Concurrent Bags

Bagpipes are a simple data-structure that relies on common structure present in non-blocking queues to provide a more scalable queue-like data-structure with weaker ordering guarantees. We use them in the elfmalloc allocator to act as repositories for slabs of memory. The scalability of this data-structure allows more memory to be stored in them, as opposed to in thread-local caches. Our approach here bares some resemblance to scalloc's span pool data-structure, itself inspired by the Distributed Queues of Haas et al.

The primary difference between our approach and theirs is:

  • We leverage more scalable fetch-add based queues as the basis of the data-structure.

  • We take a different approach to load-balancing that is lower-overhead at the cost of FIFO-like consistency.

Concurrent queues with transient failures

The basis of a Bagpipe is some non-blocking data-structure with push and pop methods. While either stacks or queues work for our purposes, most of the time we instantiate Bagpipes with queues as they currently perform better in practice. The only other structure that we rely on is some notion of transient failure that can be attributed to contention among different threads interacting with the data-structure. One common example is a CAS failure in a non-blocking queue, or a failed call to try_lock in a blocking setting. This structure is encoded in the SharedWeakBag trait.

pub enum PopStatus {
pub type PopResult<T> = Result<T, PopStatus>;

pub trait SharedWeakBag {
    type Item;
    fn new() -> Self;
    fn try_push(&self, it: Self::Item) -> Result<(), Self::Item>;
    fn try_pop(&self) -> PopResult<Self::Item>;
    fn push(&self, it: Self::Item) {
        let mut cur_item = it;
        while let Err(old_item) = self.try_push(cur_item) {
            cur_item = old_item
    fn pop(&self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        loop {
            return match self.try_pop() {
                Ok(it) => Some(it),
                Err(PopStatus::Empty) => None,
                Err(PopStatus::TransientFailure) => continue,

Recent queues of interest

Over the past few years, a number of queue designs have been proposed that improve upon the standard non-blocking queue design of Michael and Scott. Instead of designs where enqueuers and dequeuers contend on a single head or tail node in a CAS loop, these algorithms instead use the atomic fetch-add instruction to acquire a cell in the array to enqueue or dequeue a particular node. To our knowledge, the first queue with this basic design was Morrison and Afek (2013). While the queue in this paper outperforms the ones we currently use, it relies on a double-word CAS instruction. This makes the queue both non-portable, and hard to implement in Rust, as that primitive is not exposed in the atomic package at the moment.

Still, there are two queues that perform almost as well that do not rely on this instruction:

Both of these queues can exhibit transient failures if a receiver reaches a cell before a matching sender.

Throwing away consistency

Following work like scalloc (Aigner et al), we store reusable slabs of objects in global data-structures in order to minimize unused memory in thread-local caches. We aim to decrease the size of caches even further than scalloc does (indeed, it is possible to configure elfmalloc with no cache whatsoever beyond a single slab). The queues listed above are quite scalable, but they do eventually reach bottlenecks due to the limitations of the fetch-add primitive in use. To increase scalability, we simply throw away the consistency guarantees (in the above case, linearizability) of the queue in question.

It is normally a dubious move to throw away linearizability. Indeed, there is a reasonable case to be made that a concurrent queue that is not linearizable is not really a correct (FIFO) queue at all. However, we do not not require FIFO semantics from our queues, we simply require that they do not lose their contents.


One extra operation that we require in elfmalloc is the ability to remove a node that is somewhere in the queue. To do this, certain Revocable types hold handles that can store a pointer into the queue cell in which they are pushed. Once in place, a very fast revoke operation can be performed to CAS this cell to a sentinel value:

pub trait Revocable { fn handle(&self) -> &AtomicUsize; }
pub trait RevocableWeakBag: SharedWeakBag
    where Self::Item: Revocable
    /// Attempt to remove `it` from the bag, returning `true` if successful.
    /// This operation is unsafe because the underlying implementation may assume that `it` is (or
    /// was) successfully pushed into the bag at some point.
    unsafe fn revoke(it: &Self::Item) -> bool;


A Bagpipe is simply a data-structure that holds an array of SharedWeakBags. Threads interacting with a Bagpipe traverse random permutations of this array, calling try_pop and try_push on each individual "pipe" they encounter. The semantics of the try methods from the SharedWeakBag trait are such that threads only stop pushing to or popping from queues that are under load. This allows for some light-weight load-balancing of the queues without any additional coordination required.

This structure also allows threads to bail out early if they are preempted too often. In this case, the thread can use some fallback mechanism in the allocator.


The queues that a Bagpipe wraps are both structured as linked lists of arrays of cells. These arrays are referred to as segments. The precise performance of different Bagpipes is highly sensitive to the size of these segments. On our current test machine with 32 threads, enqueue-dequeue pairs for a Bagpipe backed by a fetch-add array queue had throughput of 100Mops/second. By contrast, a Trieber stack had 7Mops/second and a single array queue had a throughput of 25Mops/s. Bagpipes do not perform quite as well in a producer-consumer setting, but they still outperform any other queue by over 2x.

Better performance of these data-structures is possible at the cost of increased memory usage. While they are currently configured for the more memory-cautious environment of an allocator, we plan to make them configurable to optimize for throughput, either via feature flags or type parameters. Anecdotally, I believe I got the Yang Crummey-backed Bagpipe to get 200Mops/s, but that required 64KiB segments, increasing steady-state memory consumption by an order of magnitude.

The benchmark code is in the bagpipe/src/bin/ directory.