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+# Awesome talks
+There are a lot of screencasts, recordings of user group gatherings and conference talks available online. I try to commit myself watching at least two new talks every week, and I've been doing this for quite some time now. I created this list of online talks that I really enjoyed watching. I'll also be updating this list whenever I've watched another *awesome* talk that is worthy enough. Suggestions are always appreciated through a pull request. So without further ado ..
+(In no particular order)
+### Categories
+ - [Software Development](https://github.com/JanVanRyswyck/awesome-talks#software-development)
+ - [Object-Oriented Programming](https://github.com/JanVanRyswyck/awesome-talks#object-oriented-programming)
+ - [Functional Programming](https://github.com/JanVanRyswyck/awesome-talks#functional-programming)
+ - [Software Design](https://github.com/JanVanRyswyck/awesome-talks#software-design)
+ - [Web Development](https://github.com/JanVanRyswyck/awesome-talks#web-development)
+ - [Test-Driven Development](https://github.com/JanVanRyswyck/awesome-talks#test-driven-development)
+ - [Methodologies](https://github.com/JanVanRyswyck/awesome-talks#methodologies)
+ - [Computer History](https://github.com/JanVanRyswyck/awesome-talks#computer-history)
+ - [Databases](https://github.com/JanVanRyswyck/awesome-talks#databases)
+ - [Security](https://github.com/JanVanRyswyck/awesome-talks#security)
+ - [Cognitive Development](https://github.com/JanVanRyswyck/awesome-talks#cognitive-development)
+ - [Cryptocurrencies](https://github.com/JanVanRyswyck/awesome-talks#cryptocurrencies)
+#### Software Development
+* [The Computer Revolution hasn't happend yet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKg1hTOQXoY) by **Alan Kay** [1:04:34]
+* [The Future of Programming](https://vimeo.com/71278954) by **Bret Victor** [32:55]
+* [Inventing on Principle](https://vimeo.com/36579366) by **Bret Victor** [54:20]
+* [Media for Thinking the Unthinkable](http://worrydream.com/MediaForThinkingTheUnthinkable/) by **Bret Victor** [39:32]
+* [Finding a Way Out](http://www.infoq.com/presentations/reimagining-software) by **Chris Granger** [33:46]
+* [Programming is terrible - Lessons learned from a life wasted](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUYPnxv0yss) by **Thomas Figg** [1:06:43]
+* [Computers are a Sadness, I am the Cure](https://vimeo.com/95066828) by **James Mickens** [27:35]
+* [Are We There Yet?](http://www.infoq.com/presentations/Are-We-There-Yet-Rich-Hickey) by **Rich Hickey** [1:10:04]
+* [Simple Made Easy](http://www.infoq.com/presentations/Simple-Made-Easy) by **Rich Hickey** [1:01:26]
+* [The Value of Values](https://www.infoq.com/presentations/Value-Values) by **Rich Hickey** [58:53]
+* [Effective Programs - 10 Years of Clojure](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2V1FtfBDsLU) by **Rich Hickey** [1:14:51]
+* [The Web We Lost](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KKMnoTTHJk) by **Anil Dash** [1:10:54]
+* [Growing a Language](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ahvzDzKdB0) by **Guy Steele** [53:30]
+* [The Mess We're In](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKXe3HUG2l4&list=UU_QIfHvN9auy2CoOdSfMWDw) by **Joe Armstrong** [45:49]
+* [To the Moon!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Sso4HtvJsw) by **Russ Olsen** [52:43]
+* [Simplify Challenging Software Problems with Rocket Science](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1g1YyVO6j8) by **Bradley Grzesiak** [23:07]
+* [A short history of Software Engineering, and other ideas that didn't work](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnquVcxvAl0) by **Paolo Perrotta** [36:35]
+* [Linus Torvalds on Git](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idLyobOhtO4) by **Linus Torvalds** [1:10:14]
+* [The Worst Programming Language Ever](http://www.infoq.com/presentations/worst-programming-language) by **Mark Rendle** [43:46]
+* [Unconventional Programming with Chemical Computing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHoYNStQOEc) by **Carin Meier** [36:00]
+* [Seven Ineffective Coding Habits of Many Programmers](https://vimeo.com/97329157) by **Kevlin Henney** [01:02:52]
+* [5 WTFs in 6 LOCs](https://vimeo.com/181409251) by **Dorothy Wingrove** [05:11]
+* [Programming is Writing is Programming](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uO3a4HIBDU4) by **Felienne Hermans** [55:46]
