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executable file
45 lines (40 loc) · 1.83 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
45 lines (40 loc) · 1.83 KB



  • Live demo

  • Rethink metamodel (add transform, more separation b/w backend and front end, new "expression" prop for fieldTypes and FieldGroups, different field type for lov and object, maybe single lov table...

  • Make a JIRA style app to track evolutility development (and replace this list) or do it in GitHub.

  • Plug UI library? - thinking mantine or @adobe/react-spectrum...

  • search

  • filters

  • Add "comfort" models & views (saved filters, handpicked sets, customizable dashboards...)

  • Every field type can also be an array of values of that type

  • replace numeral and moment by Intl

  • Choice of UX pattern: Drawer / navigation / dual pane

  • translate in other languages (/src/i18n/XX.js)

  • Add checkboxes for multi-rows selection to the List and Cards views

  • Dark & light themes

  • Add JSON view (w/ react-json-view?)

  • Add "Compare" view for side-by-side comparaison and averages

  • Add "Kanban" view w/ drag & drop

  • Dependent fields

  • Integrate Designer inside each views

  • plug SWR or RTKQuery or TanStack Query

  • Add checkboxes for selection to the List and Cards views

  • Add filtering for List and Card views (and later for Groups)

  • Add "Clone" action

  • CSS for print

  • Theme Dark/Light, Comfortable/Compact

  • Better 404 page

  • Drawer for editing metadata

  • Add User settings & preferences (move most of config.js there)

  • a pluggin system for new Field Types or Views

  • Add sorting for Cards

  • Tooltip style Confirmation on delete.

  • Warning when leaving page w/ unsaved changes.

  • pluggins for views ( w/ single-spa?) + make Stats & Charts pluggins

  • Add Kaggle style table view

  • Use Yup for validation (maybe validation rules in json or keep the main ones in separate columns like now)

  • Adding tests

  • CI/CD pipelines on GitHub

  • scripts to run all tests on each model

  • json-schema to Evolutility models script