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npm i vuex-dry -S

Add the plugin to your vuex store.

import { plugin } from "vuex-dry";

new Vuex.Store({
  plugins: [plugin],

Getting Started

Simple Module

import { Module } from "vuex-dry";

const user ={
  state() {
    return {
      name: undefined

const store = new Vuex.Store({
  modules: {

That's it. At, we put a function named state returning an object. This object will be used as an initial state and also used when you want to reset a specific state or even whole state. We'll see how to reset things later.

Let's look at the module building part again.{
  state() {
    return {
      name: undefined

The code above is effectively same as the following:

  namespaced: true,
  state {
    name: undefined
  getters: {
    name: state =>
  mutations: {
    name$assign(state, value) { = value;
    name$reset(state) { = undefined;
    $resetAll(state) { = undefined;
      // also resetting other states if exists
  actions: {
    name$assign({ commit }, value) {
      commit("name$assign", value);
    name$reset({ commit }) {
    $resetAll({ commit }) {

You see what has been done here?

The followings are added to your module:

  • A getter name
  • A mutation and an action name$assign to set a value to the state name.
  • A mutation and an action name$reset to reset the state name.
  • A mutation and an action $resetAll to reset all states from the module.

These are always repeated every time we write vuex code. And now you don't need them anymore.

Adding your own getters, mutations and actions

As you know, the following is simple enough to cover all basic needs.{
  state() {
    return {
      name: undefined

However you, of course, can add your own getters, mutations, and actions.{
  state() {
    return {
      name: undefined
  getters: {
    upperCaseName: state => ( || "").toUpperCase()
  mutations: {
    reverseName(state) { = ( || "")
  actions: {
    async randomName({ commit }) {
      const name = await nameService.getRandomName();
      commit("name$assign", name);
      return name;

Nothing special. Same as usual, right?

You can also put nested modules.{
  state() {
    return {
      name: undefined
  modules: {

Module with Object state{
  state() {
    return {
      user: {
        profile: {
          bio: "default bio message"
        address: {
          street1: undefined,
          street2: undefined,
          city: undefined

Let's say we've defined a module like that. Like we saw before, it will automatically add posts$assign, posts$reset and $resetAll. Since this is an object, we need a few more things.


This is a method-style access. It will run each time you call. It's not cached. (Refer to this)


const bio = store.getters["myModule/user$get"]("");
console.log(bio); // "default bio message"

To make it clear, let me break down this part: ["myModule/user$get"]("")

  • myModule: The name of your module, used when new Vuex.Store({...})
  • user: The first level property of the object returned by state()
  • A nested path of user



store.commit("myModule/user$set", {
  key: "",
  value: "Singapore"

Non-strict Object

By default, vuex-dry checks path of object. So if you try to access a key which is not pre-defined, vuex-dry will throw an error. However there are times when you just want to set and get properties dynamically.{
  config: {
    nonStrictObject: ["user"]
  state() {
    return {
      user: {}

Just like that. You can specify top-level keys at nonStrictObject property. In this case, vuex-dry will not check validation of paths under user object.

Module with Array state

Like vuex-dry provides object-specific features, it does for array as well.{
  state() {
    return {
      posts: []


This is also a method-style access.


It finds one object matching with a testing function from an array.

const post = store.getters["myModule/posts$find"](post => == 3);

You can simplify it like this:

const post = store.getters["myModule/posts$find"]("id", 3);


It finds all objects matching with a testing function from an array.

const posts = store.getters["myModule/posts$filter"](post => post.published);



It adds an item to an array.

store.commit("myModule/posts$add", post);


It deletes an item matching with a testing function from an array.

store.commit("myModule/posts$delete", post => == 3);

You can simplify it like this:

store.commit("myModule/posts$delete", ["id", 3]);

When you commit, you can pass only one payload, so it has to be in an array with two items like that.


