Ready-to-use and customizable Authentications and Oauth2 management for FastAPI ⚡
Source Code:
Add a Fully registration and authentication or authorization system to your FastAPI project. AuthX is designed to be as customizable and adaptable as possible.
This branch relates to development of authx V1 which is not yet ready for production use.
If you're a Authx user, you probably want either Authx V0.9 Documentation or, 0.X.X-fix git branch.
- Support Python 3.8+.
- Multiple customizable authentication backend:
- JWT authentication backend included
- JWT encoding/decoding for application authentication
- Automatic detection of JWTs in requests:
- JWTs in headers
- JWTs in cookies
- JWTs in query parameters
- JWTs in request bodies
- Cookie authentication backend included
- JWT authentication backend included
- middleware for authentication and authorization through JWT.
- Extensible Error Handling System.
- Using Redis as a session store & cache.
- Support HTTPCache.
- Support Sessions and Pre-built CRUD functions and Instance to launch Redis.
- Support Middleware of pyinstrument to check your service performance.
- Support Middleware for collecting and exposing Prometheus metrics.
Note: Check Release Notes.
Here is a simple way to kickstart your project with AuthX:
from fastapi import FastAPI, Depends, HTTPException
from authx import AuthX, AuthXConfig, RequestToken
app = FastAPI()
config = AuthXConfig(
JWT_TOKEN_LOCATION = ["headers"],
auth = AuthX(config=config)
def login(username: str, password: str):
if username == "xyz" and password == "xyz":
token = auth.create_access_token(uid=username)
return {"access_token": token}
raise HTTPException(401, detail={"message": "Invalid credentials"})
@app.get("/protected", dependencies=[Depends(auth.get_token_from_request)])
def get_protected(token: RequestToken = Depends()):
return {"message": "Hello world !"}
except Exception as e:
raise HTTPException(401, detail={"message": str(e)}) from e
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Yasser Tahiri 💻 📖 🚧 🚇 |
Abderrahim SOUBAI-ELIDRISI 👀 📖 |
Ismail Ghallou 💻 🛡️ |
talentuno LLC 💵 |
Cactus LLC 💵 |
MojixCoder 💻 🐛 |
Stéphane Raimbault 💻 🔌 |
theoohoho 📖 |
Yogesh Upadhyay 🐛 |
Roman 🐛 |
Alvaro Lopez Ortega 📖 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.