diff --git a/docs/src/pages/docs/crocks/Result.md b/docs/src/pages/docs/crocks/Result.md
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+++ b/docs/src/pages/docs/crocks/Result.md
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+title: "Result"
+description: "Result Crock"
+layout: "guide"
+functions: ["trycatch", "eithertoresult", "firsttoresult", "lasttoresult", "maybetoresult"]
+weight: 130
+Result e a = Err e | Ok a
+Result is a Sum Type a step above [`Maybe`][maybe]. With a [`Maybe`][maybe] the left side
+contains no information, where as with a `Result` the left contains the
+error information from an operation. `Result` is well suited for capturing
+disjunction when the cause of the "error" case needs to be communicated. For
+example, when executing a function and you exception is important or useful.
+A `Result` represents disjunction by using two constructors, [`Err`](#err) or
+[`Ok`](#ok). An [`Ok`](#ok) instance represents the positive result while
+[`Err`](#err) is considered the negative. With the exception of
+[`coalesce`](#coalesce), [`swap`](#swap) and [`bimap`](#bimap), all `Result`
+returning methods on an instance will be applied to a [`Ok`](#ok) returning the
+result. If an instance is a [`Err`](#err), then all application is skipped and
+another [`Err`](#err) is returned.
+It is recommended to use the available [`Ok`](#ok) and [`Err`](#err)
+constructors to construct `Result` instances in most cases. You can use the
+`Result` constructor to construct a [`Ok`](#ok), but it will read better to
+just use [`Ok`](#ok).
+## Implements
+`Setoid`, `Semigroup`, `Functor`, `Alt`, `Apply`, `Traversable`,
+`Chain`, `Applicative`, `Monad`
+## Construction
+Result :: a -> Result e a
+Most of the time, `Result` is constructed using functions of your own making
+and helper functions like [`tryCatch`](#trycatch) or by employing one of the
+instance constructors, [`Ok`](#ok) or [`Err`](#err). This is due to the nature
+of `Result` and most other Sum Types.
+As a matter of consistency and completion, a `Result` instance can also be
+constructed using its TypeRep like any other type. The `Result` constructor is
+a unary function that accepts any type `a` and returns a [`Ok`](#ok) instance,
+wrapping the value passed to its argument.
+import Result from 'crocks/Result'
+import equals from 'crocks/pointfree/equals'
+const { Ok, Err, of } = Result
+Result('some string')
+//=> Ok "some string"
+//=> Ok null
+//=> Ok undefined
+of('some string')
+//=> Ok "some string"
+//=> Ok null
+//=> Ok undefined
+Ok('some string')
+//=> Ok "some string"
+//=> Ok null
+//=> Ok undefined
+//=> Ok undefined
+Err('some string')
+//=> Err "some string"
+//=> Err null
+//=> Err undefined
+ Result.Ok([ 1, 2, 3 ]),
+ Result.of([ 1, 2, 3 ])
+//=> true
+ of({ a: 100 }),
+ Result({ a: 100 })
+//=> true
+## Constructor Methods
+#### Err
+Result.Err :: e -> Result e a
+Used to construct an [`Err`](#err) instance that represents the "false" or
+"Negative" portion of a disjunction. When an instance is an [`Err`](#err), most
+`Result` returning methods will just return another [`Err`](#err).
+The power of the [`Err`](#err) as opposed to a [`Nothing`] is that it can hold
+meaningful information on why the flow is in this path. This works as a core
+tool when using Railway Orientated Programming concepts.
+import Result from 'crocks/Result'
+import chain from 'crocks/pointfree/chain'
+import isNumber from 'crocks/predicates/isNumber'
+import ifElse from 'crocks/logic/ifElse'
+const { Ok, Err } = Result
+// buildError :: String -> String
+const buildError = x => Err(`${x} is not a valid number`)
+// add10 :: Number -> Number
+const add10 =
+ x => x + 10
+// protectedAdd10 :: a -> Result String Number
+const protectedAdd10 =
+ ifElse(isNumber, x => Ok(add10(x)), buildError)
+ .map(add10)
+//=> Ok 33
+ .map(add10)
+//=> Err
+chain(protectedAdd10, Ok(10))
+//=> Ok 20
+chain(protectedAdd10, Err('d'))
+//=> Err "d is not a valid number"
+#### Ok
+Result.Ok :: a -> Result e a
+Used to construct an [`Ok`](#ok) instance that represents the "true" portion of
+a disjunction or a valid value. [`Ok`](#ok) will wrap any given value in an
+[`Ok`](#ok), signaling the validity of the wrapped value.