+* [We're Doing It All Wrong](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TS1lpKBMkgg) by **Paul Phillips** [50:42]
+* [Real Software Engineering](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhdlBHHimeM) by **Glenn Vanderburg** [1:07:57]
+* [Feature Branching Considered Evil](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7LeD7VevyI) by **Thierry de Pauw** [49:38]
+#### Object-Oriented Programming
+* [Functional is cool, but do you know OO](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiFYPAel-KY) by **Sandro Mancuso** [54:17]
+* [Stop Writing Classes](http://pyvideo.org/video/880/stop-writing-classes) by **Jack Diederich** [27:29]
+#### Functional Programming
+* [Functional Principles for Object-Oriented Developers](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMGY9ViIGNU) by **Jessica Kerr** [51:13]
+* [Adventures in Functional Programming](https://vimeo.com/45140590) by **Jim Weirich** [50:34]
+* [Functional Programming: What? Why? When?](https://vimeo.com/97514630) by **Robert C. Martin** [58:26]
+* [Deconstructing Functional Programming](http://www.infoq.com/presentations/functional-pros-cons) by **Gilad Bracha** [48:33]
+* [Living in a Post-Functional World](http://www.infoq.com/presentations/post-functional-scala-clojure-haskell) by **Daniel Spiewak** [45:46]
+* [Extreme Cleverness: Functional Data Structures in Scala](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNhBQJN44YQ) by **Daniel Spiewak** [39:24]
+* [Tangible Functional Programming](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faJ8N0giqzw) by **Conal Elliott** [56:24]
+* [Faith, Evolution, and Programming Languages](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8frGknO8rIg) by **Phillip Wadler** [1:06:53]
+* [Don't fear the Monad](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhuHCtR3xq8) by **Dr. Brian Beckman** [1:07:10]
+* [Functional Programming Design Patterns](https://skillsmatter.com/skillscasts/6120-functional-programming-design-patterns-with-scott-wlaschin) by **Scott Wlaschin** [1:49:10]
+* [Domain modelling with the F# type system](http://vimeo.com/97507575) by **Scott Wlaschin** [1:03:40]
+* [Propositions as Types](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOiZatlZtGU) by **Philip Wadler** [42:42]
+* [Category Theory for the Working Hacker](https://www.infoq.com/presentations/category-theory-propositions-principle) by **Philip Wadler** [42:17]
+* [Types are like the Weather, Type Systems are like Weathermen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTl7Jn_kmio) by **Matthias Felleisen** [1:15:18]
+* [Functional architecture - The pits of success](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=US8QG9I1XW0) by **Mark Seemann** [1:00:09]
+* [To Clojure and back: Writing and rewriting in Ruby](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doZ0XAc9Wtc) by **Phillip Mendonça-Vieira** [33:16]
+* [All I needed for FP I learned in High School Algebra](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epT1xgxSpFU) by **Eric Normand** [33:05]
+* [Solving Problems The Clojure Way](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vK1DazRK_a0) by **Rafal Dittwald** [01:02:25]
+#### Software Design
+* [Architecture the Lost Years](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpkDN78P884) by **Robert C. Martin** [1:06:38]
+* [DDD: putting the model to work](http://www.infoq.com/presentations/model-to-work-evans) by **Eric Evans** [58:48]
+* [Unleash Your Domain](https://vimeo.com/19428577) by **Greg Young** [45:20]
+* [The Art of Destroying Software](https://vimeo.com/108441214) by **Greg Young** [42:30]
+* [8 Lines of Code](https://www.infoq.com/presentations/8-lines-code-refactoring) by **Greg Young** [54:43]
+* [Strategic Design](http://www.infoq.com/presentations/strategic-design-evans) by **Eric Evans** [54:40]
+* [Reliability, Availability, and Scalability](https://vimeo.com/6222577) by **Udi Dahan** [1:11:09]
+* [Implementing Micro Service Architectures](https://vimeo.com/79866979) by **Fred George** [54:40]
+* [Immutability Changes Everything](http://vimeo.com/52831373) by **Pat Helland** [45:19]
+* [Crafting Wicked Domain Models](https://vimeo.com/43598193) by **Jimmy Bogard** [1:03:03]
+* [The Actor Model](http://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/Going+Deep/Hewitt-Meijer-and-Szyperski-The-Actor-Model-everything-you-wanted-to-know-but-were-afraid-to-ask) by **Hewitt, Meijer and Szyperski** [42:34]
+* [How To Design A Good API and Why it Matters](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAb7hSCtvGw) by **Josh Bloch** [1:00:18]
