diff --git a/docs/src/pages/docs/crocks/Async.md b/docs/src/pages/docs/crocks/Async.md
index f4207a5e0..e83f99dfc 100644
--- a/docs/src/pages/docs/crocks/Async.md
+++ b/docs/src/pages/docs/crocks/Async.md
@@ -1266,17 +1266,19 @@ eitherToAsync :: Either b a -> Async b a
eitherToAsync :: (a -> Either c b) -> a -> Async c b
-Used to transform a given `Either` instance to
-an `Async` instance, `eitherToAsync` will turn a `Right` instance into
+Used to transform a given [`Either`][either] instance to
+an `Async` instance, `eitherToAsync` will turn a [`Right`][right] instance into
a [`Resolved`](#resolved) instance wrapping the original value contained in the
-original `Right`. If a `Left` is provided, then `eitherToAsync` will return
-a [`Rejected`](#rejected) instance, wrapping the original `Left` value.
+original [`Right`][right]. If a [`Left`][left] is provided,
+then `eitherToAsync` will return a [`Rejected`](#rejected) instance, wrapping
+the original [`Left`][left] value.
Like all `crocks` transformation functions, `eitherToAsync` has two possible
-signatures and will behave differently when passed either an `Either` instance
-or a function that returns an instance of `Either`. When passed the instance,
-a transformed `Async` is returned. When passed an `Either` returning function,
-a function will be returned that takes a given value and returns an `Async`.
+signatures and will behave differently when passed
+an [`Either`][either] instance or a function that returns an instance
+of [`Either`][either]. When passed the instance, a transformed `Async` is
+returned. When passed an [`Either`][either] returning function, a function will
+be returned that takes a given value and returns an `Async`.
@@ -1678,6 +1680,9 @@ Resolved('103')
[identity]: ../functions/combinators.html#identity
[first]: ../monoids/First.html
[last]: ../monoids/Last.html
-[maybe]: ../crocks/Maybe.html
-[just]: ../crocks/Maybe.html#just
-[nothing]: ../crocks/Maybe.html#nothing
+[maybe]: ./Maybe.html
+[just]: ./Maybe.html#just
+[nothing]: ./Maybe.html#nothing
+[either]: ./Either.html
+[left]: ./Either.html#left
+[right]: ./Either.html#right
diff --git a/docs/src/pages/docs/crocks/Either.md b/docs/src/pages/docs/crocks/Either.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1adc3c439
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/src/pages/docs/crocks/Either.md
@@ -0,0 +1,1345 @@
+title: "Either"
+description: "Either Crock"
+layout: "guide"
+functions: ["firsttoeither", "lasttoeither", "maybetoeither", "resulttoeither"]
+weight: 40
+Either c a = Left c | Right a
+`Either` is the canonical `Sum` type and is the base of all other `Sum` types
+included in `crocks`, such as [`Maybe`][maybe] and [`Async`][async] to name a
+few. Defined as a tagged union type, it captures the essence of disjunction as
+it provides either a `Left` value or a `Right` value and not both.
+Unlike [`Maybe`][maybe], which fixes its "left side", or [`Nothing`][nothing] to
+a `()` (unit), `Either` is a functor in both it's `Left` and `Right` sides. This
+allows for the ability to vary the type on either side and is akin to the
+imperative `if...else` trees that are common in programming.
+Like most other types in `crocks`, `Either` has a right bias in regard to
+instance methods like `map`, `ap` and `chain`. This behavior can be used to
+formally capture Error handling as the `Left` value will be maintained
+throughout subsequent flows.
+import Either from 'crocks/Either'
+import compose from 'crocks/helpers/compose'
+import ifElse from 'crocks/logic/ifElse'
+import isNumber from 'crocks/predicates/isNumber'
+import map from 'crocks/pointfree/map'
+const { Left, Right } = Either
+// err :: a -> String
+const err = val =>
+ `${typeof val} is not an accepted type`
+// add :: Number -> Number -> Number
+const add =
+ x => y => x + y
+// validate :: a -> Either String Number
+const validate = ifElse(
+ isNumber,
+ Right,
+ compose(Left, err)
+// flow :: a -> Either String Number
+const flow = compose(
+ map(add(10)),
+ validate
+//=> Right 42
+//=> Left "string is not an accepted type"
+//=> Left "boolean is not an accepted type"
+## Implements
+`Setoid`, `Semigroup`, `Functor`, `Alt`, `Apply`, `Traversable`, `Chain`, `Applicative`, `Monad`
+## Construction
+Either :: a -> Either c a
+An `Either` is typically constructed by using one of the instance constructors
+provided on the `TypeRep`: [`Left`](#left) or [`Right`](#right). For consistency,
+an `Either` can be constructed using its `TypeRep` as a constructor. The
+constructor is a unary function that accepts any type `a` and will return a
+`Right` instance, wrapping the value it was passed.
+import Either from 'crocks/Either'
+import equals from 'crocks/pointfree/equals'
+//=> Right 90
+//=> Right 90
+//=> Right 90
+ Either.Right([ 1, 2, 3 ]),
+ Either.of([ 1, 2, 3 ])
+//=> true
+ Either.of({ a: 100 }),
+ Either({ a: 100 })
+//=> true
+## Constructor Methods
+#### Left
+Either.Left :: c -> Either c a
+Used to construct a `Left` instance of an `Either` that represents the
+`false` portion of a disjunction. The `Left` constructor takes a value of any
+type and returns a `Left` instance wrapping the value passed to the constructor.
+When an instance is a `Left`, most `Either` returning methods on
+the instance will do nothing to the wrapped value and return another `Left` with
+the same initial value the `Left` instance was constructed with.
+import Either from 'crocks/Either'
+import chain from 'crocks/pointfree/chain'
+import compose from 'crocks/helpers/compose'
+import isString from 'crocks/predicates/isString'
+import ifElse from 'crocks/logic/ifElse'
+const { Left, Right } = Either
+// yell :: String -> String
+const yell =
+ x => `${x.toUpperCase()}!`
+// safeYell :: a -> Either a String
+const safeYell = ifElse(
+ isString,
+ compose(Right, yell),
+ Left
+ .map(yell)
+//=> Right "EXCITE!"
+ .map(yell)
+//=> Left "whisper"
+chain(safeYell, Right('outside voice'))
+//=> Right "OUTSIDE VOICE!"
+chain(safeYell, Left({ level: 'inside voice' }))
+//=> Left { level: 'inside voice' }
+#### Right
+Either.Right :: a -> Either c a
+Used to construct a `Right` instance of the an `Either` that represents
+the `true` portion of a disjunction. The `Right` constructor takes any value and
+will return a new `Right` instance wrapping the value provided.
+import Either from 'crocks/Either'
+import compose from 'crocks/helpers/compose'
+import composeK from 'crocks/helpers/composeK'
+import ifElse from 'crocks/logic/ifElse'
+import isNumber from 'crocks/predicates/isNumber'
+const { Left, Right } = Either
+// validate :: (b -> Boolean) -> Either c a
+const validate = pred =>
+ ifElse(pred, Right, Left)
+// add10 :: Number -> Number
+const add10 =
+ x => x + 10
+ .map(add10)
+//=> Right 20
+Left('Not A Number')
+ .map(add10)
+//=> Left "Not A Number"
+// validNumber :: b -> Either c Number
+const validNumber =
+ validate(isNumber)
+//=> Left "60"
+//=> Left null
+//=> Right 60
+// safeAdd10 :: b -> Either c Number
+const safeAdd10 = composeK(
+ compose(Right, add10),
+ validNumber
+safeAdd10([ 7 ])
+//=> Left [ 7 ]
+//=> Left null
+//=> Right 15
+// isLarge :: Number -> Either Number Number
+const isLarge =
+ validate(x => x >= 10)
+// isLargeNumber :: b -> Either c Number
+const isLargeNumber =
+ composeK(isLarge, validNumber)
+// add10ToLarge :: b -> Either c Number
+const add10ToLarge =
+ composeK(safeAdd10, isLargeNumber)
+//=> Left undefined
+//=> Left "40"
+//=> Left 5
+//=> Right 20
+#### of
+Either.of :: a -> Either c a
+Used to lift any value into an `Either` as a `Right`, `of` is used mostly by
+helper functions that work "generically" with instances of
+either `Applicative` or `Monad`. When working specifically with
+the `Either` type, the [`Right`](#right) constructor should be used. Reach
+for `of` when working with functions that will work with
+ANY `Applicative`/`Monad`.
+import Either from 'crocks/Either'
+const { Right } = Either
+Either.of('some string')
+//=> Right "some string"
+//=> Right undefined
+Either('some string')
+//=> Right "some string"
+//=> Right undefined
+Right('some string')
+//=> Right "some string"
+//=> Right undefined
+## Instance Methods
+#### equals
+Either c a ~> b -> Boolean
+Used to compare the underlying values of two `Either` instances for equality by
+value, `equals` takes any given argument and returns `true` if the passed
+arguments is a `Either` of the same instance with an underlying value equal to
+the underlying value of the `Either` the method is being called on. If the
+passed argument is not an `Either` of the same instance or the underlying values
+are not equal, `equals` will return `false`.
+import Either from 'crocks/Either'
+import equals from 'crocks/pointfree/equals'
+const { Left, Right } = Either
+ .equals(Right(null))
+//=> true
+ .equals(Left('happy'))
+//=> true
+ .equals(Right('sad'))
+//=> false
+// by value, not reference for most types
+Right([ 1, { a: 2 }, 'string' ])
+ .equals(Right([ 1, { a: 2 }, 'string' ]))
+//=> true
+equals(Right('sad'), 'sad')
+//=> false
+#### concat
+Semigroup s => Either c s ~> Either c s -> Either c s
+When an underlying `Right` value of a given `Either` is fixed to
+a `Semigroup`, `concat` can be used to concatenate another `Right` instance
+with an underlying `Semigroup` of the same type. Expecting an `Either` wrapping
+a `Semigroup` of the same type, `concat` will give back a new `Either` instance
+wrapping the result of combining the two underlying `Semigroup`s. When called on
+a `Left` instance, `concat` will return a `Left` containing the initial value.
+import Either from 'crocks/Either'
+import Assign from 'crocks/Assign'
+import compose from 'crocks/helpers/compose'
+import concat from 'crocks/pointfree/concat'
+import flip from 'crocks/combinators/flip'
+import ifElse from 'crocks/logic/ifElse'
+import isObject from 'crocks/predicates/isObject'
+import mapReduce from 'crocks/helpers/mapReduce'
+const { Left, Right } = Either
+Right([ 1, 2 ])
+ .concat(Right([ 4, 5 ]))
+//=> Right [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
+Right([ 1, 2 ])
+ .concat(Left('Error'))
+//=> Left "Error"
+// lift :: Object -> Either c Assign
+const lift =
+ compose(Right, Assign)
+// liftObject :: b -> Either c Assign
+const liftObject =
+ ifElse(isObject, lift, Left)
+// Foldable f => fold :: f * -> Either * Assign
+const fold = mapReduce(
+ liftObject,
+ flip(concat),
+ Either(Assign.empty())
+fold([ { a: 'a' }, { b: 'b' } ])
+//=> Right Assign { a: "a", b: "b" }
+ { a: 'a' }, null, { c: 'c' }
+//=> Left null
+#### map
+Either c a ~> (a -> b) -> Either c b
+Used to apply transformations to values `Right` instances of `Either`, `map`
+takes a function that it will lift into the context of the `Either` and apply to
+it the wrapped value. When ran on a `Right` instance, `map` will apply the
+wrapped value to the provided function and return the result in a
+new `Right` instance.
+import Either from 'crocks/Either'
+import compose from 'crocks/helpers/compose'
+import ifElse from 'crocks/logic/ifElse'
+import isNumber from 'crocks/predicates/isNumber'
+import map from 'crocks/pointfree/map'
+import objOf from 'crocks/helpers/objOf'
+const { Left, Right } = Either
+// add :: Number -> Number -> Number
+const add =
+ x => y => x + y
+ .map(add(10))
+//=> Right 35
+Left('Some String')
+ .map(add(10))
+//=> Left "Some String"
+// numberOr :: a -> Either b Number
+const numberOr = ifElse(
+ isNumber, Right, Left
+// add10 -> a -> Either b Number
+const add10 = compose(
+ map(add(10)),
+ numberOr
+//=> Right 55
+add10('some string')
+//=> Left "some string"
+const processResult = compose(
+ map(compose(objOf('result'), add(20))),
+ numberOr
+processResult({ a: 57 })
+//=> Left { a: 57 }
+//=> Right{ result: 77 }
+#### alt
+Either c a ~> Either c a -> Either c a
+Providing a means for a fallback or alternative value, `alt` combines two
+`Either` instances and will return the first `Right` it encounters or the
+last `Left` if it does not encounter a `Right`.
+import Either from 'crocks/Either'
+const { Left, Right } = Either
+ .alt(Right(97))
+ .alt(Left(false))
+//=> Right 45
+ .alt(Left('Another String'))
+ .alt(Left('Final String'))
+//=> Left "Final String"
+ .alt(Right({ passed: true }))
+//=> Right { passed: true }
+#### bimap
+Either c a ~> ((c -> d), (a -> b)) -> Either d b
+The types and values that make up an `Either` can vary independently in both
+the `Left` and `Right` instances of the `Either`. While [`map`](#map) can be
+used to apply a transformation to a `Right` instance, `bimap` allows
+transformations for either.
+`bimap` takes two mapping functions as its arguments. The first function is used
+to map a `Left` instance, while the second maps a `Right`. `Either` only
+provides a means to map a `Right` instance exclusively using [`map`](#map). If
+the need arises to map a `Left` instance exclusively, then `bimap` can be used,
+passing the mapping function to the first argument and
+an [`identity`][identity] to the second.
+import Either from 'crocks/Either'
+import bimap from 'crocks/pointfree/bimap'
+import compose from 'crocks/helpers/compose'
+import ifElse from 'crocks/logic/ifElse'
+import objOf from 'crocks/helpers/objOf'
+const { Left, Right } = Either
+// lte :: Number -> Number -> Boolean
+const lte =
+ x => y => y <= x
+// gt10 :: Number -> Either Number Number
+const gt10 =
+ ifElse(lte(10), Left, Right)
+// offsetBy :: Number -> Number -> Number
+const offsetBy =
+ x => y => x + y
+// scaleBy :: Number -> Number -> Number
+const scaleBy =
+ x => y => x * y
+// compute :: Number -> Either Number Number
+const compute = compose(
+ bimap(scaleBy(10), offsetBy(10)),
+ gt10
+//=> Left 100
+//=> Right 30
+// arrayOf :: a -> [ a ]
+const arrayOf =
+ x => [ x ]
+// resultOf :: a -> { result: a }
+const resultOf =
+ objOf('result')
+// format :: Either c a -> Either [ c ] { result: a }
+const format =
+ bimap(arrayOf, resultOf)
+//=> Left [ 100 ]
+//=> Right { result: 30 }
+// processAndFormat :: Either Number Number -> Either [ Number ] { result: Number }
+const processAndFormat = bimap(
+ compose(arrayOf, scaleBy(10)),
+ compose(resultOf, offsetBy(10))
+// flow :: Number -> Either [ Number ]
+const flow = compose(
+ processAndFormat,
+ gt10
+//=> Left [ 100 ]
+//=> Right { result: 30 }
+#### ap
+Either c (a -> b) ~> Either c a -> Either c b
+Short for apply, `ap` is used to apply an `Either` instance containing a value
+to another `Either` instance that contains a function, resulting in
+new `Either` instance containing the result of the application. `ap` requires
+that it is called on either a `Left` containing anything or a `Right` that
+wraps a curried polyadic function.
+When either instance is a `Left`, `ap` will return a `Left` containing the
+original value. This can be used to safely combine multiple values under a
+given combination function. If any of the inputs results in a `Left` than they
+will never be applied to the function and not provide exceptions or undesired
+import Either from 'crocks/Either'
+import assign from 'crocks/helpers/assign'
+import assoc from 'crocks/helpers/assoc'
+import compose from 'crocks/helpers/compose'
+import identity from 'crocks/combinators/identity'
+import ifElse from 'crocks/logic/ifElse'
+import isObject from 'crocks/predicates/isObject'
+import objOf from 'crocks/helpers/objOf'
+const { Left, Right } = Either
+// objectOr :: a -> Either c Object
+const objectOr =
+ ifElse(isObject, Right, Left)
+// Error :: { error: a, passed: Boolean }
+// error :: a -> Error
+const error = compose(
+ assoc('passed', false),
+ objOf('error')
+// setPassed :: Either c Object -> Either Error Object
+const setPassed = m =>
+ Either.of(assoc('passed', true))
+ .ap(m)
+ .bimap(error, identity)
+setPassed(Right({ a: 'awesome' }))
+//=> Right { a: "awesome", passed: true }
+setPassed(Left({ a: 'not so much' }))
+//=> Left { error: "not so much", passed: false }
+// process :: a -> Either Object Object
+const process =
+ compose(setPassed, objectOr)
+process({ a: 'awesome' })
+//=> Right { a: "awesome", passed: true }
+process('I am string')
+//=> Left { error: "I am string", passed: false }
+// assignOr :: (Either c Object, Either c Object) -> Either c Object
+const assignOr = (x, y) =>
+ x.map(assign).ap(y)
+assignOr(Right({ b: 'also awesome' }), Right({ a: 'awesome' }))
+//=> Right { a: "awesome", b: "also awesome" }
+assignOr(Right({ b: 'also awesome' }), Left('not so awesome'))
+//=> Left "not so awesome"
+assignOr(Left({ b: 'first' }), Left({ b: 'second' }))
+//=> Left { b: "first" }
+#### sequence
+Apply f => Either c (f a) ~> (b -> f b) -> f (Either c a)
+Applicative f => Either c (f a) ~> TypeRep f -> f (Either c a)
+When an instance of `Either` wraps an `Apply` instance, `sequence` can be used
+to swap the type sequence. `sequence` requires either
+an `Applicative TypeRep` or an `Apply` returning function is provided for its
+argument. This will be used in the case that the `Either` instance is a `Left`.
+`sequence` can be derived from [`traverse`](#traverse) by passing it
+an [`identity`][identity] function.
+import Either from 'crocks/Either'
+import Identity from 'crocks/Identity'
+const { Left, Right } = Either
+// arrayOf :: a -> [ a ]
+const arrayOf =
+ x => [ x ]
+Right([ 1, 2, 3 ])
+ .sequence(arrayOf)
+//=> [ Right 1, Right 2, Right 3 ]
+Left('no array here')
+ .sequence(arrayOf)
+//=> [ Left "no array here" ]
+ .sequence(Identity)
+//=> Identity (Right 42)
+ .sequence(Identity)
+//=> Identity (Left 0)
+#### traverse
+Apply f => Either c a ~> (d -> f d), (a -> f b)) -> f Either c b
+Applicative f => Either c a ~> (TypeRep f, (a -> f b)) -> f Either c b
+Used to apply the "effect" of an `Apply` to a value inside of an `Either`,
+`traverse` combines both the "effects" of the `Apply` and the `Either` by
+returning a new instance of the `Apply`, wrapping the result of the
+`Apply`s "effect" on the value in the supplied `Either`.
+`traverse` requires either an `Applicative TypeRep` or an `Apply` returning
+function as its first argument and a function that is used to apply the "effect"
+of the target `Apply` to the value inside of the `Either`. This will be used in
+the case that the `Either` instance is a `Left`. Both arguments must provide
+an instance of the target `Apply`.