+import Result from 'crocks/Result'
+import compose from 'crocks/helpers/compose'
+import ifElse from 'crocks/logic/ifElse'
+import isString from 'crocks/predicates/isString'
+import map from 'crocks/pointfree/map'
+const { Ok, Err } = Result
+// buildError :: String -> String
+const buildError = x => Err(`${x} is not a valid string`)
+// toUpper :: String -> String
+const toUpper =
+ x => x.toUpperCase()
+const ensureString =
+ ifElse(isString, Ok, buildError)
+//=> Ok 32
+// safeShout :: a -> Result String String
+const safeShout = compose(
+ map(toUpper),
+ ensureString
+//=> Err "45 is not a valid string"
+safeShout('Hey there!')
+//=> Ok "HEY THERE!"
+#### of
+Result.of :: a -> Result e a
+Used to wrap any value into a `Result` as an [`Ok`](#ok), `of` is used mostly
+by helper functions that work "generically" with instances of either
+`Applicative` or `Monad`. When working specifically with the `Result` type, the
+[`Ok`](#ok) constructor should be used. Reach for `of` when working with
+functions that will work with ANY `Applicative`/`Monad`.
+import Result from 'crocks/Result'
+const { Ok, of } = Result
+of('Some result!')
+//=> Ok "Some result!"
+//=> Ok undefined
+Ok('Some result!')
+//=> Ok "Some result!"
+//=> Ok undefined
+Result('Some result!')
+//=> Ok "Some result!"
+//=> Ok undefined
+## Instance Methods
+#### equals
+Result e a ~> b -> Boolean
+Used to compare the contained values of two `Result` instances for equality by
+value. `equals` takes any given argument and returns `true` if the passed
+arguments is a `Result` ([`Ok`](#ok) or [`Err`](#err)) with an contained value
+equal to the contained value of the `Result` the method is being called on. If
+the passed argument is not a `Result` or the contained values are not equal,
+`equals` will return `false`.
+import Result from 'crocks/Result'
+import equals from 'crocks/pointfree/equals'
+const { Ok, Err } = Result
+ .equals(Ok('result'))
+//=> true
+ .equals(Ok(null))
+//=> true
+ .equals(Err('error'))
+//=> false
+// by value, not reference for most types
+Ok([ 1, { a: 2 }, 'string' ])
+ .equals(Ok([ 1, { a: 2 }, 'string' ]))
+//=> true
+equals(Ok('result'), 'result')
+//=> false
+#### concat
+Semigroup s => Result e s ~> Result e s -> Result e s
+When an underlying value of a given `Result` is fixed to a `Semigroup`, `concat`
+can be used to concat another `Result` instance with an underlying `Semigroup`
+of the same type. Expecting a `Result` wrapping a `Semigroup` of the same type,
+`concat` will give back a new `Result` instance wrapping the result of combining
+the two underlying `Semigroup`s. When called on a [`Err`](#err) instance, `concat`
+will return an [`Err`](#err) will return the first [`Err`](#err) in the chain.
+import Result from 'crocks/Result'
+import concat from 'crocks/pointfree/concat'
+const { Ok, Err } = Result
+Ok([ 1, 2, 3 ])
+ .concat(Ok([ 4, 5, 6 ]))
+//=> [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]
+Ok([ 1, 2, 3 ])
+ .concat(Err([ 4, 5, 6 ]))
+//=> Err [ 4, 5, 6 ]
+concat(Ok('Result'), Err('Error'))
+//=> Err "Error"
+concat(Err('Error'), Ok('Result'))
+//=> Err "Error"
+concat(Err('Error 1'), Err('Error 2'))
+//=> Err "Error 1"
+#### map
+Result e a ~> (a -> b) -> Result e b
+Used to apply transformations to values in the safety of a `Result`, `map` takes
+a function that it will lift into the context of the `Result` and apply to it
+the wrapped value. When run on an [`Ok`](#ok) instance, `map` will apply the wrapped
+value to the provided function and return the result in a new [`Ok`](#ok) instance.