It updates an item matching with a testing function from an array. If there's no matched item, then the item is added to the array.

store.commit("myModule/posts$update", {
  value: myPost,
  test: x => == 2

You can also put a column name into test like:

store.commit("myModule/posts$update", {
  value: myPost,
  test: "id"

Then it will find a post where its id is same with and update it with myPost. So it's effectively same with:

store.commit("myModule/posts$update", {
  value: myPost,
  test: post => ==


It adds an item to the beginning of an array.

store.commit("myModule/posts$unshift", post);

Component helpers

vuex-dry provides mapping functions which are similar to built-in mappers from vuex like mapGetters, mapMutations, etc.

At store-side,{
  state() {
    return {
      name: undefined
  actions: {
    load() {
      // do some http call

At component-side,

import { get, sync, action } from "vuex-dry";


You can map getters.

computed: {
  name: get("myModule/name");


When you want to do two-way binding, you can use sync. It's nothing magical, but just a simple implementation of this page.

computed: {
  name: sync("myModule/name");


You can map actions.

methods: {
  load: action("myModule/load"),
  updateName: action("myModule/name$assign")

You can pass one optional parameter when needed.


Mapping nested property of object

At store-side,

const myModule ={
  state() {
    return {
      user: {
        profile: {
          bio: "default bio message"

const store = new Vuex.Store({
  modules: {

What if you want to map bio property directly into your component?

computed: {
  bio: get("myModule/user", "");

You pass second optional nestPath parameter like that.

What if you want to map bio property and use it in an input which means you want it to be synced?

computed: {
  bio: sync("myModule/user", "");

It works just like that.

Mapping with variables

computed: {
  company: get("myModule/company"),
  name: get("myModule/user$get", "name"),
  bio: sync("myModule/user$get", "")
methods: {
  reset: action("myModule/$resetAll")

When you use get, sync or action, you might want to pass instance variable of your VueComponent as parameters instead of static strings. You can do that like the following:

props: ["companyType"],
data() {
  return {
    userType: "myModule/user$get",
    bioPath: "",
    resetActionType: "myModule/$resetAll"
computed: {
  company: get({ this: "companyType" }),
  name: get({ this: "userType" }, "name"),
  bio: sync({ this: "userType" }, { this: "bioPath" })
methods: {
  reset: action({ this: "resetActionType" })

get and sync takes one or two parameters and any of them could be either a string or an object with a key named this. action takes one parameter and it's the same.

If you put { this: "userType" }, then when it's evaluated, it will invoke this["userType"] and use it to map things. Nothing magical.

Syntactic sugar

Sometimes you just want to do something in your methods without mapping them.

import { $get, $commit, $action } from "vuex-dry";


methods: {
  async doSomething() {
    const name = $get("myModule/user", "");

    // or
    await $action("myModule/someAsyncAction");

    $commit("myModule/user$assign", { ... })

Cheat sheet


Let's say you have a state named whatever.

type example parameters
mutation whatever$assign commit("whatever$assign", payload)
mutation whatever$reset commit("whatever$reset")
mutation $resetAll commit("$resetAll")
action whatever$assign dispatch("whatever$assign", payload)
action whatever$reset dispatch("whatever$reset")
action $resetAll dispatch("$resetAll")


Let's say you have a state named posts.

type example parameters
getter posts$find 1. getters["posts$find"](fn)
2. getters["posts$find"](key, value)
getter posts$filter getters["posts$filter"](fn)
mutation posts$add commit("posts$add", value)
mutation posts$delete 1. commit("posts$delete", fn)
2. commit("posts$delete", [key, value])
mutation posts$update 1. commit("posts$update", { value: newPost, test: testFunction })
2. commit("posts$update", { value: newPost, test: "id" })
mutation posts$unshift commit("posts$unshift", value)


Let's say you have a state named map.

type example parameters
getter map$get getters["map$get"]("your.nested.key")
mutation map$set commit("map$set", { key, value }