+import Either from 'crocks/Either'
+import Pair from 'crocks/Pair'
+import State from 'crocks/State'
+import Sum from 'crocks/Sum'
+import constant from 'crocks/combinators/constant'
+import ifElse from 'crocks/logic/ifElse'
+import traverse from 'crocks/pointfree/traverse'
+const { Left, Right } = Either
+const { get } = State
+// tallyOf :: a -> [ a ]
+const tallyOf =
+ x => Pair(Sum.empty(), x)
+// incBy :: Number -> Pair Sum Number
+const incBy =
+ x => Pair(Sum(x), x)
+ .traverse(tallyOf, incBy)
+//=> Pair( Sum 12, Right 12 )
+ .traverse(tallyOf, incBy)
+//=> Pair( Sum 0, Left true )
+// lte10 :: Number -> Either Number Number
+const lte10 =
+ ifElse(x => x <= 10, Right, Left)
+// update :: Number -> State Number Number
+const update = x =>
+ State.modify(state => x + state)
+ .chain(constant(get()))
+// updateSmall :: () => State Number Number
+const updateSmall = () =>
+ get(lte10)
+ .chain(traverse(State, update))
+ .runWith(3)
+//=> Pair( Right 6, 6 )
+ .chain(updateSmall)
+ .runWith(3)
+//=> Pair( Left 12, 12 )
+ .chain(updateSmall)
+ .chain(updateSmall)
+ .runWith(3)
+//=> Pair( Left 12, 12 )
+ .chain(updateSmall)
+ .chain(updateSmall)
+ .runWith(30)
+//=> Pair( Left 30, 30 )
+#### chain
+Either c a ~> (a -> Either c b) -> Either c b
+Combining a sequential series of transformations that capture disjunction can be
+accomplished with `chain`. `chain` expects a unary, `Either` returning function
+as its argument. When invoked on a `Left`, `chain` will not run the function,
+but will instead return another `Left` wrapping the original value. When called
+on a `Left` however, the inner value will be passed to the provided function,
+returning the result as the new instance.
+import Either from 'crocks/Either'
+import ifElse from 'crocks/logic/ifElse'
+import isString from 'crocks/predicates/isString'
+import maybeToEither from 'crocks/Either/maybeToEither'
+import prop from 'crocks/Maybe/prop'
+import propEq from 'crocks/predicates/propEq'
+const { Left, Right } = Either
+// lift :: (b -> Boolean) -> b -> Either c a
+const lift = pred =>
+ ifElse(pred, Right, Left)
+// isPassed :: b -> Either c Object
+const isPassed =
+ lift(propEq('passed', true))
+isPassed({ value: 'Nope' })
+// Left { value: "Nope" }
+isPassed({ value: 'yes', passed: true })
+// Right { value: "yes", passed: true }
+// stringOr :: b -> Either c String
+const stringOr =
+ lift(isString)
+// valueOr :: b -> Either c a
+const valueOr = x =>
+ maybeToEither(x, prop('value'), x)
+// getStringValue :: b -> Either c String
+const getStringValue = x =>
+ isPassed(x)
+ .chain(valueOr)
+ .chain(stringOr)
+ value: 'So good',
+ passed: true
+//=> Right "So Good"
+ value: 'Not passed'
+//=> Left { value: "Not passed" }
+ value: 33,
+ passed: true
+//=> Right "So Good"
+ value: 33,
+ passed: true
+//=> Left 33
+#### coalesce
+Either c a ~> ((c -> b), (a -> b)) -> Either c b
+Used to take a `Left` instance and not only map its internal value, but also
+to "promote" it to a `Right` instance. `coalesce` takes two unary functions as
+its arguments and will return a new `Right` instance.
+The first function is used when invoked on a `Left` and will return a `Right`
+instance, wrapping the result of the function. The second function is used when
+`coalesce` is invoked on a `Right` and is used to map the original value,
+returning a new `Right` instance wrapping the result of the second function.
+import Either from 'crocks/Either'
+import assoc from 'crocks/helpers/assoc'
+import coalesce from 'crocks/pointfree/coalesce'
+import compose from 'crocks/helpers/compose'
+import identity from 'crocks/combinators/identity'
+import hasProp from 'crocks/predicates/hasProp'
+import ifElse from 'crocks/logic/ifElse'
+import map from 'crocks/pointfree/map'
+import mapProps from 'crocks/helpers/mapProps'
+const { Left, Right } = Either
+// inc :: Number -> Number -> Number
+const inc =
+ x => x + 1
+ .coalesce(identity, inc)
+//=> Right 46
+ .coalesce(identity, inc)
+//=> Right 45
+// Record :: { value: Number }
+// hasValue :: Object -> Either Object Record
+const hasValue =
+ ifElse(hasProp('value'), Right, Left)
+hasValue({ a: 45 })
+// Left { a: 45 }
+hasValue({ value: 45 })
+// Right { value: 45 }
+// defaultValue :: Either Object Record -> Either Object Record
+const defaultValue =
+ coalesce(assoc('value', 0), identity)
+// incValue :: Either Object Record -> Either c Record
+const incValue = compose(
+ map(mapProps({ value: inc })),
+ defaultValue,
+ hasValue
+incValue({ value: 45 })
+//=> Right { value: 46 }
+incValue({ a: 44 })
+//=> Right { a: 44, value: 1 }
+#### swap
+Either c a ~> ((c -> d), (a -> b)) -> Either b d
+Used to map the value of an `Either` instance and transform a `Left` into a
+`Right` or a `Right` into a `Left`, `swap` takes two functions as its arguments.
+The first function is used to map and transform a `Left` into a `Right`,
+while the second maps and transforms a `Right` into a `Left`. If no mapping of
+the contained values is required for either instance,
+then [`identity`][identity] functions can be used in one or both arguments.
+import Either from 'crocks/Either'
+import identity from 'crocks/combinators/identity'
+import swap from 'crocks/pointfree/swap'
+const { Left, Right } = Either
+// swapTypes :: Either c a -> Either a c
+const swapTypes =
+ swap(identity, identity)
+//=> Right 45
+//=> Left 23
+// toString :: Number -> String
+const toString =
+ x => x.toString()
+// toNumber :: String -> Number
+const toNumber =
+ x => parseInt(x)
+// swapValues :: Either Number String -> Either Number String
+const swapValues =
+ swap(toString, toNumber)
+//=> Right "23"
+//=> Left 23
+#### either
+Either c a ~> ((c -> b), (a -> b)) -> b
+Used as a means to map and extract a value from an `Either` based on the
+context, `either` takes two functions as its arguments. The first will map any
+the value `Left` in a left instance. While the second is used to map any `Right`
+instance value. The function will return the result of whichever function is
+used to map.
+import Either from 'crocks/Either'
+import curry from 'crocks/helpers/curry'
+import either from 'crocks/pointfree/either'
+import identity from 'crocks/combinators/identity'
+import objOf from 'crocks/helpers/objOf'
+const { Left, Right } = Either
+// toObject :: String -> Either a Object -> Object
+const toObject = curry(
+ key => either(objOf(key), identity)
+toObject('num', Left(44))
+//=> { num: 44 }
+toObject('num', Right({ string: 'a string' }))
+//=> { string: 'a string' }
+## Transformation Functions
+#### firstToEither
+firstToEither :: c -> First a -> Either c a
+firstToEither :: c -> (a -> First b) -> a -> Either c a
+Used to transform a given [`First`][first] instance to an `Either`
+instance, `firstToEither` will turn a non-empty instance into
+a [`Right`](#right) wrapping the original value contained within
+the [`First`][first].
+The [`First`][first] datatype is based on a [`Maybe`][maybe] and as such its
+is fixed to a `()` (unit) type. As a means to allow for convenient
+transformation, `firstToEither` takes a default [`Left`](#left) value as the
+first argument. This value will be wrapped in a
+resulting [`Left`](#left) instance in the case of empty.
+Like all `crocks` transformation functions, `firstToEither` has two possible
+signatures and will behave differently when passed either
+a [`First`][first] instance or a function that returns an instance
+of [`First`][first]. When passed the instance, a transformed `Either` is
+returned. When passed a [`First`][first] returning function, a function will be
+returned that takes a given value and returns a `Either`.
+import Either from 'crocks/Either'
+import First from 'crocks/First'
+import and from 'crocks/logic/and'
+import firstToEither from 'crocks/Either/firstToEither'
+import isNumber from 'crocks/predicates/isNumber'
+import map from 'crocks/pointfree/map'
+import mconcatMap from 'crocks/helpers/mconcatMap'
+import safe from 'crocks/Maybe/safe'
+const { Right } = Either
+// sorry :: First a -> Either String a
+const sorry =
+ firstToEither('Sorry Charlie')
+//=> Left "Sorry Charlie"
+sorry(First('So Good'))
+//=> Right "So Good"
+// gte :: Number -> Number -> Boolean
+const gte =
+ y => x => x >= y
+// isValid :: a -> Boolean
+const isValid =
+ and(isNumber, gte(30))
+// firstValid :: a -> First Number
+const firstValid =
+ mconcatMap(First, safe(isValid))
+// data :: [ * ]
+const data =
+ [ 1, '200', 60, 300 ]
+ .chain(sorry(firstValid))
+//=> Right 60
+ .map(map(x => x.toString()))
+ .chain(sorry(firstValid))
+//=> Left "Sorry Charlie"
+#### lastToEither
+lastToEither :: c -> Last a -> Either c a
+lastToEither :: c -> (a -> Last b) -> a -> Either c a
+Used to transform a given [`Last`][last] instance to
+an `Either`, `lastToEither` will turn a non-empty [`Last`][last] instance into
+a [`Right`](#right) instance wrapping the original value contained in the
+original non-empty.
+The [`Last`][last] datatype is based on a [`Maybe`][maybe] and as such its left
+or empty value is fixed to a `()` (unit) type. As a means to allow for
+convenient transformation, `lastToEither` takes a default [`Left`](#left) value
+as the first argument. This value will be wrapped in a
+resulting [`Left`](#left) instance, in the case of empty.