+When run on an ['Err'](#err) instance `map` with return the error value in a new
+[`Err`](#err) instance.
+import Result from 'crocks/Result'
+import map from 'crocks/pointfree/map'
+import merge from 'crocks/pointfree/merge'
+import assign from 'crocks/helpers/assign'
+import objOf from 'crocks/helpers/objOf'
+import fanout from 'crocks/Pair/fanout'
+import isNumber from 'crocks/predicates/isNumber'
+import ifElse from 'crocks/logic/ifElse'
+import compose from 'crocks/core/compose'
+const { Ok, Err } = Result
+// buildError :: String -> String
+const buildError = x => Err(`${x} is not a valid number`)
+const prod =
+ x => y => x * y
+const fromNumber =
+ ifElse(isNumber, Ok, buildError)
+const double =
+ compose(
+ map(prod(2)),
+ fromNumber
+ )
+//=> Ok 42
+//=> Err "down is not a valid number"
+const getParity = compose(
+ objOf('parity'),
+ n => n % 2 === 0 ? 'Even' : 'Odd'
+const getInfo = compose(
+ map(merge(assign)),
+ map(fanout(objOf('value'), getParity)),
+ fromNumber
+//=> Ok { parity: "Even", value: 5324 }
+//=> Err "down is not a valid number"
+#### alt
+Result e a ~> Result e a -> Result e a
+Providing a means for a fallback or alternative value, `alt` combines two
+`Result` instances and will return the first [`Ok`](#ok) it encounters or [`Err`](#err)
+if it does not have an [`Ok`](#ok).
+import Result from 'crocks/result'
+import alt from 'crocks/pointfree/alt'
+import map from 'crocks/pointfree/map'
+import reduce from 'crocks/pointfree/reduce'
+import flip from 'crocks/combinators/flip'
+import ifElse from 'crocks/logic/ifElse'
+import compose from 'crocks/core/compose'
+import curry from 'crocks/core/curry'
+const { Ok, Err } = Result
+const check =
+ pred => ifElse(pred, Ok, Err)
+// gte :: Number -> Number -> Boolean
+const gte =
+ x => y => y >= x
+const find =
+ curry(pred => compose(reduce(flip(alt), Err('Not found')), map(check(pred))))
+ .alt(Ok('Result'))
+//=> Ok "Result"
+ .alt(Err('Error'))
+//=> Ok "Result"
+Err('Error 1')
+ .alt(Err('Error 2'))
+//=> Ok "Error 1"
+find(gte(41), [ 17, 25, 38, 42 ])
+//=> Ok 42
+find(gte(11), [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ])
+//=> Err "Not found"
+#### bimap
+Result e a ~> ((e -> d), (a -> b)) -> Result d b
+While it's more common to [`map`](#map) over a `Result` that's an
+[`Ok`](#ok) there comes a time when you need to map over a `Result` regardless
+of wether it's an [`Ok`](#ok) or an [`Err`](#err).
+`bimap` takes two mapping functions as its arguments. The first function is
+used to map a [`Err`](#err) instance, while the second maps a [`Ok`](#ok).
+`Result` only provides a means to map an [`Ok`](#ok) instance exclusively using
+[`map`](#map). If the need arises to map a [`Err`](#err) instance exclusively,
+then `bimap` can be used, passing the mapping function to the first argument
+and an [`identity`][identity] to the second.
+import Result from 'crocks/Result'
+import map from 'crocks/pointfree/map'
+import ifElse from 'crocks/logic/ifElse'
+import setProp from 'crocks/helpers/setProp'
+import compose from 'crocks/core/compose'
+import objOf from 'crocks/helpers/objOf'
+import isNumber from 'crocks/predicates/isNumber'
+import bimap from 'crocks/pointfree/bimap'
+const { Ok, Err } = Result
+// buildError :: String -> String
+const buildError = x => Err(`${x} is not a valid number`)
+const prod =
+ x => y => x * y
+const fromNumber =
+ ifElse(isNumber, Ok, buildError)
+// hasError :: Boolean -> Object -> Object
+const hasError =
+ setProp('hasError')
+// buildResult :: (String, Boolean) -> a -> Object
+const buildResult = (key, isError) =>
+ compose(hasError(isError), objOf(key))
+const finalize =
+ bimap(
+ buildResult('error', true),
+ buildResult('result', false)
+ )
+const double =
+ compose(
+ map(prod(2)),
+ fromNumber
+ )
+//=> Ok { result: 42, hasError: false }
+//=> Err { error: "unk is not a valid number", hasError: true }
+#### ap
+Result e (a -> b) ~> Result e a -> Result e b
+Short for apply, `ap` is used to apply a `Result` instance containing a value
+to another `Result` instance that contains a function, resulting in new `Result`
+instance with the result. `ap` requires that it is called on an `instance` that
+is either a [`Err`](#err) or a [`Ok`](#ok) that wraps a curried polyadic function.
