There are many ways to structure Haskell applications, the Handle pattern, the ReaderT pattern, mtl, free monads. Some approaches rely more on the type system than others, for example the mtl
way benefits a lot from the DerivingVia
language extension.
The approach we present here complements the "Handle pattern". It uses a Registry to support all the functionalities we might expect when building applications. We generally want to:
- define independent components requiring only knowledge of their immediate dependencies
- unit test them
- configure them for different environments
- instantiate the full application or a subset of it
- integrate the application and mock some dependencies
- manage resources
- cache effectful creations
- define context-dependent configurations
- parametrize components with a specific monad
We are going to build a booking application which needs to:
- listen to reservation requests ("bookings") and store them in a database
- listen to accommodation availabilities and store them in a database
- offer an API to browse bookings, availabilities and make a manual match
- support logging for debugging, auditing,...
A modular approach to building such an application consists in defining distinct components:
module Logger where
data Logger = Logger {
info :: Text -> IO ()
, error :: Text -> IO ()
newLogger :: Logger
newLogger = Logger {
info t = print ("[INFO] " <> t)
, error t = print ("[ERROR] " <> t)
-- low level sql interactions with a database
module Database where
data Database = Database {
get :: (FromRow a) => Command -> IO (Maybe a)
, list :: (FromRow a) => Command -> IO [a]
, insert :: (ToRow a) => Command -> [a] -> IO ()
data DatabaseConfig = Config {
host :: Text
, port :: Int
-- Starting the database is likely to be an IO action
newDatabase :: DatabaseConfig -> Logger -> IO Database
newDatabase = ...
module BookingRepository where
-- A "domain level" component for storing and retrieving all the data
data BookingRepository = BookingRepository {
storeRequest :: Request -> IO ()
, getRequestById :: RequestId -> IO (Maybe Request)
, getAllRequests :: IO [Request]
-- + similar code for availabilities and confirmations
newBookingRepository :: BookingRepositoryConfig -> Logger -> Database -> BookingRepository
newBookingRepository = ...
module EventListener where
-- A generic event listener to an events system like Kafka
data EventListener = EventListener {
-- subscribe to events and consume them
consumeEvents :: ([Event] -> IO ()) -> IO ()
data EventListenerConfig = Config {
eventTopic :: URI
newEventListener :: EventListenerConfig -> EventListener
newEventListener = ...
module BookingEventListener where
-- \ A specific listener for bookings
data BookingEventListener = BookingEventListener {
consumeBookings :: IO ()
newBookingEventListener :: Logger -> EventListener -> BookingEventListener
newBookingEventListener = ...
module AvailabilitiesEventListener where
-- A specific listener for Availabilities
data AvailabilitiesEventListener = AvailabilitiesEventListener {
consumeAvailabilities :: IO ()
newAvailabilitiesEventListener :: Logger -> EventListener -> AvailabilitiesEventListener
newAvailabilitiesEventListener = ...
module Api where
-- A HTTP API to query the data in the database
data Api = Api {
getBookings :: Request -> IO Response
, getAvailabilities :: Request -> IO Response
, createMatch :: Request -> IO Response
newApi :: Logger -> BookingRepository -> AvailabilitiesRepository -> Api
newApi = ...
module App where
data App = App {
api :: Api
, bookings :: BookingsEventListener
, availabilities :: AvailabilitiesEventListener
:: Logger
-> Api
-> BookingsEventListener
-> AvailabilitiesEventListener
-> App
newApp = ...