+Like all `crocks` transformation functions, `lastToEither` has two possible
+signatures and will behave differently when passed either
+a [`Last`][last] instance or a function that returns an instance
+of [`Last`][last]. When passed the instance, a transformed `Either` is returned.
+When passed a [`Last`][last] returning function, a function will be returned
+that takes a given value and returns an `Either`.
+import Either from 'crocks/Either'
+import Last from 'crocks/Last'
+import and from 'crocks/logic/and'
+import compose from 'crocks/helpers/compose'
+import concat from 'crocks/pointfree/concat'
+import lastToEither from 'crocks/Either/lastToEither'
+import isString from 'crocks/predicates/isString'
+import map from 'crocks/pointfree/map'
+import mconcatMap from 'crocks/helpers/mconcatMap'
+import safe from 'crocks/Maybe/safe'
+import when from 'crocks/logic/when'
+const { Right } = Either
+// sorry :: Last a -> Either String a
+const sorry =
+ lastToEither('Sorry Charlie')
+//=> Left "Sorry Charlie"
+sorry(Last('So Good'))
+//=> Right "So Good"
+// lte :: Number -> Number -> Boolean
+const lte =
+ y => x => x <= y
+// length :: String -> Number
+const length =
+ x => x.length
+// isValid :: a -> Boolean
+const isValid =
+ and(isString, compose(lte(3), length))
+// lastValid :: a -> Last Number
+const lastValid =
+ mconcatMap(Last, safe(isValid))
+// data :: [ * ]
+const data =
+ [ 1, '200', 60, 300 ]
+ .chain(sorry(lastValid))
+//=> Right "200"
+ .map(map(when(isString, concat('!'))))
+ .chain(sorry(lastValid))
+//=> Left "Sorry Charlie"
+#### maybeToEither
+maybeToEither :: c -> Maybe a -> Either c a
+maybeToEither :: c -> (a -> Maybe b) -> a -> Either c a
+Used to transform a given [`Maybe`][maybe] instance to
+an `Either` instance, `maybeToEither` will turn a [`Just`][just] instance into
+a [`Right`](#right) instance wrapping the original value contained in the
+original [`Just`][just].
+A [`Nothing`][nothing] instance is fixed to a `()` type and as such can only
+ever contain a value of `undefined`. As a means to allow for convenient
+transformation, `maybeToEither` takes a default [`Left`](#left) value
+as the first argument. This value will be wrapped in a
+resulting [`Left`](#left) instance, in the case of [`Nothing`][nothing].
+Like all `crocks` transformation functions, `maybeToEither` has two possible
+signatures and will behave differently when passed either
+a [`Maybe`][maybe] instance or a function that returns an instance
+of [`Maybe`][maybe]. When passed the instance, a transformed `Either` is
+returned. When passed a [`Maybe`][maybe] returning function, a function will be
+returned that takes a given value and returns an `Either`.
+import Either from 'crocks/Either'
+import Maybe from 'crocks/Maybe'
+import compose from 'crocks/helpers/compose'
+import fanout from 'crocks/helpers/fanout'
+import identity from 'crocks/combinators/identity'
+import isObject from 'crocks/predicates/isObject'
+import maybeToEither from 'crocks/Either/maybeToEither'
+import merge from 'crocks/Pair/merge'
+import safe from 'crocks/Maybe/safe'
+const { Nothing, Just } = Maybe
+const { Right } = Either
+maybeToEither(false, Nothing())
+//=> Left false
+maybeToEither(false, Just(true))
+//=> Right true
+// isValid :: a -> Either b Object
+const isValid = compose(
+ merge(maybeToEither),
+ fanout(identity, safe(isObject))
+Right('I am String')
+ .chain(isValid)
+//=> Left "I am String"
+Right({ key: 'value' })
+ .chain(isValid)
+//=> Right { key: "value" }
+#### resultToEither
+resultToEither :: Result e a -> Either e a
+resultToEither :: (a -> Result e b) -> a -> Either e a
+Used to transform a given `Result` instance to
+an `Either` instance, `resultToEither` will turn an `Ok` instance into
+a [`Right`](#right) instance wrapping the value contained in the
+original `Ok`. If an `Err` is provided, then `resultToEither` will return
+a [`Left`](#left) instance, wrapping the original `Err` value.
+Like all `crocks` transformation functions, `resultToEither` has two possible
+signatures and will behave differently when passed either a `Result` instance
+or a function that returns an instance of `Result`. When passed the instance,
+a transformed `Either` is returned. When passed a `Result` returning function,
+a function will be returned that takes a given value and returns an `Either`.
+import Either from 'crocks/Either'
+import Result from 'crocks/Result'
+import assign from 'crocks/helpers/assign'
+import compose from 'crocks/helpers/compose'
+import composeK from 'crocks/helpers/composeK'
+import fanout from 'crocks/helpers/fanout'
+import isNumber from 'crocks/predicates/isNumber'
+import liftA2 from 'crocks/helpers/liftA2'
+import map from 'crocks/pointfree/map'
+import maybeToResult from 'crocks/Result/maybeToResult'
+import merge from 'crocks/Pair/merge'
+import objOf from 'crocks/helpers/objOf'
+import prop from 'crocks/Maybe/prop'
+import resultToEither from 'crocks/Either/resultToEither'
+import safeLift from 'crocks/Maybe/safeLift'
+const { Err, Ok } = Result
+resultToEither(Err('no good'))
+//=> Left "no good"
+resultToEither(Ok('so good'))
+//=> Right "so good"
+// safeInc :: a -> Maybe Number
+const safeInc =
+ safeLift(isNumber, x => x + 1)
+// incProp :: String -> a -> Maybe Number
+const incProp = key =>
+ composeK(safeInc, prop(key))
+// incResult :: String -> a -> Result [ String ] Object
+const incResult = key => maybeToResult(
+ [ `${key} is not valid` ],
+ compose(map(objOf(key)), incProp(key))
+// incThem :: a -> Result [ String ] Object
+const incThem = compose(
+ merge(liftA2(assign)),
+ fanout(incResult('b'), incResult('a'))
+ .chain(resultToEither(incThem))
+//=> Left [ "b is not valid", "a is not valid" ]
+Either.of({ a: 33 })
+ .chain(resultToEither(incThem))
+//=> Left [ "b is not valid" ]
+Either.of({ a: 99, b: '41' })
+ .chain(resultToEither(incThem))
+//=> Left [ "b is not valid" ]
+Either.of({ a: 99, b: 41 })
+ .chain(resultToEither(incThem))
+//=> Right { a: 100, b: 42 }
+[async]: ./Async.html
+[identity]: ../functions/combinators.html#identity
+[first]: ../monoids/First.html
+[last]: ../monoids/Last.html
+[maybe]: ./Maybe.html
+[nothing]: ./Maybe.html#nothing
+[just]: ./Maybe.html#just
diff --git a/docs/src/pages/docs/crocks/Maybe.md b/docs/src/pages/docs/crocks/Maybe.md
index ce5561e16..0c188783b 100644
--- a/docs/src/pages/docs/crocks/Maybe.md
+++ b/docs/src/pages/docs/crocks/Maybe.md
@@ -463,7 +463,6 @@ a function that it will lift into the context of the `Maybe` and apply to it
the wrapped value. When ran on a `Just` instance, `map` will apply the wrapped
value to the provided function and return the result in a new `Just` instance.
import Maybe from 'crocks/Maybe'
@@ -651,7 +650,8 @@ fullName({ first: 'Lizzy' })
#### sequence
-Applicative TypeRep t, Apply f => Maybe (f a) ~> (t | (b -> f b)) -> f (Maybe a)
+Apply f => Maybe (f a) ~> (b -> f b) -> f (Maybe a)
+Applicative f => Maybe (f a) ~> TypeRep f -> f (Maybe a)
When an instance of `Maybe` wraps an `Apply` instance, `sequence` can be used to
@@ -684,7 +684,8 @@ seqId(Nothing())
#### traverse
-Applicative TypeRep t, Apply f => Maybe a ~> ((t | (c -> f c)), (a -> f b)) -> f Maybe b
+Apply f => Maybe a ~> (c -> f c), (a -> f b)) -> f Maybe b
+Applicative f => Maybe a ~> (TypeRep f, (a -> f b)) -> f Maybe b
Used to apply the "effect" of an `Apply` to a value inside of a `Maybe`,
@@ -1331,18 +1332,19 @@ eitherToMaybe :: Either b a -> Maybe a
eitherToMaybe :: (a -> Either c b) -> a -> Maybe b
-Used to transform a given `Either` instance to a `Maybe`
-instance, `eitherToMaybe` will turn a `Right` instance into a `Just` wrapping
-the original value contained in the `Right`. All `Left` instances will map to
-a `Nothing`, mapping the originally contained value to a `Unit`. Values on the
-`Left` will be lost and as such this transformation is considered lossy in
-that regard.
+Used to transform a given [`Either`][either] instance to a `Maybe`
+instance, `eitherToMaybe` will turn a [`Right`][right] instance into
+a [`Just`](#just) wrapping the original value contained in the [`Right`][right].
+All [`Left`][left] instances will map to a [`Nothing`](#nothing), mapping the
+originally contained value to a `Unit`. Values on the [`Left`][left] will be
+lost and as such this transformation is considered lossy in that regard.
Like all `crocks` transformation functions, `eitherToMaybe` has two possible
-signatures and will behave differently when passed either an `Either` instance
-or a function that returns an instance of `Either`. When passed the instance,
-a transformed `Maybe` is returned. When passed an `Either` returning function,
-a function will be returned that takes a given value and returns a `Maybe`.