+When either `Result` is a [`Err`](#err), `ap` will return a [`Err`](#err). This can be
+used to safely combine multiple values under a given combination function. If
+any of the inputs results in a [`Err`](#err) than they will never be applied to
+the function and not provide exceptions or unexpected results.
+import Result from 'crocks/Result'
+import map from 'crocks/pointfree/map'
+import ifElse from 'crocks/logic/ifElse'
+import isNumber from 'crocks/predicates/isNumber'
+import liftA2 from 'crocks/helpers/liftA2'
+const { Ok, Err } = Result
+// buildError :: String -> String
+const buildError = x => Err(`${x} is not a valid number`)
+const prod =
+ x => y => x * y
+const fromNumber =
+ ifElse(isNumber, Ok, buildError)
+map(prod, fromNumber(2))
+ .ap(fromNumber(5))
+//=> Ok 10
+map(prod, fromNumber('string'))
+ .ap(fromNumber(5))
+//=> Err "string is not a valid number"
+ .ap(fromNumber(2))
+ .ap(fromNumber(21))
+//=> Ok 42
+ .ap(fromNumber('string'))
+ .ap(fromNumber(21))
+//=> Err "string is not a valid number"
+liftA2(prod, fromNumber(2), fromNumber(21))
+//=> Ok 42
+#### sequence
+Apply f => Result e (f a) ~> (b -> f b) -> f (Result e a)
+Applicative f => Result e (f a) ~> TypeRep f -> f (Result e a)
+When an instance of `Result` wraps an `Apply` instance, `sequence` can be used to
+swap the type sequence. `sequence` requires either an `Applicative TypeRep` or
+an `Apply` returning function is provided for its argument. This will be used in
+the case that the `Result` instance is a [`Err`](#err).
+`sequence` can be derived from [`traverse`](#traverse) by passing it an
+`identity` function (`x => x`).
+#### traverse
+Apply f => Result e a ~> (c -> f c), (a -> f b)) -> f Result e b
+Applicative f => Result e a ~> (TypeRep f, (a -> f b)) -> f Result e b
+Used to apply the "effect" of an `Apply` to a value inside of a `Result`,
+`traverse` combines both the "effects" of the `Apply` and the `Result` by
+returning a new instance of the `Apply`, wrapping the result of the
+`Apply`s "effect" on the value in the `Result`.
+`traverse` requires either an `Applicative TypeRep` or an `Apply` returning
+function as its first argument and a function that is used to apply the "effect"
+of the target `Apply` to the value inside of the `Result`. This will be used in
+the case that the `Result` instance is a [`Err`](#err). Both arguments must provide
+an instance of the target `Apply`.
+#### chain
+Result e a ~> (a -> Result e b) -> Result e b
+Combining a sequential series of transformations that capture disjunction can be
+accomplished with `chain`. `chain` expects a unary, `Result` returning function
+as its argument. When invoked on a [`Err`](#err), `chain` will not run the function,
+but will instead return another [`Err`](#err). When called on a [`Ok`](#ok) however, the
+inner value will be passed to provided function, returning the result as the
+new instance.