+* [The Joys and Pains of a Long Lived Codebase](http://www.infoq.com/presentations/Lessons-Learned-Jeremy-Miller) by **Jeremy D Miller** [1:02:30]
+* [Microservices](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgdBVIX9ifA) by **Martin Fowler** [26.25]
+* [Stewardship: The Sobering Parts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2y5Pv4yN0b0) by **Brian Goetz** [1:03:30]
+* [Therapeutic Refactoring](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4dlF0kcThQ) by **Katrina Owen** [26:04]
+* [Evidence-Oriented Programming](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEFrE6cgVNY) by **Andreas Stefik** [41:42]
+* [The Programming Language Wars](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDZ-QSLQIB8) by **Andreas Stefik** [50:28]
+* [Hopelessness and Confidence in Distributed Systems Design](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TlU1opuCXB0) by **Camille Fournier** [40:35]
+* [Kill "Microservices" Before Its Too Late](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-UKEPd2ipEk) by **Chad Fowler** [39:41]
+* [The Lost Art Of Software Design](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPSZC3mJRO0) by **Simon Brown** [46:15]
+#### Web Development
+* [Crockford on JavaScript](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7664379246A246CB) by **Douglas Crockford** [10:14:37]
+* [Go To There and Back Again](http://vimeo.com/78893726) by **Douglas Crockford** [49:06]
+* [The Better Parts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bo36MrBfTk4) by **Douglas Crockford** [01:00:52]
+* [Introduction to Node.js](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-sc73Y-zQA) by **Ryan Dahl** [58:19]
+* [WAT](https://www.destroyallsoftware.com/talks/wat) by **Gary Bernhardt** [4:17]
+* [The Birth & Death of JavaScript](https://www.destroyallsoftware.com/talks/the-birth-and-death-of-javascript) by **Gary Bernhardt** [29:22]
+* [Hey Underscore, You're Doing It Wrong!](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3svKOdZijA) by **Brian Lonsdorf** [36:30]
+* [Community.js](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23Yxji-tEfc) by **Chris Williams** [21:39]
+* [An End to Negativity](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17rkSdkc5TI) by **Chris Williams** [27:25]
+* [Is Node.js Better](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5fa1LZYodQ) by **Brian Ford** [41:42]
+* [Life is Terrible: Let's Talk About the Web](http://vimeo.com/111122950) by **James Mickens** [32:07]
+* [Critical rendering path - Crash course on web performance](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkOBnYxqj3k) by **Ilya Grigorik** [41:10]
+* [10 Things I Learned from the jQuery Source](https://vimeo.com/12529436) by **Paul Irish** [53:40]
+* [Om Next](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByNs9TG30E8) by **David Nolen** [46:17]
+* [ClojureScript for Skeptics ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsffg5xxFQI) by **Derek Slager** [41:08]
+#### Test-Driven Development
+* [TDD, where did it all go wrong](http://vimeo.com/68375232) by **Ian Cooper** [1:00:37]
+* [Holistic testing](http://vimeo.com/68390508) by **Jimmy Bogard** [1:00:33]
+* [Boundaries](https://www.destroyallsoftware.com/talks/boundaries) by **Gary Bernhardt** [33:44]
+* [Is TDD Dead?](https://martinfowler.com/articles/is-tdd-dead/) by **Martin Fowler, Kent Beck, and David Heinemeier Hansson (DHH)**
+* [The Transformation Priority Premise](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B93QezwTQpI) by **Robert C. Martin** [53:43]
+* [TDD in Tatters](https://vimeo.com/97537026) by **Scott Bellware** [01:07:53]
+* [Test-Driven Development - Write better code in less time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhwElTL-mdI) by **Evan Dorn** [30:54]
+* [The Magic Tricks of Testing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URSWYvyc42M) by **Sandi Metz** [32:22]
+* [How To Stop Hating Your Tests](https://vimeo.com/145917204) by **Justin Searls** [43:39]
+* [Why You Don't Get Mock Objects](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9FOchgTtLM) by **Gregory Moeck** [44:42]
+* [The Clean Code Talks - Unit Testing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEhu57pih5w) by **Misko Hevery** [32:07]
+* [TDD and Software Design](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ty3p5VDcoOI) by **JB Rainsberger and Sandro Mancuso** [01:28:50]
+* [Integrated Tests Are a Scam](https://vimeo.com/80533536) by **JB Rainsberger** [01:04:35]
+* [Structure and Interpretation of Test Cases](https://vimeo.com/289852238) by **Kevlin Henney** [01:04:23]
