This project a good example implements python async service gateway.
The project operates under the MIT license, which not only facilitates its use in commercial and open-source projects but also encourages further development and sharing within the community.
Before diving into the details, let's go through the steps required to set up the project:
Isolation is key to maintaining a clean and organized development environment. By creating a virtual environment, you ensure that the project's dependencies don't interfere with your system-wide packages.
$ cp .env.example .env
$ vim .env
$ docker-machine create --driver virtualbox smsmanager
$ eval $(docker-machine env smsmanager)
$ docker swarm init --advertise-addr YOUR_MACHINE_IP
After create machine should be create or connect to your registry. can you read more information Docker Register
$ docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart always --name registry registry:2
$ docker compose -f docker-swarm.yml build
$ docker compose -f docker-swarm.yml push
$ docker stack deploy -c docker-swarm.yml smsgateway
Before run this command set your gateways data in
file and run this command
$ curl -X POST YOUR_MACHINE_IP/seed-data
$ docker compose exec app pytest
You can install postman and import postman file.
docker plugin install --grant-all-permissions weaveworks/net-plugin