+import Result from 'crocks/Result'
+import map from 'crocks/pointfree/map'
+import ifElse from 'crocks/logic/ifElse'
+import compose from 'crocks/core/compose'
+import isDefined from 'crocks/core/isDefined'
+import isNumber from 'crocks/predicates/isNumber'
+import chain from 'crocks/pointfree/chain'
+import not from 'crocks/logic/not'
+import isNil from 'crocks/predicates/isNil'
+import bimap from 'crocks/pointfree/bimap'
+import identity from 'crocks/combinators/identity'
+const { Ok, Err } = Result
+const ensure = (pred, f) => ifElse(pred, Ok, compose(Err, f))
+const ensureNotIsNil = ensure(not(isNil), () => 'The value given was nil')
+const ensureDefined = ensure(isDefined, () => 'The value given was undefined')
+const fromNumber = ensure(isNumber, x => `${x} is not a valid number`)
+const prop =
+ name =>
+ compose(
+ bimap(() => `${name} does not exist on the value given`, identity),
+ chain(ensureDefined),
+ map(x => x[name]),
+ ensureNotIsNil
+ )
+const getAge = prop('age')
+// protectedAdd10 :: a -> Result String Number
+const protectedAdd10 = compose(map(x => x + 10), fromNumber)
+getAge({ name: 'Sarah', age: 21 })
+//=> Ok 21
+getAge({ name: 'Sarah', age: 'unk' })
+//=> Ok "unk"
+chain(fromNumber, getAge({ name: 'Sarah', age: 21 }))
+//=> Ok 21
+getAge({ name: 'Sarah', age: 21 })
+ .chain(fromNumber)
+ .chain(protectedAdd10)
+//=> Ok 31
+getAge({ name: 'Sarah', age: 'unk' })
+ .chain(fromNumber)
+ .chain(protectedAdd10)
+//=> Err "unk is not a valid number"
+getAge({ name: 'Sarah' })
+//=> Err "age does not exist on the value given"
+#### coalesce
+Result e a ~> ((e -> b), (a -> b))) -> Result c b
+There will come a time in your flow that you will want to ensure you have an
+[`Ok`](#ok) of a given type. `coalesce` allows you to `map` over both the
+[`Ok`](#ok) and the [`Err`](#err) and return an [`Ok`](#ok). `coalesce` expects two functions for it's inputs.
+The first function is used when invoked on a [`Err`](#err) and will return a [`Ok`](#ok)
+instance wrapping the result of the function. The second function is used when
+`coalesce` is invoked on a [`Ok`](#ok) and is used to map the original value,
+returning a new [`Ok`](#ok) instance wrapping the result of the second function.
+#### swap
+Result e a ~> ((e -> a), (a -> e)) -> Result e a
+#### either
+Result e a ~> ((e -> b), (a -> b)) -> b
+Used to provide a means to map a given `Result` instance folding it out of it's
+container. `either` expects two functions as its arguments. The first is a
+function that will be used to map an [`Err`](#err). While the second
+will map the value wrapped in a given [`Ok`](#ok) and return the result of that
+By using composing `either` you can create functions that us the power of
+`ADT`s while returning a plain javascript type.
+import Result from 'crocks/Result'
+import either from 'crocks/pointfree/either'
+import map from 'crocks/pointfree/map'
+import ifElse from 'crocks/logic/ifElse'
+import compose from 'crocks/core/compose'
+import isNumber from 'crocks/predicates/isNumber'
+import setProp from 'crocks/helpers/setProp'
+import objOf from 'crocks/helpers/objOf'
+const { Ok, Err } = Result
+const ensure = (pred, f) => ifElse(pred, Ok, compose(Err, f))
+const fromNumber = ensure(isNumber, x => `${x} is not a valid number`)
+const prod =
+ x => y => x * y
+// hasError :: Boolean -> Object -> Object
+const hasError =
+ setProp('hasError')
+// buildResult :: (String, Boolean) -> a -> Object
+const buildResult = (key, isError) =>
+ compose(hasError(isError), objOf(key))
+const createResult =
+ either(
+ buildResult('error', true),
+ buildResult('result', false)
+ )
+const double = compose(
+ createResult,
+ map(prod(2)),
+ fromNumber
+//=> { result: 84, hasError: false }
+//=> { error: 'value is not a valid number', hasError: true }
+## Helper Functions
+#### TryCatch
+TryCatch :: (* -> a) -> * -> Result e a
+## Transformation Functions
+#### eitherToResult
+eitherToResult :: Either b a -> Result b a
+eitherToResult :: (a -> Either c b) -> a -> Result c b
+Used to transform a given [`Either`][either] instance to a `Result`
+instance or flatten a `Result` of `Either` into a `Result` when chained,
+`eitherToMaybe` will turn a [`Right`][right] instance into
+a [`Ok`](#ok) wrapping the original value contained in the [`Right`][right].