+* [Does TDD Really Lead to Good Design?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyFVA4Spcgg) by **Sandro Mancuso** [57:59]
+#### Methodologies
+* [The Land that Scrum Forgot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hG4LH6P8Syk) by **Robert C. Martin** [45:41]
+* [Demanding Professionalism in Software Development](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0O1VVqRSK0) by **Robert C. Martin** [45:03]
+* [Spotify Engineering Culture - Part 1](https://vimeo.com/85490944) by **Spotify Training & Development** [13:12]
+* [Spotify Engineering Culture - Part 2](http://vimeo.com/94950270) by **Spotify Training & Development** [13:27]
+* [Adopting Continuous Delivery](http://vimeo.com/68320415) by **Jez Humble** [47:22]
+* [The Death of Agile](http://www.thoughtworks.com/talks/the-death-of-agile) by **Dave Thomas** [47:47]
+* [Why Agile Works](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdSiBlLafNY) by **Alistair Cockburn** [53:03]
+* [Implementing Programmer Anarchy](https://vimeo.com/79866978) by **Fred George** [54:55]
+* [Moving Past the Scaling Myth](https://www.infoq.com/presentations/scalability-variant-structuring#) by **Michael Feathers** [52:02]
+* [It Is Not About Software Anymore](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8iIRG9LA54) by **Mary Poppendieck** [01:06:38]
+* [7 minutes, 26 seconds, and the Fundamental Theorem of Agile Software Development](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSes_PexXcA) by **JB Rainsberger** [00:07:42]
+#### Computer History
+* [A Brief History of Graphics](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOQZmjD6P2HlOoEVKOPaCFvLnjP865X1f) by **Stuart Brown** [46:00]
+* [The Charming Genius of the Apollo Guidance Computer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xY45YE7ggng) by **Brian Troutwine** [48:36]
+* [The History (and the Future) of Software](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdI7Ukf-Bf4) by **Grady Booch** [01:09:27]
+* [The Future of Programming](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecIWPzGEbFc) by **Robert C. Martin** [01:18:20]
+* [1968](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjgvffBlWAg) by **Kevlin Henney** [56:44]
+* [DOOM’s Development: A Year of Madness](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBU34NZhW7I) by **John Romero** [44:12]
+#### Databases
+* [Deconstructing the Database](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cym4TZwTCNU) by **Rich Hickey** [1:06:23]
+#### Security
+* [Why Do Keynote Speakers Keep Suggesting That Improving Security Is Possible?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajGX7odA87k) by **James Mickens** [51:21]
+#### Testing
+* [Acceptance Testing For Continuous Delivery](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1Y454DTRtg) by **Dave Farley** [01:02:34]
+#### Cognitive Development
+* [A Lecture on Creativity](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pb5oIIPO62g) by **John Cleese** [36:59]
+* [The Meaning of Life](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzcCWEb-tyk) by **Derek Sivers** [18:54]
+* [Becoming an Outlier: Career Reboot for the Developer Mind](https://vimeo.com/97415346) by **Cory House** [59:12]
+* [Surviving the Framework Hype Cycle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zc4DSTRGeM) by **Brandon Hays** [35:26]
+* [Stop Treading Water - Learning to Learn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8KcCU-p8QA) by **Edward Kmett** [40:58]
+* [The Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ji5_MqicxSo) by **Randy Pausch** [1:16:26]
+* [Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UF8uR6Z6KLc) by **Steve Jobs** [15:04]
+* [Hammock Driven Development](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f84n5oFoZBc) by **Rich Hickey** [39:48]
+* [Drive - The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6XAPnuFjJc) by **RSA Animate** [10:47]
+* [Ideology](https://www.destroyallsoftware.com/talks/ideology) by **Gary Bernhardt** [21:22]
+#### Cryptocurrencies
+* [Bitcoin: Where the Laws of Mathematics Prevail](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaJ1hvon0E0) by **Andreas Antonopoulos** [23:47]
+* [Delivering Liberty, at Scale](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AecPrwqjbGw) by **Andreas Antonopoulos** [30:15]
+## License
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+# `Typora Keyboard Shortcuts
+## Summary
+You can use shortcut keys to quickly insert or modify styles or do other operations supported by Typora.
