88 hours training + 32 hours work project = 120 hr.
- Introduction to Java and Java Technology
- Structure of Java-based applications
- Development infrastructure: Git
- Development infrastructure: Maven
- JetBrains IDEA
- Java Syntax for Procedure Style
- Comments
- Class Method Declaration
- Variable scopes
- Method’s parameters and Overloading
- Primitives
- References
- Strings
- Operators
- Controlling execution
- Arrays
- Varargs
- OOAD recap
- Refactoring with IDEA
- Java Syntax for OOP
- Final
- Enums
- Encapsulation
- Inheritance
- Instatiation
- Polymorphism
- Interfaces
- OOAD Principles: SOLID
- Creation Design Patterns
- Unit testing with JUnit
- Intro to Functional Style
- Lambda expressions
- Error handling with exceptions
- Generics
- System library
- Collection API
- File IO
- Serialization API
- Networking with TCP/IP
- Multi-threading in Java
- Concurrency
- Annotations and Reflection API intro