+All [`Left`][left] instances will map to a [`Err`](#err), mapping the
+originally contained value to a `Unit`. Values on the [`Left`][left] will be
+lost and as such this transformation is considered lossy in that regard.
+Like all `crocks` transformation functions, `eitherToMaybe` has two possible
+signatures and will behave differently when passed either
+an [`Either`][either] instance or a function that returns an instance
+of [`Either`][either]. When passed the instance, a transformed `Result` is
+returned. When passed an [`Either`][either] returning function, a function will
+be returned that takes a given value and returns a `Result`.
+import Result from 'crocks/Result'
+import Either from 'crocks/Either'
+import assign from 'crocks/helpers/assign'
+import compose from 'crocks/helpers/compose'
+import composeK from 'crocks/helpers/composeK'
+import fanout from 'crocks/Pair/fanout'
+import isNumber from 'crocks/predicates/isNumber'
+import liftA2 from 'crocks/helpers/liftA2'
+import map from 'crocks/pointfree/map'
+import maybeToEither from 'crocks/Result/maybeToEither'
+import merge from 'crocks/Pair/merge'
+import objOf from 'crocks/helpers/objOf'
+import prop from 'crocks/Maybe/prop'
+import eitherToResult from 'crocks/Either/eitherToResult'
+import safeLift from 'crocks/Maybe/safeLift'
+const { Left, Right } = Either
+const { Ok } = Result
+eitherToResult(Left('no good'))
+//=> Err "no good"
+eitherToResult(Right('so good'))
+//=> Ok "so good"
+// safeInc :: a -> Maybe Number
+const safeInc =
+ safeLift(isNumber, x => x + 1)
+// incProp :: String -> a -> Maybe Number
+const incProp = key =>
+ composeK(safeInc, prop(key))
+// incResult :: String -> a -> Result [ String ] Object
+const incResult = key => maybeToEither(
+ [ `${key} is not valid` ],
+ compose(map(objOf(key)), incProp(key))
+// incThem :: a -> Result [ String ] Object
+const incThem = compose(
+ merge(liftA2(assign)),
+ fanout(incResult('b'), incResult('a'))
+ .chain(eitherToResult(incThem))
+//=> Err [ "b is not valid", "a is not valid" ]
+Result.of({ a: 33 })
+ .chain(eitherToResult(incThem))
+//=> Err [ "b is not valid" ]
+Result.of({ a: 99, b: '41' })
+ .chain(eitherToResult(incThem))
+//=> Err [ "b is not valid" ]
+Result.of({ a: 99, b: 41 })
+ .chain(eitherToResult(incThem))
+//=> Ok { a: 100, b: 42 }
+ .chain(eitherToResult)
+//=> Err "Err"
+ .chain(eitherToResult)
+//=> Ok "42"
+#### firstToResult
+firstToResult :: e -> First a -> Result e a
+firstToResult :: e -> (a -> First b) -> a -> Result e b
+Used to transform a given [`First`][first] instance to a `Result`
+instance or flatten a `Result` of [`First`][first] into a `Result` when chained,
+`firstToMaybe` will turn a non-empty instance into an [`Ok`](#ok) wrapping
+the original value contained within the [`First`][first]. All empty instances
+will map to an [`Err`](#err) with the given value.
+Like all `crocks` transformation functions, `firstToMaybe` has two possible
+signatures and will behave differently when passed either
+a [`First`][first] instance or a function that returns an instance
+of [`First`][first]. When passed the instance, a transformed `Result` is
+returned. When passed a [`First`][first] returning function, a function will be
+returned that takes a given value and returns a `Result`.