+You can find shortcut keys in the right side of each menu items from menu bar.
+## Frequently Used Shortcut Keys
+### Autocomplete
+On macOS, you can press `Esc` key to open inline preview for inline math, auto-complete for emoji, etc.
+### File
+| Function | Hotkey (Windows/Linux) | Hotkey (macOS) |
+| :------------------ | :--------------------- | ------------------- |
+| New | Ctrl + N | Command + N |
+| New Window | Ctrl + Shift + N | Command +Shift + N |
+| New Tab | *(Not Supported)* | Command + T |
+| Open | Ctrl + O | Command + O |
+| Open Quickly | Ctrl + P | Command + Shift + O |
+| Reopen Closed File | Ctrl + Shift + T | Command + Shift + T |
+| Save | Ctrl + S | Command + S |
+| Save As / Duplicate | Ctrl + Shift + S | Command + Shift + S |
+| Preference | Ctrl + , | Command + , |
+| Close | Ctrl + W | Command + W |
+### Edit
+| Function | Hotkey (Windows/Linux) | Hotkey (macOS) |
+| :---------------------------------------------- | :------------------------- | ----------------------------------- |
+| New Paragraph | Enter | Enter |
+| New Line | Shift + Enter | Shift + Enter |
+| Cut | Ctrl + X | Command + X |
+| Copy | Ctrl + C | Command + C |
+| Paste | Ctrl + V | Command + V |
+| Copy As Markdown | Ctrl + Shift + C | Command + Shift + C |
+| Paste As Plain Text | Ctrl + Shift + V | Command + Shift + V |
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+| Select Line/Sentence
Select Row (in table) | Ctrl + L | Command + L |
+| Delete Row (in table) | Ctrl + Shift + Backspace | Command + Shift + Backspace |
+| Select Style Scope
Select Cell (in table) | Ctrl + E | Command + E |
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+| Delete Word | Ctrl + Shift + D | Command + Shift + D |
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+| Find Next | F3 / Enter | Command + G / Enter |
+| Find Previous | Shift + F3 / Shift + Enter | Command + Shift + G / Shift + Enter |
+| Replace | Ctrl + H | Command + H |
+### Paragraph
+| Function | Hotkey (Windows/Linux) | Hotkey (macOS) |
+| :--------------------- | :--------------------- | ------------------------- |
+| Heading 1 to 6 | Ctrl + 1/2/3/4/5/6 | Command + 1/2/3/4/5/6 |
+| Paragraph | Ctrl + 0 | Command + 0 |
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+| Unordered List | Ctrl + Shift + ] | Command + Option + U |
+| Indent | Ctrl + [ / Tab | Command + [ / Tab |
+| Outdent | Ctrl + ] / Shift + Tab | Command + ] / Shift + Tab |
+### Format
+| Function | Hotkey (Windows/Linux) | Hotkey (macOS) |
+| :----------- | :--------------------- | --------------------- |
+| Strong | Ctrl + B | Command + B |
+| Emphasis | Ctrl + I | Command + I |
+| Underline | Ctrl + U | Command + U |
+| Code | Ctrl + Shift + ` | Command + Shift + ` |
+| Strike | Alt + Shift + 5 | Control + Shift + ` |
+| Hyperlink | Ctrl + K | Command + K |
+| Image | Ctrl + Shift + I | Command + Control + I |
+| Clear Format | Ctrl + \ | Command + \ |
+### View
+| Function | Hotkey (Windows/Linux) | Hotkey (macOS) |
+| :------------------------------ | :--------------------- | --------------------- |
+| Toggle Sidebar | Ctrl + Shift + L | Command + Shift + L |
+| Outline | Ctrl + Shift + 1 | Command + Control + 1 |
+| Articles | Ctrl + Shift + 2 | Command + Control + 2 |
+| File Tree | Ctrl + Shift + 3 | Command + Control + 3 |
+| Source Code Mode | Ctrl + / | Command + / |
+| Focus Mode | F8 | F8 |
+| Typewriter Mode | F9 | F9 |
+| Toggler Fullscreen | F11 | Command + Option + F |
+| Actual Size | Ctrl + Shift + 0 | *(Not Supported)* |
+| Zoom In | Ctrl + Shift + = | *(Not Supported)* |
+| Zoom Out | Ctrl + Shift + - | *(Not Supported)* |
+| Switch Between Opened Documents | Ctrl + Tab | Command + ` |
+| Toggle DevTools | Ctrl + Shift + I | - |
+## Change Shortcut Keys
+Users can set or reassign shortcut keys for commands in Typora's menu bar. This article will shows how to do this.