+signatures and will behave differently when passed either
+an [`Either`][either] instance or a function that returns an instance
+of [`Either`][either]. When passed the instance, a transformed `Maybe` is
+returned. When passed an [`Either`][either] returning function, a function will
+be returned that takes a given value and returns a `Maybe`.
import Maybe from 'crocks/Maybe'
@@ -1394,16 +1396,17 @@ firstToMaybe :: First a -> Maybe a
firstToMaybe :: (a -> First b) -> a -> Maybe b
-Used to transform a given `First` instance to a `Maybe`
-instance, `firstToMaybe` will turn a non-empty instance into a `Just` wrapping
-the original value contained within the `First`. All empty instances will map
-to a `Nothing`.
+Used to transform a given [`First`][first] instance to a `Maybe`
+instance, `firstToMaybe` will turn a non-empty instance into
+a [`Just`](#just) wrapping the original value contained within
+the [`First`][first]. All empty instances will map to a [`Nothing`](#nothing).
Like all `crocks` transformation functions, `firstToMaybe` has two possible
-signatures and will behave differently when passed either a `First` instance
-or a function that returns an instance of `First`. When passed the instance,
-a transformed `Maybe` is returned. When passed a `First` returning function,
-a function will be returned that takes a given value and returns a `Maybe`.
+signatures and will behave differently when passed either
+a [`First`][first] instance or a function that returns an instance
+of [`First`][first]. When passed the instance, a transformed `Maybe` is
+returned. When passed a [`First`][first] returning function, a function will be
+returned that takes a given value and returns a `Maybe`.
import Maybe from 'crocks/Maybe'
@@ -1447,15 +1450,17 @@ lastToMaybe :: Last a -> Maybe a
lastToMaybe :: (a -> Last b) -> a -> Maybe b
-Used to transform a given `Last` instance to a `Maybe` instance, `lastToMaybe`
-will turn a non-empty instance into a `Just` wrapping the original value
-contained within the `Last`. All empty instances will map to a `Nothing`.
+Used to transform a given [`Last`][last] instance to a `Maybe` instance,
+`lastToMaybe` will turn a non-empty instance into a [`Just`](#just) wrapping the
+original value contained within the [`Last`][last]. All empty instances will map
+to a [`Nothing`](#nothing).
Like all `crocks` transformation functions, `lastToMaybe` has two possible
-signatures and will behave differently when passed either a `Last` instance
-or a function that returns an instance of `Last`. When passed the instance,
-a transformed `Maybe` is returned. When passed a `Last` returning function,
-a function will be returned that takes a given value and returns a `Maybe`.
+signatures and will behave differently when passed either
+a [`Last`][last] instance or a function that returns an instance
+of [`Last`][last]. When passed the instance, a transformed `Maybe` is returned.
+When passed a [`Last`][last] returning function, a function will be returned
+that takes a given value and returns a `Maybe`.
import Maybe from 'crocks/Maybe'
@@ -1500,11 +1505,11 @@ resultToMaybe :: (a -> Result e b) -> a -> Maybe b
Used to transform a given `Result` instance to a `Maybe`
-instance, `resultToMaybe` will turn an `Ok` instance into a `Just` wrapping
-the original value contained in the `Ok`. All `Err` instances will map to
-a `Nothing`, mapping the originally contained value to a `Unit`. Values on the
-`Err` will be lost and as such this transformation is considered lossy in
-that regard.
+instance, `resultToMaybe` will turn an `Ok` instance into
+a [`Just`](#just) wrapping the original value contained in the `Ok`.
+All `Err` instances will map to a [`Nothing`](#nothing), mapping the originally
+contained value to a `Unit`. Values on the `Err` will be lost and as such this
+transformation is considered lossy in that regard.
Like all `crocks` transformation functions, `resultToMaybe` has two possible
signatures and will behave differently when passed either an `Result` instance
@@ -1550,4 +1555,9 @@ Just('so good')
-[pred]: ../Pred.html
+[pred]: ./Pred.html
+[either]: ./Either.html
+[left]: ./Either.html#left
+[right]: ./Either.html#right
+[first]: ../monoids/First.html
+[last]: ../monoids/Last.html
diff --git a/docs/src/pages/docs/crocks/Pair.md b/docs/src/pages/docs/crocks/Pair.md
index 4c0da349b..0b0377fc9 100644
--- a/docs/src/pages/docs/crocks/Pair.md
+++ b/docs/src/pages/docs/crocks/Pair.md
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Pair a b
`Pair` allows the ability to represent two distinct values of different types.
-Much like how `Either` is known as canonical Sum Type and defines the basis for
+Much like how [`Either`][either] is known as canonical Sum Type and defines the basis for
all other Sum Types that ship with `crocks`, `Pair` is known as the canonical
Product Type and also at the heart of all Product Types in `crocks`.
@@ -416,7 +416,8 @@ flow({ a: 10, b: 5 })
#### sequence
-Applicative TypeRep t, Apply f => Pair a (f b) ~> (t | (b -> f b)) -> f (Pair a b)
+Apply f => Pair a (f b) ~> (c -> f c) -> f (Pair a b)
+Applicative f => Pair a (f b) ~> TypeRep f -> f (Pair a b)
When an instance of `Pair` wraps an `Apply` instance in its second position,
@@ -479,7 +480,8 @@ flow(pair)
#### traverse
-Applicative TypeRep t, Apply f => Pair a b ~> ((t | (b -> f b)), (b -> f c)) -> f (Pair a c)
+Apply f => Pair a b ~> (d -> f d), (b -> f c)) -> f (Pair a c)
+Applicative f => Pair a b ~> (TypeRep f, (b -> f c)) -> f (Pair a c)
Used to apply the "effect" of an `Apply` to a value in the second position of
@@ -579,8 +581,9 @@ Pair a b ~> ((a -> c), (b -> d)) -> Pair d c
Used to map the value of a `Pair`s first position into the second position and
the second position into the first, `swap` takes two functions as its arguments.
The first function is used to map the value in the first position to the second,
-while the second 'maps the second into the first'. If no mapping is required on
-either side, then [`identity`][identity] functions can be used in one or both arguments.
+while the second maps the second into the first. If no mapping is required on
+either side, then [`identity`][identity] functions can be used in one or both
import Pair from 'crocks/Pair'
@@ -1001,3 +1004,4 @@ Pair(Sum.empty(), [])
[fanout]: ../functions/helpers.html#fanout
[frompairs]: ../functions/helpers.html#frompairs
[identity]: ../functions/combinators.html#identity
+[either]: ../crocks/Either.html
diff --git a/docs/src/pages/docs/crocks/index.md b/docs/src/pages/docs/crocks/index.md
index 16966c2c2..2034641ba 100644
--- a/docs/src/pages/docs/crocks/index.md
+++ b/docs/src/pages/docs/crocks/index.md
@@ -8,19 +8,19 @@ weight: 2
The `crocks` are the heart and soul of this library. This is where you will find
all your favorite ADT's you have grown to love. They include gems such as:
-[`Maybe`][maybe], `Either` and `IO`, to name a few. They are usually just a simple
-constructor that takes either a function or value (depending on the type)
-and will return you a "container" that wraps whatever you passed it. Each
-container provides a variety of functions that act as the operations you can do
-on the contained value. There are many types that share the same function names,
-but what they do from type to type may vary.
+[`Maybe`][maybe], [`Either`][either] and `IO`, to name a few. They are usually
+just a simple constructor that takes either a function or value (depending on
+the type) and will return you a "container" that wraps whatever you passed it.
+Each container provides a variety of functions that act as the operations you
+can do on the contained value. There are many types that share the same function
+names, but what they do from type to type may vary.
| Crock | Constructor | Instance |
| [`Arrow`][arrow] | [`id`][arrow-id] | [`both`][arrow-both], [`compose`][arrow-compose], [`contramap`][arrow-contra],[`first`][arrow-first], [`map`][arrow-map], [`promap`][arrow-promap], [`runWith`][arrow-runwith], [`second`][arrow-second] |
| [`Async`][async] | [`Rejected`][async-rejected], [`Resolved`][async-resolved], [`all`][async-all], [`resolveAfter`][async-resolveAfter], [`rejectAfter`][async-rejectafter], [`fromNode`][async-fromnode], [`fromPromise`][async-frompromise], [`of`][async-of] | [`alt`][async-alt], [`ap`][async-ap], [`bimap`][async-bimap], [`chain`][async-chain], [`coalesce`][async-coalesce], [`race`][async-race], [`fork`][async-fork], [`map`][async-map], [`of`][async-of], [`swap`][async-swap], [`toPromise`][async-topromise] |
| [`Const`][const] | -- | [`ap`][const-ap], [`chain`][const-chain], [`concat`][const-concat], [`equals`][const-equals], [`map`][const-map], [`valueOf`][const-valueof] |
-| `Either` | `Left`, `Right`, `of`| `alt`, `ap`, `bimap`, `chain`, `coalesce`, `concat`, `either`, `equals`, `map`, `of`, `sequence`, `swap`, `traverse` |
+| [`Either`][either] | [`Left`][either-left], [`Right`][either-right], [`of`][either-of]| [`alt`][either-alt], [`ap`][either-ap], [`bimap`][either-bimap], [`chain`][either-chain], [`coalesce`][either-coalesce], [`concat`][either-concat], [`either`][either-either], [`equals`][either-equals], [`map`][either-map], [`of`][either-of], [`sequence`][either-sequence], [`swap`][either-swap], [`traverse`][either-traverse] |
| [`Equiv`][equiv] | [`empty`][equiv-empty] | [`concat`][equiv-concat], [`contramap`][equiv-contra], [`compareWith`][equiv-compare], [`valueOf`][equiv-value] |
| `Identity` | `of` | `ap`, `chain`, `concat`, `equals`, `map`, `of`, `sequence`, `traverse`, `valueOf` |
| `IO` | `of` | `ap`, `chain`, `map`, `of`, `run` |
@@ -67,7 +67,6 @@ but what they do from type to type may vary.
[async-race]: Async.html#race
[async-fork]: Async.html#fork
[async-map]: Async.html#map
-[async-of]: Async.html#of
[async-swap]: Async.html#swap
[async-topromise]: Async.html#topromise
@@ -79,6 +78,23 @@ but what they do from type to type may vary.