The overall dependency graph looks like
| | |
v v v
Api BookingsEventListener AvailabilitiesEventListener
| | |
| | |
v | |
BookingRepository <-----+----------------------+
On this diagram we don't show the Logger
component which is likely to be embedded everywhere and the EventListener
component embedded in both Bookings
and Availabilities
Unit-testing components as defined above is really straightforward because each component defines a new
function for which you can provide dummy values if necessary. For example a Logger
which doesn't print anything to the console:
noLogger = Logger {
info = const (pure ())
, error = const (pure ())
Configuring the application consists in gathering all constructors (the newXXX
functions) and the required pieces of configuration (the Config
datatypes) into a Registry
registry =
fun newApp
<: fun newBookingEventListener
<: fun newAvailabilitiesEventListener
<: fun newApi
<: fun newEventListener
<: fun newBookingRepository
<: fun newDatabase
<: val (EventListenerConfig [uri|https://kafka-prod/bookings])
<: val (DatabaseConfig "postgres://database-prod" 5432)
The code above creates a Registry
by adding values and constructors with the <:
operator. val
signifies that this is a value which can be shown (it has a Show
instance) and fun
signifies that this is a "constructor" for which we can only display the type. This is useful when you want to display the configuration of your application at startup.
Note that each time you use the <:
operator to add a function to the registry the compiler is going to check if there is a way to make
all the function inputs from existing functions in the registry.
It is also possible to "override" some functions or values by adding more functions or values on top of an existing registry. In that those functions and values will be used first when making components. For example we change the configuration used by the database by adding a different database configuration on top of the production registry:
dev =
val (DatabaseConfig "localhost" 5432)
<: prod
Then we can make the application with registry.
In order to make the application we use the TypeApplications
language extension and the Data.Registry.make
app :: App
app = make @App devRegistry
will recursively build all the dependencies until it can build the full App
We don't have to build the whole application. Once we have a registry we can also integrate subsets of the application.
For example we can just as easily instantiate and start the BookingEventListener
listener = make @BookingEventListener devRegistry
consumeBookings listener
This will create both the listener and the underlying database so that consumed events will be stored.
Yet, for integration testing you might prefer to skip storing bookings altogether. In that case you can define a MockDatabase
mockDatabase = Database {
get = pure Nothing
, list = pure []
, insert = pure ()
And add it "on top" of the devRegistry
listener = make @BookingEventListener (fun mockDatabase <: devRegistry)
consumeBookings listener
Now no booking will be stored in the database while you run the listener. Can wiring and re-wiring your application be simpler than that?
Actually the full story is a bit more complicated :-). For one thing some components need to carefully allocate resources.
For example the constructor for the Database
returns an IO Database
. This is problematic for the registry resolution algorithm because the newBookingRepository
function requires a Database
not an IO Database
. What can we do? The simplest thing is to actually "lift" everything into the same IO
monad using some variations of the val
and fun
valTo @m
lifts a valuea
intom a
funTo @m
lifts a functiona -> b -> c -> ... -> o
intom a -> m b -> m c -> ... -> m o
(please read the reference guide for a list of the "lifting" combinators)
This means that a "real-life" application registry looks like:
registry =
funTo @IO newApp
<: funTo @IO newBookingEventListener
<: funTo @IO newAvailabilitiesEventListener
<: funTo @IO newApi
<: funTo @IO newEventListener
<: funTo @IO newBookingRepository
<: funTo @IO newDatabase
<: valTo @IO (EventListenerConfig [uri|https://kafka/bookings])
<: valTo @IO (DatabaseConfig "postgres://database" 5432)
However we often want to use a MonadResource
monad because components allocating resources should better close them down gracefully when they are done.
This can be done with the Data.Registry.Rio
monad. This monad has a MonadResource
instance allowing us to use the allocate
function where necessary:
-- note that each constructor now needs to use Rio, instead of IO
registry =
addFun newApp
<: addFun newBookingEventListener
<: addFun newAvailabilitiesEventListener
<: addFun newApi
<: addFun newEventListener
<: addFun newBookingRepository
<: addFun newDatabase
<: addVal (EventListenerConfig [uri|https://kafka/bookings])
<: addVal (DatabaseConfig "postgres://database" 5432)
-- simpler reading with a bit of syntax sugar
addFun = funTo @Rio
addVal = valTo @Rio
We can then use the App
at the top-level of our application with
main :: IO ()
main = do
let registry = ...
withRegistry @(App IO) registry $ \app ->
-- use the application
In terms of resources management we are almost there. We still need to solve one issue.