+### macOS
+We use macOS's system feature to customize Typora's key binding on macOS.
+1. Open `System Preference` → `Keyboard`, select tab `Shortcuts`. Select `App Shortcuts` in its left panel.
+ ![Snip20160814_1](/media/custom-key-binding/Snip20160814_1.png)
+2. Click the "+" button, a dialog sheet would pop up. Select "Typora.app" from field `Application`, then enter the exact name of the menu command you want to add, and then type the shortcut key combination you want to assign.
+ For example, assume you want to add/change the shortcut key to pin Typora's window, you can fill the dialog box as follows:
+ ![Snip20160814_5](/media/custom-key-binding/Snip20160814_5.png)
+ Then `Command+Shift+P` will be the shortcut key for menu command "always On Top"
+### Windows / Linux
+> Tip: This requires a version of Typora ≥ v0.9.16.
+1. Open `Menu` → `Preference` in Typora, then click "Open Advanced Settings".
+ ![sshot-1](/media/custom-key-binding/sshot-1.png)
+2. Open and edit `conf.user.json` from opened "File Explore". If there's no such file, create one.
+3. Set or add JSON object which represents a key binding, for example:
+ ![Snip20160814_7](/media/custom-key-binding/Snip20160814_7.png)
+4. Restart Typora, and the new key binding will be applied.
+ ![sshot-2](/media/custom-key-binding/sshot-2.png)
+You can set or change shortcut keys for menu items in the menu bar in native window style.
+#### Q: Shortcut keys does not work on Ubuntu
+For solutions to this problem please see:
+- and
+- .
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+# Against a Social Media Methodology
+![lol Artifact](https://i.snap.as/vopPn5mt.png)
+A big theme in my 20s has been coming (slowly) to terms with the fact that I built my entire adult social life around a single, centralized social media Web Site. I mentioned this in [my Tweetbot 6 review](https://bilge.world/tweetbot-6-ios-review), recently, but - as I also strive to be a more sincere person and spend more time adding value to _others_’ lives - I’ve concluded that it is the time now to speak as openly and vulnerably as I can about my “Social Media Methodology.” Most of the resulting insights will not be new information, but I continue to encounter greater and greater confusion in the face of my well-meaning behavior online and I have decided to stop disregarding it.
+This is _not_ an essay about how to “optimize” your social media use. It is - at least in part - a sort of manifesto against the very idea of designed online behavior beyond simply **being considerate** in a sense that predates even the spoken word. I, myself, have occupied a position well on the _chaotic_ side of the spectrum. You could say I have been mostly _chaotic neutral_ throughout my 12 years on Twitter thus far, and am actively working toward (and advocating for) _chaotic good_.
+## Assumptions at bat
+1. For the vast majority of mainstream social users, no amount of [insert vague overused marketing jargon noun] will *ever* result in a substantial accumulation of money/"influence" (which seems to be the diluted zag of "POWER" of the moment.) Those interested in learning about "marketing" should know that no authority on the subject would ever tell you to *start* with Twitter - this I can say with certainty.
+2. Though Twitter was designed upon certain frameworks with certain rules which form quantifiable formulas where they are dependent upon a user's choices/methodology to produce results which we *have*, indeed, become more adept at predicting with study over time, it was *not* created as a *game to be won*. Perhaps more importantly, the "prize" of "winning" in the sense held by those who resist this assumption (notoriety, "influence," relevance) has continued to prove ultimately worthless (or worse) time and time again throughout the very short history of the cultural element as it exists today.
+3. If both 1 and 2 pass scrutiny, the only remaining reasonable prerogatives in one’s social media use is to engage with _both_ strangers and friends in a manner which generally **adds value to the lives of all involved**.
+4. 3 is not only _possible_ - it is easily _reproducible_. Most of my evidence is centered around my own experiences, but I believe - if I took the time - I would be able to find infinitely many publicly-facing examples.