[const-chain]: Const.html#chain
[const-valueof]: Const.html#valueof
+[either]: Either.html
+[either-left]: Either.html#left
+[either-right]: Either.html#right
+[either-of]: Either.html#of
+[either-alt]: Either.html#alt
+[either-ap]: Either.html#ap
+[either-bimap]: Either.html#bimap
+[either-chain]: Either.html#chain
+[either-coalesce]: Either.html#coalesce
+[either-concat]: Either.html#concat
+[either-either]: Either.html#either
+[either-equals]: Either.html#equals
+[either-map]: Either.html#map
+[either-sequence]: Either.html#sequence
+[either-swap]: Either.html#swap
+[either-traverse]: Either.html#traverse
[equiv]: Equiv.html
[equiv-empty]: Equiv.html#empty
[equiv-concat]: Equiv.html#concat
diff --git a/docs/src/pages/docs/functions/index.md b/docs/src/pages/docs/functions/index.md
index 348bd3cb0..260d1b492 100644
--- a/docs/src/pages/docs/functions/index.md
+++ b/docs/src/pages/docs/functions/index.md
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ need to account for for the rest of your flow.
| Function | Signature | Location |
-| [`applyto`][applyto] | `a -> (a -> b) -> b` | `crocks/combinators/applyTo` |
+| [`applyTo`][applyto] | `a -> (a -> b) -> b` | `crocks/combinators/applyTo` |
| [`composeB`][composeb] | `(b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c` | `crocks/combinators/composeB` |
| [`constant`][constant] | `a -> () -> a` | `crocks/combinators/constant` |
| [`flip`][flip] | `(a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c` | `crocks/combinators/flip` |
diff --git a/docs/src/pages/docs/functions/pointfree-functions.md b/docs/src/pages/docs/functions/pointfree-functions.md
index 0fc7d64ba..5eab94f31 100644
--- a/docs/src/pages/docs/functions/pointfree-functions.md
+++ b/docs/src/pages/docs/functions/pointfree-functions.md
@@ -95,19 +95,19 @@ accepted Datatype):
##### Datatypes
| Function | Datatypes |
-| `alt` | [`Async`][async-alt], `Either`, [`Maybe`][maybe-alt], `Result` |
-| `ap` | `Array`, [`Async`][async-ap], [`Const`][const-ap], `Either`, `Identity`, `IO`, `List`, [`Maybe`][maybe-ap], [`Pair`][pair-ap], [`Reader`][reader-ap], `Result`, [`State`][state-ap], `Unit`, `Writer` |
-| `bimap` | [`Async`][async-bimap], `Either`, [`Pair`][pair-bimap], `Result` |
+| `alt` | [`Async`][async-alt], [`Either`][either-alt], [`Maybe`][maybe-alt], `Result` |
+| `ap` | `Array`, [`Async`][async-ap], [`Const`][const-ap], [`Either`][either-ap], `Identity`, `IO`, `List`, [`Maybe`][maybe-ap], [`Pair`][pair-ap], [`Reader`][reader-ap], `Result`, [`State`][state-ap], `Unit`, `Writer` |
+| `bimap` | [`Async`][async-bimap], [`Either`][either-bimap], [`Pair`][pair-bimap], `Result` |
| `both` | [`Arrow`][arrow-both], `Function`, `Star` |
-| `chain` | `Array`, [`Async`][async-chain], [`Const`][const-chain], `Either`, `Identity`, `IO`, `List`, [`Maybe`][maybe-chain], [`Pair`][pair-chain], [`Reader`][reader-chain], `Result`, [`State`][state-chain], `Unit`, `Writer` |
-| `coalesce` | [`Async`][async-coalesce], `Either`, [`Maybe`][maybe-coalesce], `Result` |
+| `chain` | `Array`, [`Async`][async-chain], [`Const`][const-chain], [`Either`][either-chain], `Identity`, `IO`, `List`, [`Maybe`][maybe-chain], [`Pair`][pair-chain], [`Reader`][reader-chain], `Result`, [`State`][state-chain], `Unit`, `Writer` |
+| `coalesce` | [`Async`][async-coalesce], [`Either`][either-coalesce], [`Maybe`][maybe-coalesce], `Result` |
| `compareWith` | [`Equiv`][equiv-compare] |
-| `concat` | [`All`][all-concat], [`Any`][any-concat], `Array`, [`Assign`][assign-concat], [`Const`][const-concat], `Either`, [`Endo`][endo-concat], [`Equiv`][equiv-concat], [`First`][first-concat], `Identity`, [`Last`][last-concat], `List`, [`Max`][max-concat], [`Maybe`][maybe-concat], [`Min`][min-concat], [`Pair`][pair-concat], [`Pred`][pred-concat], [`Prod`][prod-concat], `Result`, `String`, [`Sum`][sum-concat], [`Tuple`][tuple-concat], `Unit` |
+| `concat` | [`All`][all-concat], [`Any`][any-concat], `Array`, [`Assign`][assign-concat], [`Const`][const-concat], [`Either`][either-concat], [`Endo`][endo-concat], [`Equiv`][equiv-concat], [`First`][first-concat], `Identity`, [`Last`][last-concat], `List`, [`Max`][max-concat], [`Maybe`][maybe-concat], [`Min`][min-concat], [`Pair`][pair-concat], [`Pred`][pred-concat], [`Prod`][prod-concat], `Result`, `String`, [`Sum`][sum-concat], [`Tuple`][tuple-concat], `Unit` |
| `cons` | `Array`, `List` |
| `contramap` | [`Arrow`][arrow-contra], [`Equiv`][equiv-contra], [`Pred`][pred-contra], `Star` |
-| `either` | `Either`, [`Maybe`][maybe-either], `Result` |
+| `either` | [`Either`][either-either], [`Maybe`][maybe-either], `Result` |
| `empty` | [`All`][all-empty], [`Any`][any-empty], `Array`, [`Assign`][assign-empty], [`Endo`][endo-empty], [`Equiv`][equiv-empty], [`First`][first-empty], [`Last`][last-empty], `List`, [`Max`][max-empty], [`Min`][min-empty], `Object`, [`Pred`][pred-empty], [`Prod`][prod-empty], `String`, [`Sum`][sum-empty], `Unit` |
-| `equals` | [`All`][all-equals], [`Any`][any-equals], `Array`, [`Assign`][assign-equals], `Boolean`, [`Const`][const-equals], `Either`, [`First`][first-equals], [`Last`][last-equals], `List`, [`Max`][max-equals], [`Maybe`][maybe-equals], [`Min`][min-equals], `Number`, `Object`, [`Pair`][pair-equals], [`Prod`][prod-equals], `Result`, `String`, [`Sum`][sum-equals], [`Tuple`][tuple-equals], `Unit`, `Writer` |
+| `equals` | [`All`][all-equals], [`Any`][any-equals], `Array`, [`Assign`][assign-equals], `Boolean`, [`Const`][const-equals], [`Either`][either-equals], [`First`][first-equals], [`Last`][last-equals], `List`, [`Max`][max-equals], [`Maybe`][maybe-equals], [`Min`][min-equals], `Number`, `Object`, [`Pair`][pair-equals], [`Prod`][prod-equals], `Result`, `String`, [`Sum`][sum-equals], [`Tuple`][tuple-equals], `Unit`, `Writer` |
| [`evalWith`][eval] | [`State`][state-eval] |
| [`execWith`][exec] | [`State`][state-exec] |
| `extend` | [`Pair`][pair-extend] |
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ accepted Datatype):
| [`fst`][fst] | [`Pair`][pair-fst] |
| `head` | `Array`, `List`, `String` |
| `log` | `Writer` |
-| `map` | [`Async`][async-map], `Array`, [`Arrow`][arrow-map], [`Const`][const-map], `Either`, `Function`, `Identity`, `IO`, `List`, [`Maybe`][maybe-map], `Object`, [`Pair`][pair-map], [`Reader`][reader-map], `Result`, `Star`, [`State`][state-map], [`Tuple`][tuple-map], `Unit`, `Writer` |
+| `map` | [`Async`][async-map], `Array`, [`Arrow`][arrow-map], [`Const`][const-map], [`Either`][either-map], `Function`, `Identity`, `IO`, `List`, [`Maybe`][maybe-map], `Object`, [`Pair`][pair-map], [`Reader`][reader-map], `Result`, `Star`, [`State`][state-map], [`Tuple`][tuple-map], `Unit`, `Writer` |
| `merge` | [`Pair`][pair-merge], [`Tuple`][tuple-merge] |
| `option` | [`First`][first-option], [`Last`][last-option], [`Maybe`][maybe-option] |
| `promap` | [`Arrow`][arrow-pro], `Star` |
@@ -130,11 +130,11 @@ accepted Datatype):
| `run` | `IO` |
| `runWith` | [`Arrow`][arrow-run], [`Endo`][endo-run], [`Pred`][pred-run], [`Reader`][reader-run], `Star`, [`State`][state-run] |
| `second` | [`Arrow`][arrow-second], `Function`, `Star` |
-| `sequence` | `Array`, `Either`, `Identity`, `List`, [`Maybe`][maybe-sequence], [`Pair`][pair-sequence], `Result` |
+| `sequence` | `Array`, [`Either`][either-sequence], `Identity`, `List`, [`Maybe`][maybe-sequence], [`Pair`][pair-sequence], `Result` |
| [`snd`][snd] | [`Pair`][pair-snd] |
-| `swap` | [`Async`][async-swap], `Either`, [`Pair`][pair-swap], `Result` |
+| `swap` | [`Async`][async-swap], [`Either`][either-swap], [`Pair`][pair-swap], `Result` |
| `tail` | `Array`, `List`, `String` |
-| `traverse` | `Array`, `Either`, `Identity`, `List`, [`Maybe`][maybe-traverse], [`Pair`][pair-traverse], `Result` |
+| `traverse` | `Array`, [`Either`][either-traverse], `Identity`, `List`, [`Maybe`][maybe-traverse], [`Pair`][pair-traverse], `Result` |
| `valueOf` | [`All`][all-value], [`Any`][any-value], [`Assign`][assign-value], [`Const`][const-value], [`Endo`][endo-value], [`Equiv`][equiv-value], [`First`][first-value], `Identity`, [`Last`][last-value], [`Max`][max-value], [`Min`][min-value], [`Pred`][pred-value], [`Prod`][prod-value], [`Sum`][sum-value], `Unit`, `Writer` |
[all-concat]: ../monoids/All.html#concat
@@ -181,6 +181,19 @@ accepted Datatype):
[endo-run]: ../monoids/Endo.html#runwith
[endo-value]: ../monoids/Endo.html#valueof
+[either-alt]: ../crocks/Either.html#alt
+[either-ap]: ../crocks/Either.html#ap
+[either-bimap]: ../crocks/Either.html#bimap
+[either-chain]: ../crocks/Either.html#chain
+[either-coalesce]: ../crocks/Either.html#coalesce
+[either-concat]: ../crocks/Either.html#concat
+[either-either]: ../crocks/Either.html#either
+[either-equals]: ../crocks/Either.html#equals
+[either-map]: ../crocks/Either.html#map
+[either-sequence]: ../crocks/Either.html#sequence
+[either-swap]: ../crocks/Either.html#swap
+[either-traverse]: ../crocks/Either.html#traverse
[equiv-compare]: ../crocks/Equiv.html#comparewith
[equiv-concat]: ../crocks/Equiv.html#concat
[equiv-contra]: ../crocks/Equiv.html#contramap
diff --git a/docs/src/pages/docs/functions/transformation-functions.md b/docs/src/pages/docs/functions/transformation-functions.md
index e95a335cb..6aaf9c204 100644
--- a/docs/src/pages/docs/functions/transformation-functions.md
+++ b/docs/src/pages/docs/functions/transformation-functions.md
@@ -70,14 +70,15 @@ unnested
Not all types can be transformed to and from each other. Some of them are lazy
and/or asynchronous, or are just too far removed. Also, some transformations
-will result in a loss of information. Moving from an `Either` to a `Maybe`, for
-instance, would lose the `Left` value of `Either` as a `Maybe`'s first parameter
-(`Nothing`) is fixed at `Unit`. Conversely, if you move the other way around,
-from a `Maybe` to an `Either` you must provide a default `Left` value. Which
-means, if the inner `Maybe` results in a `Nothing`, it will map to `Left` of
-your provided value. As such, not all of these functions are guaranteed
-isomorphic. With some types you just cannot go back and forth and expect to
-retain information.