When we use newDatabase
we get back an Rio Database
which goes on top of the stack. This Rio Database
value can then be used by all the lifted functions in our registry, like newBookingRepository
. However since the BookingRepository
is used by 3 other components every time we use it we will get a new version of the Database
! Because the action Rio Database
will be executed 3 times giving us 3 accesses to the database. This is clearly undesirable since a Database
component maintains a connection to the database. This actually goes for any effect you run in constructor, like printing some status in the logs on startup!
What we need is to cache the creation of the database.
The cacheAt
function does exactly this. Let's use this function for the newDatabase
newDatabase :: DatabaseConfig -> Logger -> Rio Database
newDatabase config logger = cacheAt (databaseUrl config) $ liftIO $ do
info logger "starting the database"
let create = connectPostgreSQL (databaseUrl config)
Database . snd <$> allocate create close
In this function we cached the creation of the Database
based on the URL that is used to connect to it.
If this component was used with another URL to connect to another database we would cache another instance.
Note that we have also used the allocate
function from the resourcet
package to make sure that
the connection is closed when we leave the application.
Since it can be a bit tedious to write all those declarations, there is a function memoizeAll @m
which goes through the whole list of "output types" in the registry, of the form m a
and which invokes the specific memoize @m @a
function. Even better, if you use the Data.Registry.RIO.withRegistry
function to use your registry, the memoize
function is automatically called so that you won't have to worry about running too many side-effects.
One last difficulty needs to be addressed now.
We have 2 different listeners which are both using an EventListener
. That component can be configured to listen to a specific queue of events with EventListenerConfig
. But if the 2 listeners eventually share the same configuration they are going to listen to the same event!
What we need then is to "specialize" the configuration to use depending on what we are building. If we are building a BookingEventListener
we want the EventListener
to be created with configBooking
and if we are building an AvailabilityEventListener
we want the EventListener
to be created with configAvailability
configBooking =
EventListenerConfig [uri|https://kafka-prod/bookings]
configAvailability =
EventListenerConfig [uri|https://kafka-prod/availabilities]
Then we need to tell the Registry what we want to happen with the specialize
registry =
-- when trying to build IO BookingEventListener, use configBooking whenever
-- an EventListenerConfig is required
specialize @(IO BookingEventListener) (val configBooking) .
specialize @(IO AvailabilityEventListener) (val configAvailability) $
The specialize
function says: "if you are trying to build a BookingEventListener
use the "booking" configuration and
if you are trying to build an AvailabilityEventListener
use the "availibility" configuration".
If it all looks too confusing please have a look at the reference guide to see all the available combinators and their meaning at once.
It can be useful to make the interfaces to your components slightly more generic in terms of what "effects" the interfaces
can offer. For example Logger
could be implemented like this:
data Logger m = Logger {
info :: Text -> m ()
, error :: Text -> m ()
-- | TraceId can be used to add some "tracing" information to the log
-- statements
new :: (MonadReader TraceId, MonadIO m) => Logger m
new = Logger m {
info t = print ("[INFO] " <> t)
, error t = print ("[ERROR] " <> t)
Then when you define your registry you can specify which monad m
you want your components to run in.
For example:
type TIO = ReaderT TraceId IO
components =
addFun newApp
<: addFun (newBookingEventListener @TIO)
<: addFun (newAvailabilitiesEventListener @TIO)
<: addFun (newEventListener @TIO)
<: addFun (newApi @TIO)
<: addFun (newBookingRepository @TIO)
<: addFun (newDatabase @TIO)
<: addVal (EventListenerConfig [uri|https://kafka/bookings])
<: addVal (DatabaseConfig "postgres://database" 5432)
The monad you use should be more or less isomorphic to ReaderT Env IO
to allow your components to access IO
and benefit from libraries for async computations, retrying,
or controlling resources.