+5. Though I am going to use my own methods to demonstrate 4, **neither my ideas nor my behavior are the only means of interacting positively on social media**.
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index ff93fc5c..f5cfb7f2 100644
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+++ b/drafts/Why I Didn't Follow You Back.md
@@ -18,19 +18,4 @@ I also want you to know that I am available to speak directly about this if you
For whatever it's worth, *thanks for the follow*. I hope to hear from you but if I don't, thanks okay, too.
-![lol Artifact](https://i.snap.as/vopPn5mt.png)
-A big theme in my 20s has been coming (slowly) to terms with the fact that I built my entire adult social life around a single, centralized social media Web Site. I mentioned this in [my Tweetbot 6 review](https://bilge.world/tweetbot-6-ios-review), recently, but - as I also strive to be a more sincere person and spend more time adding value to _others_’ lives - I’ve concluded that it is the time now to speak as openly and vulnerably as I can about my “Social Media Methodology.” Most of the resulting insights will not be new information, but I continue to encounter greater and greater confusion in the face of my well-meaning behavior online and I have decided to stop disregarding it.
-This is _not_ an essay about how to “optimize” your social media use. If anything, it is a sort of manifesto against the very idea of designed online behavior beyond simply **being considerate** in a sense that predates even the spoken word. I, myself, have occupied a position well on the _chaotic_ side of the spectrum. You could say I have been mostly _chaotic neutral_ throughout my 12 years on Twitter thus far, and am actively working toward (and advocating for) _chaotic good_.
-## Assumptions at bat
-1. For the vast majority of mainstream social users, no amount of [insert vague overused marketing jargon noun] will *ever* result in a substantial accumulation of money/"influence" (which seems to be the diluted zag of "POWER" of the moment.) Those interested in learning about "marketing" should know that no authority on the subject would ever tell you to *start* with Twitter - this I can say with certainty.
-2. Though Twitter was designed upon certain frameworks with certain rules which form quantifiable formulas where they are dependent upon a user's choices/methodology to produce results which we *have*, indeed, become more adept at predicting with study over time, it was *not* created as a *game to be won*. Perhaps more importantly, the "prize" of "winning" in the sense held by those who resist this assumption (notoriety, "influence," relevance) has continued to prove ultimately worthless (or worse) time and time again throughout the very short history of the cultural element as it exists today.
-3. If both 1 and 2 pass scrutiny, the only remaining reasonable prerogatives in one’s social media use is to engage with _both_ strangers and friends in a manner which generally **adds value to the lives of all involved**.
-4. 3 is not only _possible_ - it is easily _reproducible_. Most of my evidence is centered around my own experiences, but I believe - if I took the time - I would be able to find infinitely many publicly-facing examples.
-5. Though I am going to use my own methods to demonstrate 4, **neither my ideas nor my behavior are the only means of interacting positively on social media**.
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index 93f7f1ae..963f6c59 100644
--- a/notes/SocialMediaMethodologyNotes.md
+++ b/notes/SocialMediaMethodologyNotes.md
@@ -29,6 +29,15 @@ For a good part of my Junior and Senior years of high school,
+`![Follow Limit Notice](https://i.snap.as/qWuogwAX.jpeg)`
+For a good part of my Junior and Senior years of high school,
+* https://twitter.com/NeoYokel/status/1351947764859613187
## References
@@ -41,13 +50,4 @@ For a good part of my Junior and Senior years of high school,
> If you follow more people than follow you, what you are in essence saying to that person is "I followed all these people, but only some of them found me interesting enough to follow me back."
> Not only that, but you are also saying "Yes, I may have recently followed you, but don't take it too personally, I like to follow a lot of people, so really, the fact that I cared enough to follow you doesn't mean I am genuinely interested in what you have to say."
> Not doing great on A
-* [Twitter is testing a new Tip Jar feature for sending money to your favorite accounts - The Verge](https://www.theverge.com/2021/5/6/22423583/twitter-tip-jar-feature-sending-money-venmo-cashapp)
-`![Follow Limit Notice](https://i.snap.as/qWuogwAX.jpeg)`
-For a good part of my Junior and Senior years of high school,
-* https://twitter.com/NeoYokel/status/1351947764859613187
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+* [Twitter is testing a new Tip Jar feature for sending money to your favorite accounts - The Verge](https://www.theverge.com/2021/5/6/22423583/twitter-tip-jar-feature-sending-money-venmo-cashapp)
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