+will result in a loss of information. Moving from an [`Either`][either] to
+a [`Maybe`][maybe], for instance, would lose the [`Left`][left] value
+of [`Either`][either] as a [`Maybe`][maybe]'s first parameter
+([`Nothing`][nothing]) is fixed at `Unit`. Conversely, if you move the other way
+around, from a [`Maybe`][maybe] to an [`Either`][either] you must provide a
+default [`Left`][left] value. Which means, if the inner [`Maybe`][maybe] results
+in a [`Nothing`][nothing], it will map to [`Left`][left] of your provided value.
+As such, not all of these functions are guaranteed isomorphic. With some types
+you just cannot go back and forth and expect to retain information.
Each function provides two signatures, one for if a Function is used for the
second argument and another if the source ADT is passed instead. Although it may
@@ -143,23 +144,23 @@ bad
| [`eitherToMaybe`][either-maybe] | `Either b a -> Maybe a` | `(a -> Either c b) -> a -> Maybe b` | `crocks/Maybe` |
| `eitherToResult` | `Either e a -> Result e a` | `(a -> Either e b) -> a -> Result e b` | `crocks/Result` |
| [`firstToAsync`][first-async] | `e -> First a -> Async e a` | `e -> (a -> First b) -> a -> Async e b` | `crocks/Async` |
-| `firstToEither` | `c -> First a -> Either c a` | `c -> (a -> First b) -> a -> Either c b` | `crocks/Either` |
+| [`firstToEither`][first-either] | `c -> First a -> Either c a` | `c -> (a -> First b) -> a -> Either c b` | `crocks/Either` |
| [`firstToLast`][first-last] | `First a -> Last a` | `(a -> First b) -> a -> Last b` | `crocks/Last` |
| [`firstToMaybe`][first-maybe] | `First a -> Maybe a` | `(a -> First b) -> a -> Maybe b` | `crocks/Maybe` |
| `firstToResult` | `c -> First a -> Result c a` | `c -> (a -> First b) -> a -> Result c b` | `crocks/Result` |
| [`lastToAsync`][last-async] | `e -> Last a -> Async e a` | `e -> (a -> Last b) -> a -> Async e b` | `crocks/Async` |
-| `lastToEither` | `c -> Last a -> Either c a` | `c -> (a -> Last b) -> a -> Either c b` | `crocks/Either` |
+| [`lastToEither`][last-either] | `c -> Last a -> Either c a` | `c -> (a -> Last b) -> a -> Either c b` | `crocks/Either` |
| [`lastToFirst`][last-first] | `Last a -> First a` | `(a -> Last b) -> a -> First b` | `crocks/First` |
| [`lastToMaybe`][last-maybe] | `Last a -> Maybe a` | `(a -> Last b) -> a -> Maybe b` | `crocks/Maybe` |
| `lastToResult` | `c -> Last a -> Result c a` | `c -> (a -> Last b) -> a -> Result c b` | `crocks/Result` |
| `listToArray` | `List a -> [ a ]` | `(a -> List b) -> a -> [ b ]` | `crocks/List` |
| [`maybeToAsync`][maybe-async] | `e -> Maybe a -> Async e a` | `e -> (a -> Maybe b) -> a -> Async e b` | `crocks/Async` |
-| `maybeToEither` | `c -> Maybe a -> Either c a` | `c -> (a -> Maybe b) -> a -> Either c b` | `crocks/Either` |
+| [`maybeToEither`][maybe-either] | `c -> Maybe a -> Either c a` | `c -> (a -> Maybe b) -> a -> Either c b` | `crocks/Either` |
| [`maybeToFirst`][maybe-first] | `Maybe a -> First a` | `(a -> Maybe b) -> a -> First b` | `crocks/First` |
| [`maybeToLast`][maybe-last] | `Maybe a -> Last a` | `(a -> Maybe b) -> a -> Last b` | `crocks/Last` |
| `maybeToResult` | `c -> Maybe a -> Result c a` | `c -> (a -> Maybe b) -> a -> Result c b` | `crocks/Result` |
| [`resultToAsync`][result-async] | `Result e a -> Async e a` | `(a -> Result e b) -> a -> Async e b` | `crocks/Async` |
-| `resultToEither` | `Result e a -> Either e a` | `(a -> Result e b) -> a -> Either e b` | `crocks/Either` |
+| [`resultToEither`][result-either] | `Result e a -> Either e a` | `(a -> Result e b) -> a -> Either e b` | `crocks/Either` |
| [`resultToFirst`][result-first] | `Result e a -> First a` | `(a -> Result e b) -> a -> First b` | `crocks/First` |
| [`resultToLast`][result-last] | `Result e a -> Last a` | `(a -> Result e b) -> a -> Last b` | `crocks/Last` |
| [`resultToMaybe`][result-maybe] | `Result e a -> Maybe a` | `(a -> Result e b) -> a -> Maybe b` | `crocks/Maybe` |
@@ -171,6 +172,11 @@ bad
[maybe-async]: ../crocks/Async.html#maybetoasync
[result-async]: ../crocks/Async.html#resulttoasync
+[first-either]: ../crocks/Either.html#firsttoeither
+[last-either]: ../crocks/Either.html#lasttoeither
+[maybe-either]: ../crocks/Either.html#maybetoeither
+[result-either]: ../crocks/Either.html#resulttoeither
[either-maybe]: ../crocks/Maybe.html#eithertomaybe
[first-maybe]: ../crocks/Maybe.html#firsttomaybe
[last-maybe]: ../crocks/Maybe.html#lasttomaybe
@@ -185,3 +191,8 @@ bad
[first-last]: ../monoids/Last.html#firsttolast
[maybe-last]: ../monoids/Last.html#maybetolast
[result-last]: ../monoids/Last.html#resulttolast
+[maybe]: ../crocks/Maybe.html
+[nothing]: ../crocks/Maybe.html#nothing
+[either]: ../crocks/Either.html
+[left]: ../crocks/Either.html#left
diff --git a/docs/src/pages/docs/monoids/First.md b/docs/src/pages/docs/monoids/First.md
index 284513f19..c008a7093 100644
--- a/docs/src/pages/docs/monoids/First.md
+++ b/docs/src/pages/docs/monoids/First.md
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ First a = First (Maybe a)
`First` is a `Monoid` that will always return the first, non-empty value when
-(2) `First` instances are combined. `First` is able to be a `Monoid` because
+two `First` instances are combined. `First` is able to be a `Monoid` because
it implements a [`Maybe`][maybe] under the hood. The use of
the [`Maybe`][maybe] allows for an [`empty`](#empty) `First` to be represented
with a [`Nothing`][nothing].
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ empty()
First a ~> b -> Boolean
-Used to compare the underlying values of (2) `First` instances for equality by
+Used to compare the underlying values of two `First` instances for equality by
value, `equals` takes any given argument and returns `true` if the passed
arguments is a `First` with an underlying value equal to the underlying value
of the `First` the method is being called on. If the passed argument is not
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ First(95)
First a ~> First a -> First a
-`concat` is used to combine (2) `Semigroup`s of the same type under an operation
+`concat` is used to combine two `Semigroup`s of the same type under an operation
specified by the `Semigroup`. In the case of `First`, it will always provide the
first non-empty value. Any subsequent non-empty values will be thrown away and
will always result in the first non-empty value.