+import First from 'crocks/First'
+import firstToResult from 'crocks/Result/firstToResult'
+import flip from 'crocks/combinators/flip'
+import prop from 'crocks/Maybe/prop'
+import mapReduce from 'crocks/helpers/mapReduce'
+import compose from 'crocks/helpers/compose'
+import concat from 'crocks/pointfree/concat'
+const { empty } = First
+// Person :: (String, Number)
+// createPerson :: (String, Number) -> Person
+const createPerson = (name, age) => ({
+ name, age
+// liftName :: Person -> First (Maybe String)
+const liftName = compose(First, prop('name'))
+// mergeFirstName :: [Person] -> First (Maybe String)
+const mergeFirstName = compose(firstToResult('(No name found)'), mapReduce(liftName, flip(concat), empty()))
+ createPerson('John', 30),
+ createPerson('Jon', 33)
+//=> Ok "Jon"
+ createPerson(undefined, 30),
+ createPerson(undefined, 33)
+//=> Err "(No name found)"
+#### lastToResult
+lastToResult :: e -> Last a -> Result e a
+lastToResult :: e -> (a -> Last b) -> a -> Result e b
+Used to transform a given [`Last`][last] instance to a `Result` instance or
+flatten a `Result` of [`Last`][last] into a `Result` when chained, `lastToResult` will
+turn a non-empty instance into a [`Ok`](#ok) wrapping the original value
+contained within the [`Last`][last]. All empty instances will map to a
+Like all `crocks` transformation functions, `lastToResult` has two possible
+signatures and will behave differently when passed either
+a [`Last`][last] instance or a function that returns an instance
+of [`Last`][last]. When passed the instance, a transformed `Result` is returned.
+When passed a [`Last`][last] returning function, a function will be returned
+that takes a given value and returns a `Result`.
+import Result from 'crocks/Result'
+import Last from 'crocks/Last'
+import lastToResult from 'crocks/Result/lastToResult'
+import mconcat from 'crocks/helpers/mconcat'
+const { Ok, Err } = Result
+// lastValue :: [ a ] -> Last a
+const lastValue =
+ mconcat(Last)
+lastToResult('Error occurred!', Last('the end'))
+//=> Ok "the end"
+Err('Error occurred!')
+ .chain(lastToResult('Error occurred!', lastValue))
+//=> Err "Error occurred!"
+ .chain(lastToResult('Error occurred!', lastValue))
+//=> Err "Error occurred!"
+Ok([ 'first', 'second', 'third' ])
+ .chain(lastToResult('Error occurred!', lastValue))
+//=> Ok "third"
+ .chain(lastToResult('Error occurred!'))
+//=> Ok "last"
+#### maybeToResult
+maybeToResult :: e -> Maybe a -> Result e a
+maybeToResult :: e -> (a -> Maybe b) -> a -> Result e b
+Used to transform a given [`Maybe`][maybe] instance to a `Result`
+instance or flatten a `Result` of [`Maybe`][maybe] into a `Result` when chained,
+`maybeToResult` will turn a [`Just`][just] instance into an [`Ok`](#ok) wrapping the
+original value contained in the [`Just`][just].
+All [`Nothing`](nothing) instances will map to a [`Err`](#err), containing the
+given `e` value.
+Like all `crocks` transformation functions, `maybeToResult` has two possible
+signatures and will behave differently when passed either a [`Maybe`][maybe] instance
+or a function that returns an instance of [`Maybe`][maybe]. When passed the instance,
+a transformed `Result` is returned. When passed a [`Maybe`][maybe] returning function,
+a function will be returned that takes a given value and returns a `Result`.
+This means that when used with the [`Maybe-helpers`][helpers] and `compose` you
+have a larger collection of `Result` returning functions.
+import Result from 'crocks/Result'
+import maybeToResult from 'crocks/Result/maybeToResult'
+import Maybe from 'crocks/Maybe'
+import prop from 'crocks/Maybe/prop'
+import compose from 'crocks/helpers/compose'
+const { Ok } = Result
+const { Just, Nothing } = Maybe
+maybeToResult('An error occurred', Just('21'))
+//=> Ok "21"
+maybeToResult('An error occurred', Nothing())
+//=> Err "An error occurred"
+const getProp = compose(maybeToResult('The requested prop did not exist or was undefined'), prop)
+getProp('name', { name: 'Jobn', age: 21 })
+//=> Ok "Jobn"
+getProp('name', { age: 27 })
+//=> Err "The requested prop did not exist or was undefined"
+Ok(Just('in time!'))
+ .chain(maybeToResult('An error occurred'))
+//=> Ok "in time!"
+ .chain(maybeToResult('An error occurred'))
+//=> Err "An error occurred"
+[pred]: ./Pred.html
+[either]: ./Either.html
+[left]: ./Either.html#left
+[right]: ./Either.html#right
+[first]: ../monoids/First.html
+[last]: ../monoids/Last.html
+[maybe]: ../monoids/Maybe.html
+[just]: ./Maybe.html#just
+[nothing]: ./Maybe.html#nothing
+[helpers]: ./Maybe.html#helper-functions