Headless PDF Generator From HTML Template
## build binary
$ go build -o pdfgen .
## run the binary
$ ./pdfgen -t <path_to_html_template_folder> -o <path_to_pdf_output> --data <json_string>
Template can be provided as *.html
files in a folder and supports dynamic data injection.
Template engine used is Go's built-in html/template
, so syntax to use it can be read in their docs.
Be sure to wrap each *.html
files with template definition ({{ define "<name>" }}
) so it can be rendered.
For full customized header and footer, simply provide separate header.html
and footer.html
inside the folder that's being passed.
Data can be passed with the --data
flag as a JSON string, and can contain anything as long as it's a valid JSON format.
Pass the data as an array, so a single template can be used to generate a multiple-page file.
Optional --debug
flag can be passed to print out rendered HTML to stdout.
Check out two examples for both basic usage and a more advance one inside the examples
Use the template with these parameters to see how they work.
$ ./pdfgen -t ./examples/templates/basic -o ./examples/pdf/basic.pdf --data '[{ "title": "PDF Generator from HTML", "isActive": true, "list": ["one", "two"] }]'
$ ./pdfgen -t ./examples/templates/advanced -o ./examples/pdf/advanced.pdf --data '[{"seller":"Evermos","invoice_no":"6006-1583374588","purchase_date":"13 Desember 2022","buyer":"Kristika Kadarsih","items":[{"name":"XL Xtra Kuota Combo 40gb","descriptions":["Nomor: 087730815702","Serial Number: 22112017482267"],"qty":1,"unit_price":"Rp98.000","total_price":"Rp98.000"},{"name":"XL Xtra Kuota Combo 10gb","descriptions":["Nomor: 087730815702","Serial Number: 22112017482267"],"qty":2,"unit_price":"Rp18.000","total_price":"Rp36.000"}],"subtotal":"Rp134.000","total_items":"Rp134.000","admin_fee":"Rp5.000","discount":"-Rp20.000","total":"Rp119.000","status":"paid","published_date":"13 Desember 2022 14:22 WIB"},{"seller":"Evermos","invoice_no":"6006-1583374588","purchase_date":"13 Desember 2022","buyer":"Kristika Kadarsih","items":[{"name":"XL Xtra Kuota Combo 10gb","descriptions":["Nomor: 087730815702","Serial Number: 22112017482267"],"qty":1,"unit_price":"Rp98.000","total_price":"Rp98.000"}],"subtotal":"Rp98.000","total_items":"Rp98.000","admin_fee":"Rp5.000","discount":"-Rp20.000","total":"Rp83.000","status":"refund","published_date":"13 Desember 2022 14:22 WIB"}]'
Read more about the usage of the syntax used for the HTML files in their respective docs: