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This GitHub Action will link Asana tasks to GitHub Pull Requests. When a PR is merged the linked Asana task will be marked as completed.


When you open a PR put the last 4 or more digits from the task ID in the url of the task from Asana into the PR title in the format !1234, for example fix: handle uncaught exception !7194. Your PR description will be updated by this action to link to the Asana task. When you merge your PR, the Asana task will be marked as completed.

By default no action additional action will be taken when the PR is opened and the task will be closed when the PR is merged. Use inputs on_open_action and on_merge_action to customize this. The keyword CLOSE is used to close the task, the keyword MOVE_TO_SECTION <ProjectId>/<SectionId> where <ProjectId> is the gid of the project the section targetted is in. <SectionId> is the gid of the section to target, will move the Asana task to a new section.

Multiple pairs can be added. E.g. <ProjectId>/<SectionId> <ProjectId>/<SectionId>

You can also merge multiple tasks by separating them with comma using the same format !1234,3456,7890 e.g doc: document third party integrations !7212,7213,7214

To obtain the gid of a section you can use:

curl '<projectId>/sections' -H 'Authorization:Bearer <PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN>'

Where <projectId> can be copied from the Asana URL viewing a project board

OR by using a curl request

curl '<workspaceId>/tasks/search?opt_fields=gid,name,projects&modified_at.before=<beforeDate>&modified_at.after=<afterDate>&limit=100&sort_by=modified_at' -H 'Authorization:Bearer <PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN>'

A sample beforeDate/afterDate will be in the format 2021-10-01T12:35:19.074Z

<PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN> can be configured in your Asana security settings.


You will need an Asana Public Access Token and your Asana Workspace ID

Add this to your .github/workflows/asana-link.yml

name: Asana Link

    types: [ opened, closed, edited ]
    types: [ opened, closed, edited ]

permissions: {}

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: Asana Github Link
      uses: ExodusMovement/[email protected]
        asana_token: ${{ secrets.ASANA_TOKEN }}
        workspace: ${{ secrets.ASANA_WORKSPACE_ID }}
        github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Testing changes

Testing currently requires a live Asana environment to test with, you will need to create your own token for that. If you would like you open a PR adding a mocked test environment we would appreciate it.

  • Commit the changes you want to test to a branch
  • Update the version package.json to a version name like 3.0.0-draft1
  • Edit .github/workflows/asana-link.yml to use your new version
  • Run git tag 3.0.0-draft1 and then git push --tags
  • Save, commit and push all the changes to your branch
  • Create a new release on with the Tag version field set to the same semver that you just pushed
  • Finally, open a PR for your branch. It should automatically run your action on that PR

Protip: If you have opened the PR prior to the actions above, edit and save the PR title and it should run the action