@@ -321,18 +321,20 @@ eitherToFirst :: Either b a -> First a
eitherToFirst :: (a -> Either c b) -> a -> First b
-Used to transform a given `Either` instance to a `First`
-instance, `eitherToFirst` will turn a `Right` instance into a non-empty `First`,
-wrapping the original value contained in the `Right`. All `Left` instances will
-map to an [`empty`](#empty) `First`, mapping the originally contained value to a `Unit`.
-Values on the `Left` will be lost and as such this transformation is considered
-lossy in that regard.
-Like all `crocks` transformation functions, `eitherToFirst` has (2) possible
-signatures and will behave differently when passed either an `Either` instance
-or a function that returns an instance of `Either`. When passed the instance,
-a transformed `First` is returned. When passed an `Either` returning function,
-a function will be returned that takes a given value and returns a `First`.
+Used to transform a given [`Either`][either] instance to a `First`
+instance, `eitherToFirst` will turn a [`Right`][right] instance into a
+non-empty `First`, wrapping the original value contained in
+the [`Right`][right]. All [`Left`][left] instances will map to
+an [`empty`](#empty) `First`, mapping the originally contained value to
+a `Unit`. Values on the [`Left`][left] will be lost and as such this
+transformation is considered lossy in that regard.
+Like all `crocks` transformation functions, `eitherToFirst` has two possible
+signatures and will behave differently when passed either
+an [`Either`][either] instance or a function that returns an instance
+of [`Either`][either]. When passed the instance, a transformed `First` is
+returned. When passed an [`Either`][either] returning function, a function will
+be returned that takes a given value and returns a `First`.
import First from 'crocks/First'
@@ -385,16 +387,17 @@ lastToFirst :: Last a -> First a
lastToFirst :: (a -> Last b) -> a -> First b
-Used to transform a given `Last` instance to a `First` instance, `lastToFirst`
-will turn a non-empty instance into a non-empty `First` wrapping the original
-value contained within the `Last`. All [`empty`](#empty) instances will map
-to an [`empty`](#empty) `First`.
+Used to transform a given [`Last`][last] instance to a `First` instance,
+`lastToFirst` will turn a non-empty instance into a non-empty `First` wrapping
+the original value contained within the [`Last`][last].
+All [`empty`](#empty) instances will map to an [`empty`](#empty) `First`.
-Like all `crocks` transformation functions, `lastToFirst` has (2) possible
-signatures and will behave differently when passed either a `Last` instance
-or a function that returns an instance of `Last`. When passed the instance,
-a transformed `First` is returned. When passed a `Last` returning function,
-a function will be returned that takes a given value and returns a `First`.
+Like all `crocks` transformation functions, `lastToFirst` has two possible
+signatures and will behave differently when passed either
+a [`Last`][last] instance or a function that returns an instance
+of [`Last`][last]. When passed the instance, a transformed `First` is returned.
+When passed a [`Last`][last] returning function, a function will be returned
+that takes a given value and returns a `First`.
import First from 'crocks/First'
@@ -448,7 +451,7 @@ take a `Maybe` as its argument during construction. So while there is not a
real need for this to be used for transforming instances, it can come in
handy for lifting [`Maybe`][maybe] returning functions.
-Like all `crocks` transformation functions, `maybeToFirst` has (2) possible
+Like all `crocks` transformation functions, `maybeToFirst` has two possible
signatures and will behave differently when passed either a [`Maybe`][maybe]
instance or a function that returns an instance of [`Maybe`][maybe]. When
passed the instance, a transformed `First` is returned. When passed
@@ -519,7 +522,7 @@ to an [`empty`](#empty) `First`, mapping the originally contained value to
a `Unit`. Values on the `Err` will be lost and as such this transformation is
considered lossy in that regard.
-Like all `crocks` transformation functions, `resultToFirst` has (2) possible
+Like all `crocks` transformation functions, `resultToFirst` has two possible
signatures and will behave differently when passed either an `Result` instance
or a function that returns an instance of `Result`. When passed the instance,
a transformed `First` is returned. When passed a `Result` returning function,
@@ -568,3 +571,7 @@ firstNum(null)
[maybe]: ../crocks/Maybe.html
[nothing]: ../crocks/Maybe.html#nothing
[option]: ../crocks/Maybe.html#option
+[last]: ./Last.html
+[either]: ../crocks/Either.html
+[left]: ../crocks/Either.html#left
+[right]: ../crocks/Either.html#right
diff --git a/docs/src/pages/docs/monoids/Last.md b/docs/src/pages/docs/monoids/Last.md
index 705cc1003..e4a8012c4 100644
--- a/docs/src/pages/docs/monoids/Last.md
+++ b/docs/src/pages/docs/monoids/Last.md
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Last a = Last (Maybe a)
`Last` is a `Monoid` that will always return the last, non-empty value when
-(2) `Last` instances are combined. `Last` is able to be a `Monoid` because
+two `Last` instances are combined. `Last` is able to be a `Monoid` because
it implements a [`Maybe`][maybe] under the hood. The use of the [`Maybe`][maybe] allows for an
[`empty`](#empty) `Last` to be represented with a `Nothing`.
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ empty()
Last a ~> b -> Boolean
-Used to compare the underlying values of (2) `Last` instances for equality by
+Used to compare the underlying values of two `Last` instances for equality by
value, `equals` takes any given argument and returns `true` if the passed argument
is a `Last` with an underlying value equal to the underlying value of
the `Last` the method is being called on. If the passed argument is not
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ Last(95)
Last a ~> Last a -> Last a
-`concat` is used to combine (2) `Semigroup`s of the same type under an operation
+`concat` is used to combine two `Semigroup`s of the same type under an operation
specified by the `Semigroup`. In the case of `Last`, it will always provide the
last non-empty value. All previous non-empty values will be thrown away and
will always result in the last non-empty value.
@@ -317,17 +317,17 @@ eitherToLast :: Either b a -> Last a
eitherToLast :: (a -> Either c b) -> a -> Last b
-Used to transform a given `Either` instance to a `Last`
-instance, `eitherToLast` will turn a `Right` instance into a non-empty `Last`,
-wrapping the original value contained in the `Right`. All `Left` instances will
+Used to transform a given [`Either`][either] instance to a `Last`
+instance, `eitherToLast` will turn a [`Right`][right] instance into a non-empty `Last`,
+wrapping the original value contained in the [`Right`][right]. All [`Left`][left] instances will
map to an [`empty`](#empty) `Last`, mapping the originally contained value to
-a `Unit`. Values on the `Left` will be lost and as such this transformation is
+a `Unit`. Values on the [`Left`][left] will be lost and as such this transformation is
considered lossy in that regard.
-Like all `crocks` transformation functions, `eitherToLast` has (2) possible
-signatures and will behave differently when passed either an `Either` instance
-or a function that returns an instance of `Either`. When passed the instance,
-a transformed `Last` is returned. When passed an `Either` returning function,
+Like all `crocks` transformation functions, `eitherToLast` has two possible
+signatures and will behave differently when passed either an [`Either`][either] instance
+or a function that returns an instance of [`Either`][either]. When passed the instance,
+a transformed `Last` is returned. When passed an [`Either`][either] returning function,
a function will be returned that takes a given value and returns a `Last`.
@@ -381,16 +381,18 @@ firstToLast :: First a -> Last a
firstToLast :: (a -> First b) -> a -> Last b
-Used to transform a given `First` instance to a `Last` instance, `firstToLast`
-will turn a non-empty instance into a non-empty `Last` wrapping the original
-value contained within the `First`. All [`empty`](#empty) instances will map
-to an [`empty`](#empty) `Last`.
+Used to transform a given [`First`][first] instance to
+a `Last` instance, `firstToLast` will turn a non-empty instance into a
+non-empty `Last` wrapping the original value contained within
+the [`First`][first]. All [`empty`](#empty) instances will map to
+an [`empty`](#empty) `Last`.
-Like all `crocks` transformation functions, `firstToLast` has (2) possible
-signatures and will behave differently when passed either a `First` instance
-or a function that returns an instance of `First`. When passed the instance,
-a transformed `Last` is returned. When passed a `First` returning function,
-a function will be returned that takes a given value and returns a `Last`.
+Like all `crocks` transformation functions, `firstToLast` has two possible
+signatures and will behave differently when passed either
+a [`First`][first] instance or a function that returns an instance
+of [`First`][first]. When passed the instance, a transformed `Last` is returned.
+When passed a [`First`][first] returning function, a function will be returned
+that takes a given value and returns a `Last`.
import Last from 'crocks/Last'
@@ -446,7 +448,7 @@ take a [`Maybe`][maybe] as its argument during construction. So while there is n
real need for this to be used for transforming instances, it can come in
handy for lifting [`Maybe`][maybe] returning functions.
-Like all `crocks` transformation functions, `maybeToLast` has (2) possible
+Like all `crocks` transformation functions, `maybeToLast` has two possible
signatures and will behave differently when passed either a [`Maybe`][maybe] instance
or a function that returns an instance of [`Maybe`][maybe]. When passed the instance,
a transformed `Last` is returned. When passed a [`Maybe`][maybe] returning function,
@@ -516,7 +518,7 @@ to an [`empty`](#empty) `Last`, mapping the originally contained value to
a `Unit`. Values on the `Err` will be lost and as such this transformation is
considered lossy in that regard.
-Like all `crocks` transformation functions, `resultToLast` has (2) possible
+Like all `crocks` transformation functions, `resultToLast` has two possible
signatures and will behave differently when passed either an `Result` instance
or a function that returns an instance of `Result`. When passed the instance,
a transformed `Last` is returned. When passed a `Result` returning function,
@@ -565,3 +567,7 @@ lastNum(null)
[maybe]: ../crocks/Maybe.html
[nothing]: ../crocks/Maybe.html#nothing
[option]: ../crocks/Maybe.html#option
+[first]: ./First.html
+[either]: ../crocks/Either.html
+[left]: ../crocks/Either.html#left
+[right]: ../crocks/Either.html#right