A Map is a data structure for storing key value pairs. It is similar to dictionaries in other programming languages. The Map interface defines operations on a map.
Java has a number of different Map implementations. HashMap is a commonly used one.
// Make an instance
Map<String, Integer> fruitPrices = new HashMap<>();
Add entries to the map using put.
fruitPrices.put("apple", 100);
fruitPrices.put("pear", 80);
// => { "apple" => 100, "pear" => 80 }
Only one value can be associated with each key.
Calling put
with the same key will update the key's value.
fruitPrices.put("pear", 40);
// => { "apple" => 100, "pear" => 40 }
Use get to get the value for a key.
fruitPrices.get("apple"); // => 100
Use containsKey to see if the map contains a particular key.
fruitPrices.containsKey("apple"); // => true
fruitPrices.containsKey("orange"); // => false
Remove entries with remove.
fruitPrices.put("plum", 90); // Add plum to map
fruitPrices.remove("plum"); // Removes plum from map
The size method returns the number of entries.
fruitPrices.size(); // Returns 2
You can use the [keys] or [values] methods to obtain the keys or the values in a Map as a Set or collection respectively.studentScores
fruitPrices.keys(); // Returns "apple" and "pear" in a set
fruitPrices.values(); // Returns 100 and 80, in a Collection